

A boy tries to pay off his family's debt to a yakuza who is too strict and cruel. but because his family was penniless, the YAKUZA took him under their wing and forced him to do terrible things for them. and with that, the boy's peaceful life came to an end

Ramona_Syifa · Urban
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1 Chs


what are they like? they are yakuza members and both are quite dangerous. but ran is a more serious type while rindo is a more fun type. they both wore regular yakuza outfits biut in different colors. Ran's clothes are black while Rindo's clothes are pink. Reo fell asleep and did not wake up a few days later... while you were sleeping... you heard a loud knock on your door. and it ran and ran again. but... this time... they didn't come to collect the money. they come to tell you to go with them

.until now you don't know the cause. You are confused and frustrated. but what can you do? You are scared and have no choice. You followed them... and now you are where you least expect it. YAKUZA headquarters again. Rindou: hello, son. We didn't mean to wake you up but... I think you'd better listen first. when he said that. ran's expression became serious.. but not as scary as before.. so what do they want from you now? obviously they are not there to collect money you owe What's that? i will listen Ran: we're actually here to... tell you about our family.

he said that before Rindou chuckled.. what does that mean?? what does it mean to you to be in their YAKUZA FAMILY?? What's wrong with your family? Rindou: Let's just say... we need you in our yakuza clan when he said that. ran gives you a wink.. what do they mean by that? Good Rindou : we don't have much time, so hurry up and make a decision, okay? say it fast.. do you want to join our family? - "Yes or no" Well I don't mind! Rindou: hehe.. then you are always welcome the moment he said that, run started to put an even bigger smile on his face

Ran: I still have this hand. don't try anything funny, okay? Here please take the master and we are done as you say it. rindo smiled and took the 10 million yen cash. (this is 1/4 of the original debt) when you are about to leave, Ran stops you. he still had his gun What else is there, sir? Ran: You still owe us about 300 million yen. which means... you have to work for us. or we will have another way. when he said that, ridou chuckled. Reo ran away Ran: Where do you think you're going? You think you can run away and not pay your debts? as that was said, Rindou blocked the door with her body

he said before getting back on his bike and leaving together You think you can earn money in 10 days!? you are quite shocked about how Ran said that right now you are in a dire situation.. you only have 1 choice... which you don't want to do but have to do... ask your family for help you don't want to but you have no choice. I just remembered!! I have 300 million, don't I remember I have money when I win tournaments when I play games, thank God! when you realize it, a glimmer of hope appears on your face. And now, you don't have to ask your family for help, which means you won't let them down now. And you take 300 million and keep it in your house You go to your room and take all the money in the bag when you were about to go out, you realized. how did you get to the yakuza headquarters without them knowing about it first? Isn't this business having to clear the permits or anyone!? You stress about it. and decide to sneak out using the backyard and jump through lots of houses until you get to the base when you arrive at the YAKUZA headquarters. You see lots of vehicles, all yakuza. and they all had their big guns with them. and then you get a little goosebumps when you see run and miss waiting for you Let's finish this! Ran: hey, finally! when they said that, ran immediately took out his gun and pointed it at you Ran: now. where is our money son? he said that in a threatening manner, but with a smirk on his face This!! And take it!! like you said, you showed running your bag with 300 million yen Ran: Hmmm. he said as he took the bag from you and started counting the money Yes, and our business is done Haitani Ran: yup. you are free to go son...

he said that in a threatening manner, but with a smirk on his face This!! And take it!! like you said, you showed running your bag with 300 million yen Ran: Hmmm. he said as he took the bag from you and started counting the money Yes, and our business is done Ran: yup. you are free to go son... as he said that, ridou chuckled before a slap ran to the back of his head Ran: ouch! Hi!.. I don't know if I'll go first Ran: of course. Goodbye now. have a nice day when they said they stayed away and saw you leaving yakuza headquarters. but you noticed something. the way he smiles. that's suspicious. like he had a dirty plan in mind. Reo who just got home and fell asleep finally you come home. a place you always come back to. it's peaceful. no yakuza. no debt to pay. nothing dangerous. You suddenly feel the need to sleep and go to your room to rest after a long time awake and doing a lot to pay off your yakuza debts. Fall asleep and forget this incident