
Haikyuu: Murasakibara?

Murasakibara in Haikyuu. What more do you need? AN: Things are rough at the beginning but I would like to think that it gets better as the chapters go on. This is not beta read so you may see some mistakes.

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13 Chs

Nekoma Rematch

The matches were quite easy for Fukurodani. The 3 days went by quickly and they got into semi finals. Itachiyama had already completed their semi finals and had won against Nohebi.

Fukurodani had to beat Nekoma to move onto finals. Their wins against Nekoma in the training camp had increased their confidence. Instead of creating a plan to deal with them, they decided to play as usual. They decided to go all out from the start and adapt to the scenarios as they came.

The game started and Fukurodani immediately got a lead. They kept increasing the lead forcing Nekoma to go on the offensive. Nekoma were caught off gaurd but they soon recovered. Unfortunately Lev Haiba got over enthusiastic and was not in sync with the setter.

By the time Kuroo got Nekoma under control Fukurodani were leading 17-11. They took a time out and let Lev Haiba relax and calm down.


"They caught us off gaurd huh?" Kuroo said.

Kenma replied, "We could have stopped them earlier but Lev got a little jumpy."

Kuroo went behind Lev and hit his head hard, "Calm down newbie, follow the team."

"You don't have to hit me so hard for that!" Lev yelled and turned to Kenma, "Are we going to attack?"

Kenma replied, "No, we will not. We will try to stretch the first set. We will not give away our plays so early. Force Bokuto to hit only straight since he seems to be good at it. When attacking reduce the dinks and feints. Let them get a bit too confident on their blocks.

We will lose this set but the next set will be ours."

Lev replies, "I still think we should go on offense."

"That's why thinking is not your job. Let our brain do that work." Yaku laughs.


The time out ended and they put their plan in motion. Fukurodani didn't catch on to it and were slightly oblivious. They soon won the first set with a good lead 25:19

The next set started well but things quickly went off the rail. Bokuto was shut down and his straight shot wasn't working. Nekoma started using a lot more feints as well which broke their formation.

A little while later Bokuto finally broke revealing the fact that he forgot how to hit his cross shots. Nekoma put another plan into motion. They replaced Lev with Inouka and started to go for speed plays.

While Murasakibara could keep up, the others couldn't and they fell behind. They shifted from bunch shift to a more spread out block. This seemed to be the main problem of their block. They always reacted a bit too slow since they read their own blocker and not the setter.

Akaashi was working on bringing Bokuto back into form so the others tried to stall for time. Murasakibara was doing a good job and always managed to get the correct person. They were times when he slowed due to Kenma's feints but he kept up. He could let his monster out but his team wasn't ready for it yet.

The team itself showed their improvement. They showed that they were not completely dependent on their two players by stopping Nekoma from increasing the lead.

Akaashi finally forced Bokuto to hit a cross shot.They regained their ace who started scoring more points. Murasakibara was pushing them slowly to see how far he could go. They finally tied their score with Nekoma and were close to taking the lead.

Surukui finally showed the results of his practice during the last few months. With his combination of spike serve and jump floater he managed to take two service aces in a row. Unfortunately the third one went towards Yaku who managed to get the serve up easily. They tried for a quick but Murasakibara caught up. He did crash into the other blocker due to his speed but he managed to block the spike.

The set got even more intense when Kuroo started going for more kill blocks. They stepped up their defense while Fukurodani going more offensive.

"Can you set it more high?" Murasakibara asked.

Akaashi replied, "Usually a middle blocker goes for speed but if that's what you want the sure."

Most of Murasakibara's spike dealt with speed since he mostly plaed defense. For the first time Murasakibara showed his power. Ever since the 3v3 in the beginning his power had drastically increased. He had finally managed to get used to the game and felt confortable with spiking.

Akaashi set a high spike and Atsushi took a few steps back. With a few long strides he reached the net and with the jump and power of Thor's hammer he spiked above the triple block and easily broke Yaku's defense.

His beast hidden deep within him was roaring at the display in power. He wanted to keep going but unfortunately for him-

"There we have it folks. Fukurodani sweeps Nekoma 2-0 and moves onto the finals." The commentator says.

He had scored the final point winning them the match. [25:19, 25:23, 2-0]


The teams lined up and started shaking each others hand. Nekoma hadn't lost completely since they had another chance. They could still move onto nationals if they win against Nohebi. On the other hand Fukurodani were ecstatic. They had a guaranteed ticket to Nationals and the chance to win Nationals.

They soon left the court with Fukurodani heading back to the school. They had to rest for the day since the finals was tomorrow. The coach had congratulated them and gave them some material to go over. They were against Itachiyama who were the favourites to win. They had made a big name for themselves in the Nationals and had won the Interhigh by defeating Inarazaki.

Fukurodani had a practice match with them before the Interhigh but they would have definitely changed after competing in the Nationals. Their finals would be the toughest one they would have.

AN: I know Murasakibara is much taller. I reduced it and he still is one of the tallest in Haikyuu universe.

I need a bit of help. What should I do-

a. Change the pairing to make them fight Karasuno early on.

b. Follow canon.

c. Change things so they would fight later once Karasuno is powered up.

d. Something else.