
Hadrian Peverell in Shadow and Bone

Harry Potter after the war tried of the Wizarding world jumps through the veil to a new world of Shadow and Bone.

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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63 Chs

Chapter 17

Nina who walking with Hadrian towards the Ice court explained""Hringkälla is coming,Hringkälla. It's the Day of Listening, when the new drüskelle are

initiated on the White Island.The Fjerdan royals throw a huge party with guests from

all over the world, and plenty of the entertainment comes straight from


Hadrian asked"Entertainment?"

Nina grinned and replied"Actors, dancers, a Komedie Brute troupe, and the best talent from the

pleasure houses of West Stave."

Hadrian smirked and said"So this the only day they let themselves loose."

Nina nodded replied "It's the one day a year they all stop acting so miserable and actually let themselves have a good time,Besides, only the drüskelle

live like monks."

The Ice Court was built from marble so white it almost glowed blue... It was impossible to tell what might be glass or ice or stone.The flawless, icy glass of the Ice Court was likely made by Fabrikators some time in Fjerda's distant past, though Fjerdans claimed it was constructed by a god or the Fjerdan Saint Sënj Egmond.

The northern road from the harbor to the Ice Court is approximately seven miles long.

Hadrian and Nina was looking at the big was as he held her hand out for Nina,who smiled and grabbed her hand as both disapparated,suddenly both are seen twisted and swirled into nothing within a swirling clear haze, accompanied with a loud rustling or rushing sound, while usually ending in a crack, as if they is being sucked into a vortex.

Then next thing both appeared on top of wall of Ice court,with Nina shaking her head and muttered"I am slowly getting used to this."

Hadrian grabbed her by the waist seeing she was dizzy,Nina who felt this grinned at Hadrian and whispered"Ohh my aren't you getting a little handsy."

Hadrian rolled his eyes and said"Nina focus where is the location of the Father and son?"

Nina gave pout and replied"The Ice Court is on a bluff overlooking the harbor at Djerholm. It's built in concentric circles, like the rings of a tree. First, the ringwall, then the outer circle. It's divided into three sectors. Beyond that is the ice moat, then at the center of everything, the White Island.The cliffs are unscalable, and the northern road is the only way in or out.The outer circle is split into three sectors: the prison, the drüskelle facilities, and the embassy, each with its own gate in the ringwall.The buildings of the outer circle surround the ice moat, and at the moat's center is the White Island, where the treasury and Royal Palace are."

Hadrian nodded as he already cast enough spell to make them undetected,but for safety purposes he told her to keep the invisibility cloak close.They both first decided to free the prisoners.

They passed through the showers and, instead of continuing to the

holding area, turned down a tight flight of stairs and the long dark hall that

led to the basement. They were under the main prison now, five storeys of

cellblock, prisoners, and guards stacked on top of them.Hadrian had expected the rest of the crew to be collecting demo supplies

in the big laundry room already. But all he saw were giant tin tubs, long

tables for folding, and clothes left to dry overnight on racks taller than he


Nina found the refuse room. It was smaller than the

laundry and stank of garbage. Two big rolling bins full of discarded

clothes were pushed against one wall, waiting to be burned.she could feel the

heat emanating from the incinerator as soon as they entered.

The noises grew as the guards clambered down the stairs, loud Fjerdan

reverberating off the walls. Nina held her breath, watching the door, hands

ready.Both dropped into a fighting stance, waiting

to see if the door would crash open. Instead, the guards continued on past

the landing, down to the next floor.When the sounds had faded,it seemed the muggle repelling charms were working.

Hadrian signalled to her, and they slipped back

out the door, closing it as silently as possible behind them, and continued

their ascent.Seven bells struck as they reached the top floor. One hour had passed

since they'd knocked out the prisoners in the holding area with sleeping spell,the place was hell.