
Half-blood Birthright

*****WARNING: This series contains themes of abuse, rape, torture, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, self-harm, and toxic relationships. I suggest a use of caution when reading this series.***** ~~Book 3 of Half-blooded series~~ Rose wakes up from her locked mind to find that her brother is missing, is being tortured because she left the Heaven realm, and that her demon of a father is still alive, but if she tells anyone what she knows, she will have to watch her newfound family be ripped apart. Her every move is being monitored, and she must learn to control her powers and unite both her kingdoms. Week faces a tough situation. The girl who he's protected her whole life is both his promised and he is her soulmate. He knows that she doesn't feel fondly of him, yet he can't help but feel pulled into her. The question that bounces around his mind is how to convince her that he does care and how to help her escape her darkness that is swallowing her whole. Levi never wanted this. He never asked to be here, all he wanted was to see Rose again, yet he was sucked into a world he couldn't imagine if he wanted to. Michael forces him to stay silent and be a good child and heir to him. If he fails to listen or makes one wrong move, he gets abused and tortured in the dungeon. No one can hear him screaming for help except his sister in their shared dreamscape. ***Original version of the story, series currently being rewritten by AngelXDemon***

LiviLove · Fantasy
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27 Chs

5: dramatic


Tick. Tick. Tick.

I had never felt such fear for Week finding things out before.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Did I want him to be my knight in shining armor or did I want someone to notice what was making me this way?

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Not even my sister had noticed my pain, and she could feel my emotions. She had been able to since she became like me.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

What even were we?

Tick. Tick. Silence.

I glanced up at the clock in my room. The pendulum had stopped in the middle of a swing to the right, levitating itself to the side.


I walked over and opened the small door to the pendulum. Its sounds always brought me peace and solace, now I needed it's sounds to calm myself down.

Silence. Stomp. Stomp.

My body froze in fear at the sound of someone walking towards my door. Just as suddenly as the clock stopped it rang.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.

I felt the freezing of the blood in my veins as a shadow appeared under the crack to the door.

Tick. Knock. Tick.

The knocking rang throughout my room and I whimpered in response. Only Zayn did that slow knock.

Tick. Tick. Creak.

I rolled to my heels and prepared to run if he came in here. To do something against him. I won't let him contaminate me anymore.

Creak. Tick. Tick.


Tick. Tick. Silence.

I looked up to see William before me. He surprised me with his presence.


The tall boy in front of me gave me a soft smile, and opened his arms, as if he knew I needed comfort. I felt the tears start slipping as I ran into him. I heard him chuckle

Silence. Safe. Warm.

"Levi found a way to contact me and said to come to you," he started and pulled away. He did a similar action to what Levi would have done and wiped my tears away from my eyes and bent down to eye level with me.

"Of course he would," I said, humor laced in my words. "Did he say why, or should I fill you in?"

"I know already, Rose. I know."

Tears started again and William pulled me back into him and let me sob.

Soft. Comforting. Safe.

"How have you been feeling? Any morning sickness?" He asked before kissing my forehead, feeling for a fever.

"None, Mauraline is being good to me. I'm about two weeks in, which will be compared to two months human time," I replied.

"Good. I'd like to go over our plans for her birth and after that again if you don't mind," he said, pulling away from me.

I walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. I patted the spot next to me.

"Here's the plan."

Tick. Tick. Tick.



I growled as Zayn walked back into his room. He froze in the door way and looked over at me.

"You better have a damn good reason why you're impersonating Levi," I said.

Zayn's version of Levi looked over at me. The golden eyes showed me the rage that he had been found out, that's what confirmed my suspicions.

"What are you talking about, Week? It's me, Levi, Rose's--"

"Don't even bother finishing that statement and tell me why you're here," I growled out. The boy stood silent. "Did I stutter, Zayn?"

Using the demon aura projection was normally considered a dick move, but Zayn deserved more than the aura-fueled mind control.

"I'm here under orders of my father and Michael," he replied. I pushed my aura father into his brain. He was being cryptic. I watched the panic flash in his eyes before the silver washed over him. His body instantly relaxed and I knew I had him under my spell in that moment.

"Why don't you have a seat, Zayn?" I asked, and he immediately obeyed. His glamour dropped as he sat down on the bed. Perfect.

"Why did they send you, Zayn?" I asked, knowing if I got aggressive at this point, he would break away from my control and it would be harder to get him back.

"At first, it was to keep Rosalina under the serum until we figured out what to do with her."

I could feel my protective nature kicking in, but I swallowed it down. He was my complete opposite, the angel version of my demon, I needed to be careful how I acted so his powers wouldn't kick me out yet.

"At first?"

"Then they decided Michael was going to die either way, so they told me to keep Levi's position here as they put him into an angel vessel."

I felt my nails digging into my palms at his words. So that was where they had Levi, he was trapped in the Heaven Realm.

"Then they found out that his demon was stronger than they originally expected, so they took his voice away until I completed my new job," he said, his eyes having a swirl of gold appear in them. I pushed it back into the depths of his mind and watched the silver completely take over his eyes.

"What was your new job?" I asked and struggled against Zayn's powers fighting back against my hold. He was fighting harder about this question than all the others.

"I was to get Rosalina to have a new heir. A strong-blooded male who could Michael could groom into the perfect new ruler."

"How were you planning on doing that?" I asked, rage coursing through my veins more than ever now. I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want to believe it was true.

"I've raped her daily since she's woken up."

All I saw after that was darkness as my demon slipped into control.



Rose rippled to life before me. She had us in an amusement park today.

"I guess William got there well then?" I asked and watched her face light up. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

"Yes! How did you come up with such a good plan? And why choose William? This could put him danger, you know." Rose ranted, sounding just like her old self, ranting off about nothing.

"I know, and he does too. I asked him to send someone else, but he insisted that he could do this. Just be careful, okay?" I said, mussing up her hair and watched the smile appear on her face.

"I will!" she replied and I felt relief that she was so relaxed. I knew this wouldn't last long. Zayn had left for there last night and would be there today.

"Why don't you and I go enjoy the amusement park?" I asked, only to receive and excited cheer and her dragging me to the rides she loved.

If only this could last forever, but I knew it couldn't. She knew it too.

War was coming.

And it was going to be our fault.