
Hades in Marvel

MC dies, gets ROBed then becomes hades in marvel verse with a mishmash of others as well.

User_Not_Found · Movies
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21 Chs

14. Hades and Dream

(Just smut posted the next chapter if u want to skip)

Her fat ass bouncing on his long and girthy member she continues to moan with a primal delight, her entire being focused on coaxing out his seed. His large hand coming from behind to cup and grope her rock hard nipples, her pleasure rising even more from the stimulation. They continue to rub their bodies together, his large dick piercing deep into her innermost parts as her mind is fried with each thrust as she jumps on his phallus.

Her pussy was tight, that much was obvious from how it clings to his dick to the point it almost followed it outside and he could feel himself teetering on the edge of climax. With a final deep thrust, his veiny knot forced her folds wide and locked her down as his weighty balls clench, expelling his load deep in the ebony woman stuck on his lap. She moans in ecstasy and her limbs twitch as she feels her womb be absolutely flooded with his syrupy cum, all of it being safely stored in her baby factory.

They both sit there in his large and ornate room, breathing heavy breaths as his knot keeps her there, his hands roaming her body as they both come down from their high.

"Why don't we try another princess, It feels really good making them squeal."

The next moment the woman fades into sand and disappears a new one appears behind him on the bed. She looked like the Disney princess, Elsa wearing nothing but snow white lingerie with her panties leaving her pussy out in the open.

With slow movements she crawls up to him on all fours then drapes her lithe body around him, her hands on his neck she falls around him, her head landing on his lap right next to his beast like dick. Looking at it with hungry eyes she looks up at him, her turquoise eyes shining.

"How long do you plan on staying here?" She asks not expecting an answer, she leans in as she starts to pepper kisses along his length, sometimes giving it a loving smooch leaving her red lipstick as her personal signature. His expression slightly twitches as he receives her teasing, completely ignoring her inquiry.

Moving his hand from his side he lightly traces her back, slowly coming down as she shivers in anticipation. His large hand reaches her bubbly ass as he lightly molds it. Spreading her cheeks with two of his fingers he slowly puts his middle finger in her frosty cave. She moans on his dick as she engages in a long kiss with his tip, her cold mouth making his spine shiver at the strangely pleasant sensations. Due to being a god closely related to fire his internal body temperature was nearly a thousand degrees hot, so the cold of her body and mouth felt very good.

Releasing her kiss she once again speaks.

"My lord won't let you stay here forever, and I can't do this for much longer, I'm sure he's trying to figure a way to get you away as we fuck.." She looks back to his burly member deciding to suck it. Still lying sideways on his thigh, she opens her mouth as wide as she can, showing her perfect pearly white teeth. With slow movements she skillfully tries to take him down while trying to avoid her teeth scraping his girthy penis. But she doubted he would even feel it as pain, the sex fiend has had much smaller mouths, and much more teeth, so she wasn't too worried as she slowly took him deeper.

He moans as he feels her swallow around his member, the cold sensation of her throat completely contrasting the intense heat radiating from his volcanic shaft. His fingers continue to piston in and out of her tight frosty folds as he brings his other hand to her head. He grabs her white hair styled into a braid, and tangles it around his hand then grips her skull as he begins to 'assist' in task.

With one smooth push he shoves her wide eyed face into his crotch, only his knot stopping her nose from touching his base. A visible bump in her throat as his dick reaches almost to her stomach, tears streaming from her eyes as her body reacts to asphyxiation, the difference in body size proving too much. If this was real she would most likely die from her throat having been broken and her jaw would've been dislocated at the least.

With a breathy sigh he pulls her back, a shudder coming from him as he feels her tongue rub along his main vein.

"He'll have to come and get me himself before I even think of leaving." Shoving her back down before she can respond he begins to use her as a fleshlight while also fingering her with increased intensity, her pussy flooding the sheets as his large finger scrapes her inside. He shoves her face into his dick until he feels her shiver, her legs clamping shut, and her eyes close in pleasure as she cums from being used and abused. Pulling her spit and tear stained face off his dick while letting her ass go he stands up from the edge of his bed.

Knowing what he wants to do she repositions herself, the fluids on her face magically disappearing, she lays down, hands folded behind her back ready to be used like reigns with her face resting on a pillow and ass aimed at the sky she waits for the expected having done this thousands of times during her time here.

Ignoring her waiting arms he instead goes for her long braid while rubbing his already lubricated member along her folds. With one thrust he pierces her deep, a beastly moan escaping both of them as her chilly walls send blissful shivers down his spine his hot dick melting her brain.

She can feel his tip shove her womb and instinctively holds her stomach. If only he had tastes similar to his own size she wouldn't be so over-stimulated. Both their pleasure begins to ascend as he begins thrusting, with her pushing her ass against him with each pass, frost begins to build up where their skin connects but quickly gets melted away from his sheer body heat. The slapping of flesh the only sound withing the large room. She felt like she was melting in pleasure as his hot, fiery dick warmed up her frozen body, the heat from his sex organ alone was enough to make her feel fuzzy all over.

"Mhhhhh, Anh, fuck!" With that last word her pussy tightens as she limply lays into the pillow releasing a guttural moan, her pussy still getting plowed even through her orgasm as drool spills from her moaning mouth. Ice spreading from her hands tightly gripping the sheets as she holds on for dear life. The issue with having sex with a god, especially with one of his caliber was that they had near unlimited stamina and self-control. Something that was a deadly match when it came to a normal woman and his massive meat stick.

They both continue to fuck like wild beasts, sweat, cum, spit and other bodily fluids soaking into the bed sheets as he continues to pound her no matter how much she begs him to slow down or wait for her to recover, he knew they were fake cries no matter how much her body shuddered and twitched in ecstasy, her twat clenched him with increasing intensity throughout his onslaught.

Grabbing her thin waist he pulls her into his dick while thrusting with force. Enough to fully knot her in one go, a massive bulge visible on her stomach as she moans and groans for what she knows comes next.

'Oh f-fuck.'

With a groan from the giant man his balls quake as his dense seed explodes into her fertile garden, and if she was any normal being, no doubt impregnating her. Standing there with Elsa's doppelganger lying on the bed, her fit and toned lithe body locked in a doggy from his massive knot holding her nice ass up he looks around. It was a perfect copy of his real room, and if he wanted, it could be a perfect copy the the underworld too, the entire universe if he really stretched his imagination.

But he knows what it really is, what the 'woman' absently moaning as his spunk swishes around in her illusory womb is. With a spank to her white ass he pulls out with a audible *POP*, his orange, lava like cum spilling out a few seconds later.

'I guess I should wake up soon, but I really want to meet this Morpheus guy.' Smacking her ass once again, he falls onto his bed next to the woman moaning at the torrents of hot cum flowing out of her pussy.

'Plus, I think she could use a break after a century of non-stop sex.'