
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 9

Today was the day we play against Meijo. We headed to the stadium and warmed up.Before we started I asked everyone if they remember the plan. They replied that they do.

After that the match started. Meijo won the toss and decided to serve. The serve came over and Aomine received it. The ball came to me and I set the ball to Totsubo who jumped up for the spike. A blocker came into view but Totsubo blasted through giving us the point.


The plan was going pretty well. With it in place I decided that it was time.

" Shoyo we are doing that. "

" Nii san you mean??? "

" Yes it is time. "

When the ball came over to me Shoyo was in the air ready to spike it. I sent the ball over and he spiked it down in a second.

" Yes !!!" Me and Shoyo yelled.


"Hey did you see that?? " Person A says.

" A bit. They got the point but what was that??"


Meijos coach saw this happen.

' Was that a fluke or was it the real deal??? '

" Hey coach what was that?? " A student on Meijo side asks.

" From what I saw it was a quick. "

" A quick??!!"

" Yes a quick. "


" Damn what was that?? "

" A really fast quick. Alright listen up I'll try to stop that quick so focus on others. " the read blocker says. ' Damn that was fast. I couldn't even react to it. "


" Looks like the quick did it's job. " Tendou says.

" Your right. It's now time to mess them and get the win. " I said with a devil smile.

" Ohhh I know. This is going to be fun. "

We then start to chuckle evilly for a few seconds before stopping.

The match continued and we dominated the court. The quick made Shoyo the centre of attention so every time I got the ball I sent it to him and we got a point. This continued until the middle blocker caught up. However I anticipated this so I sent it to aomine who spiked it down.

" What ???!!!" The middle blocker yelled. Oh that was good for my soul. That quick made Shoyo a decoy and we used to our advantage.We won the first set.

The second set was even easier. They were all focused on Shoyo so we used the misdirection to make them confused. We bombarded them attacks while most of their attacks were stopped by our blockers. The ones that got past them got received.

We ended up winning the match.


After the match I went to observe our next oppenent. The match was between Shutoku middle school and Too middle school.

The winner ended up being Shutoku. They are a problem. They have many tall players on there team which makes it harder when it comes to spikes since there height gives them the advantage. However I noticed that there movements wasted most of there energy. They use more energy. This works for us since we have that quick attack. Not only that but most have the same problem like the guy we faced back in our first year. They always spike the ball in the direction there bodies facing. This will make it easier for Tendou to block there shots as he can easily read where the shots are going. I make my plan to take them and back to the others. Once I reach there I see Shoyo and Tendou playing rock paper scissors.

" One more time sempai. I will beat you. "

" You are a hundred years to early young padawon. "

Tendou then sees me coming back.

" I'm guessing you already made your plan. "

" Of course I have. Otherwise that torture was for nothing. "

" True. "

I then explain them the plan.


It was bow time the match. We headed to the court and did our warm ups as usual.

The match then started with Teiko getting to serve. I served to the other side and made it so when they received it the ball would come back to our side. Once it came back I immediatly set it Shoyo who spiked it down.

" There it is. That super fast quick!!! " Someone in audience yelled.

' Well the plan is starting. Dai chan sure is scary. But that's why its fun to play with him. ' Tendou thinks.


With that the dissembling began. We kept it up and made them go in the way we wanted them to.

Shutoku tried to retaliate but there advances were cut off. Tendou was on fire. He blocked almost all of the shots getting points or one touches. Kagame Aomine and Totsubo took care of the defence. Aomine and Totsubo also took care of attacking.

I set the ball to Aomine to get the point. To throw the team off Shoyo acted as the decoy.


It was game point with us in the lead. Shutoku didn't give up though and sent the ball towards us. Aomine received the ball. Shutoku were looking at me to see where the ball would go. So leaned my body a bit forward to make it look like I was going to it send to Totsubo. They fell for it so I used a setter dump for the point.

" What???!!!! " Shutokus blocker yelled.

" Look at that. A setter dump!!!! " Person A yells.

The audience was shocked as was Shutoku.

The second set was almost the same. Shutoku were trying to use there height to score but Tendou and I shut them down to narrow there choices for spikes.

We kept up the momentum and won the match.


After walking off the court. We went to the seats to check for our next oppenent. Our next oppenent is Seirin middle school. It seems we will have a rematch. There second and third years mostly stayed the same. They don't have any interesting first years. However there defence and teamwork is really good.

I then came up with my plan on the way back to school. Once we get back to the gym we started our meeting.

" Alright Daiki tell us your plan. " Ms Yama says.

" There defence and teamwork is really good. Our plan will be to break up there defence using misdirection and time delayed attacks."

I also told them where to move and actions to take so that we can manipulate them to get points. Once the plan was finished we all went home.

On the way i was thinking of the pairings. If we win this match we will go to the quarter finals to face either Chidoriyama or Rakusan.

" No no. I am facing Seirin first. I'll worry about them later. "

After getting home. I spent time with Natsu and mom. She actually came home early this time from work. After that I went to sleep.