
Half-blood Birthright

*****WARNING: This series contains themes of abuse, rape, torture, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, self-harm, and toxic relationships. I suggest a use of caution when reading this series.***** ~~Book 3 of Half-blooded series~~ Rose wakes up from her locked mind to find that her brother is missing, is being tortured because she left the Heaven realm, and that her demon of a father is still alive, but if she tells anyone what she knows, she will have to watch her newfound family be ripped apart. Her every move is being monitored, and she must learn to control her powers and unite both her kingdoms. Week faces a tough situation. The girl who he's protected her whole life is both his promised and he is her soulmate. He knows that she doesn't feel fondly of him, yet he can't help but feel pulled into her. The question that bounces around his mind is how to convince her that he does care and how to help her escape her darkness that is swallowing her whole. Levi never wanted this. He never asked to be here, all he wanted was to see Rose again, yet he was sucked into a world he couldn't imagine if he wanted to. Michael forces him to stay silent and be a good child and heir to him. If he fails to listen or makes one wrong move, he gets abused and tortured in the dungeon. No one can hear him screaming for help except his sister in their shared dreamscape. ***Original version of the story, series currently being rewritten by AngelXDemon***

LiviLove · Fantasy
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Opening my eyes took longer than I had expected it to, but I expected the pain of hunger and numbness.

I absentmindedly touched my stomach where my daughter was slowly developing and making her way into a world of darkness. This is not what I had planned for my life.

My plan had always to one day marry Lizzie and live happily until I died, but things changed the moment Week walked back into my life.

Week. Xaphan. They were one and the same, demons always gave names different from what they were born with to emphasize with human emotions and our human sides.

Lizzie. My first love, my first abuser. The memories I had always treasured blurred together when I tried to recall them. I can't remember the first time it happened anymore or when the first time Lizzie hit me was, but the chains never stopped tightening after.

Thinking back now, was Lizzie ever my first love? Did she ever love me back? If she had decided to fight for our relationship, would life be different now?

Would I still be with her, accepting abuse as if I deserved every second? Would I still fight for her against Levi and Angel saying even if she hurt me, I would always still love her and she loved me back? Would Levi still be here?

Would Michael ever have found me or Angel?

All of this ran through my head before one question echoed off the walls: what did I do to deserve the abuse I went through?


I opened the box to the pregnancy test when I stepped into the bathroom and stared at the positive result. I did this weeks ago, and yet Zayn only found it last night when I did this exact same thing.

My baby. His baby. One and the same thing.

I wanted to save my Mauraline from this pain, but I failed her, just like I continued to fail myself every time I fought back against him and lost.

I reached my hand out and slid my finger along the blade of the kitchen knife I had swiped. It was covered in my crimson colored blood that was caked and flaking off.

I could still save her, by never letting her exist.

I shook away the thought and pulled away from the blade. I wouldn't condemn my daughter to not existing, even if my bad would bleed into her pure soul.

I walked back into my room and pulled an oversized shirt and a pair of leggings from the dresser. I got dressed as silently as I could, I didn't want to face anyone yet, not after Zayn's departure last night. He would be back to monitor me, but he needed to make sure that he was being implemented as the heir and his child as the sole heir when Michael finally died.

A tiny laugh exited me as I thought of it. Michael, finally dead. My torture, Levi's torture, Angel's torture all finally over.

How I longed for it so.



I knew she was awake, I could practically feel her alert, but I didn't rush for her. I continued to sit in this room, contemplating my next move. I could tell them all that he wasn't Levi, but without significant proof, I was on my own. Grace would help if she could, but I knew better than to ask for something that could kill her in the end.

The next question was about the whereabouts of Levi. It's obvious for all these months we've been here, we never had him with us. Just when we had thought everything was over with them, they make it much worse than it already was.

I heard the sound of a door squeaking down the hall. The almost-silent footsteps were heading towards the kitchen. I stepped to the door and watched Rose slip into the door at the end of the hall, quietly shutting it behind her.

I crept down the hall after her, careful not to make a sound until I reached the door. I opened it and peeked in. Inside, Rose was sitting at the bar, looking to be lost in thought.

"Are you hungry, Rosie Girl?" I asked, a teasing tone in my voice. She looked up startled and nodded her head. "Let me cook something for both of us, okay?"

She looked like she was going to protest, but instead calmed down and sat silently as I began to work.

I never really cooked when I was home, but my mom wanted me to know how to cook just in case I ever needed to. I sent a silent thanks to her before placing the food on plates.

"It's a cheese and bacon omelet, so I hope it's okay," I said before taking a bite of my own. I watched her hesitantly pick up the fork and take a bite. As she did, her eyes lit up and seemed to be slightly glowing again before she continued eating. I was only a quarter of the way done with mine when she was done.

"Can I have another one?" she asked. I smiled and began to work again, taking mouthfuls when I had a chance.

I finished and gave her a new one, this one slightly bigger than the last one. She ate it almost as fast as the other one and I gave her a small smile.

"What's funny?" she asked, a mischievous glint lighting her eyes.

"Nothing, but this is the most alive and eating I've seen you in a while. What's new, Rosie Girl?" I asked. I watched the light that she had finally gained back disappear at my words. I internally slapped myself and let my smile slip.



I wanted to growl at him. I wanted to beat him. I wanted to kill him. He hurt Rose so many times that she only saw herself as broken. I flinched at the amount of violence in my mind. Somehow, I ended up seeing Week in front of me instead of Zayn.

"What's new, Rosie Girl?" he asked and I jumped back, but my body didn't move.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it," I said. I recognized the voice as Rose's. I was in Rose's head, how did I manage that?

I could feel sadness and fear creeping in Rose's veins and I knew immediately what was wrong. She feared that Week somehow found out everything.

That he knew she was broken.

"Are you sure?" he asked and Rose nodded.

"Okay, go on back to bed, Rosie girl. It's only three in the morning," he added before heading to the door. He paused and looked back at Rose, flashing her a small smile.

Did I just feel her heart flutter?