
Hadrian Peverell in Shadow and Bone

Harry Potter after the war tried of the Wizarding world jumps through the veil to a new world of Shadow and Bone.

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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63 Chs

Chapter 4

Sirius actually adopted Harry as his Son,it was something Harry wished in his previous world.The adoption was mainly because of the fact Sirius felt he had a connection with Hadrian and their is an issue him not being able to produce an heir because of an injury.This not many wanted to marry him and those that did wanted his wealth.Also being Grisha was not ideal too.

Hadrian learned about how Grisha was treated it reminded him about his previous world.


Hadrian was now looking at the Map of Grisha and questioned"So outside of Ravka Grisha are treated badly?"

Sirius shook his head and replied"Not everywhere in Novyi Zem, Grisha are referred to as zowa, meaning "blessed". There are teachers in the west where many zowa are sent to train.While in Ravka

relies on Grisha for safety against its enemies. The Second Army is made up entirely of Grisha .Although Grisha fight most of Ravka's wars and inflict the most damage upon enemies, they are still considered witches and corrupt sorcerers and regarded with suspicion and distrust by many, including those who serve in the First Army.It is really dark world."

Hadrian frowned and thought"So even after everything they done people of Ravka still doesn't trust them."

Sirius pointing at the country of Fjerda said" In Fjerda Grisha are still considered witches and are hunted by drüskelle."he gestured to Kerch and continued"They are usually sold as slaves."

Sirius looking at Shu Han said"Grisha are experimented in Shu Han".

Hadrian could easily see the parallels between the two worlds although when Magical were ousted in his previous world many accepted,the only ones that didn't was the religious and power hungry ones.

Flashback ended

Then came the issue of about Hadrian's powers it was an anomaly who was from all the three class of a Grisha.Then there is the fact he was living Amplifier making him one of the most powerful Grisha to live.

Sirius watching Hadrian with awe said"It is amazing how you could easily be classified as a

Corporalki, Etherealki or Materialki."

Sirus had seen him do healing,transfiguration and configuration.It was amazing for him to see all this.

Sirius then asked"Do the sun summoning?"

Hadrian nodded and performed variation of Lumos he created it was ball of light floating on the palm of his hand.Hadrian simply increased his magic output as glow begins to get so bright that it lights up the room.

Hadrian decided to show Sirius his patronus,

A blast of light bursts from his hand, soars out it was fiery silver Stag it was galloping across the room.Sirius bathing in it's light actually felt happy content and really filled with hope.It was absolute opposite of what he felt when was going through the shadow fold.

Sirius with excitement questioned"What was that?"

Hadrian smiled and. replied"It's a guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings."

Sirius was really excited muttered"If I didn't know much about your abilities,I would have certainly thought it was Morozova's Stag."

Hadrian was curious asked"Morozova???"

Sirus nodded with smile and replied"Ilya Morozova, one of the first Grisha and one of the most powerful to ever have walked the Earth. As a Fabrikator of immense skill he created three living Amplifiers they were a white Stag,fiery bird and a sea whip."

Sirus ran to nearby shelf and picked a book opening it he showed it too Hadrian.The book had descriptions of these creatures the bird definitely was phoenix, sea whip was probably a sea serpent and finally the white stag.Hadrian was looking forward to seeing these creatures in real life.

Sirius was now looking at Hadrian as if he was Morozova's reincarnation.Hadrian was now curious about Ilya Morozova decided to check his grimoire for more information after all creating living Amplifiers that could be considered legends is very big achievement.