
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 41

The sun slowly rose up but it wasn't high enough to wake anyone up except for a orange haired teen.

Daiki got up from the floor when he was knocked out.

' Note to self. Never piss off Akashi. Fuck need some coffee.'

Daiki then got up and stretched a little. You could hear some of his bones cracking. Once done he headed towards the bathroom. His eyes had bags under them and he had a blank expression.

The expression didn't change at all. When he was brushing his teeth they didn't change in the slightest.

When he opened the door he was meet with the face of Kuroo. Like Daiki he also had bags under his eyes while also having a blank expression. They stared at each other while having a conversation without moving their mouths.

' Coffee? '

' Coffee. '

Daiki then walked away to the kitchen to make some coffee while Kuroo did exactly what Daiki did before.

As Daiki entered the kitchen he grabbed the coffee and made some decaff. Once finished he took it and put in two different cups. He grabbed the milk and added it.

Using his cooking skills he made a cat for Kuroo on his coffee while he had a crow.

' Cliche but at this point I don't give a fuck. '

Kuroo then walked in. He went to the counter and took the cup of coffee. He looked at the cat before taking a sip of the coffee. He had a bit of a reaction but because of his mood his body just decided not to orgasm.

After finishing his coffee Daiki decided to make pancakes. He took out all the ingredients and started making the batter.

While making them he decided to talk to Kuroo.

" Hey Kuroo. Want to watch RWBY? " Kuroo looked at him.

" You mean the US animated show that's not anime. "

" Yep. "

" The one with the four girls as main character's. "

" Yep. "

" The one where all the weapons are part gun."

" Yep. "

" Sure I'm in. "

" Great. Go get the laptop. I'll just finish with breakfast. "

" Got it. "

Kuroo then left and cane back with the laptop. When he got back he saw some pancakes on the counter.

They were stacked on top of each other and looked fluffy. They had berries on the side while having a piece of butter on top.

Kuroo looked at it for a few seconds with drool coming from the side of his mouth.However he noticed three plates. He looked around and say Daiki talking to Kenma.

" Oh brought the laptop. "

Daiki looked at him.

" Cool. "

Kuroo walked up to them.

" So what were talking about. "

" Video games. " Daiki said.

" Mainly on the more of FNAF. "

" Sigh the lore of that series is like a labyrinth."Kuroo said.

" True. There's so many things and it keeps on going. "

" Yep. "

" Anyway let's watch RWBY. "Kuroo said.

" I'll bring the pancakes. " Daiki said.Kenma turned to Kuroo.

" This show is the one where all the weapons are part gun right? "

" Yep. "

" Okay I'm watching it with you. "

" More the merrier. " Daiki said as he put the pancakes on the table.

They then started to watch the first few episodes of volume one.They wanted to watch more but it was getting close to the time the others woke up for practice.

They then headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

" All i got from watching is that Ozpin is a stalker. " Kenma said.

" He is. He has cameras in the forest and he may have cameras in the students dorms." Daiki said.

" At that point he is also a pedo, perv and many other things. " Kuroo says.

" So what weapon would you make in that world? " Kenma asks.

After that they headed towards the gym to warm up a bit. Soon the others came and everyone lined up for practice.