
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

Comicstorian · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

Chapter 4: Opening the Door to Freedom

In his previous life, Bell had read the novel "Harry Potter," but that was many years ago, and he couldn't even remember if he had finished the entire book.

After carefully recollecting, Bell realized that he only had vague memories of the first and second-grade plots. And he couldn't even be sure if his memories were correct. The only thing he was certain of was that trouble always seemed to follow every year at Hogwarts once he started attending.

However, Bell wasn't particularly concerned about it. He was facing a real world, and he was absolutely certain about that. Perhaps in reality, Voldemort had long ceased to exist.

Although he didn't understand why some aspects of this world matched the descriptions in the novel from his previous life, Bell didn't think he had entered the world of the book, nor did he consider himself the protagonist. As mentioned before, Bell didn't care much about his life in this world; he simply passed each day with indifference.

"Lym, do you know Voldemort?" Bell asked, feeling a bit bored and randomly picking a topic.

Upon hearing the question, Lym, the household elf, widened her eyes in shock. Bell was worried her eyeballs might pop out.

"M-m-master, that name—it's forbidden to say!" Lym trembled with her characteristic high-pitched voice.

"Oh? Why is that?" Bell asked nonchalantly.

He remembered that wizards were afraid to speak Voldemort's name, and there seemed to be a reason for it, but he couldn't recall why.

"Lym doesn't know, but everyone says so," she replied.

"Alright... Do you know Harry Potter?" Bell asked again.

"Yes, Lym knows. Everyone says Potter defeated the Dark Lord, causing him to lose his power. Everyone calls Harry Potter the 'Savior.'"

"How did Potter defeat the Dark Lord then? As far as I know, he should be a few months younger than me."

"Sorry, Master, Lym doesn't know. Lym has asked other house elves, but no one knows. But Dumbledore said Potter defeated the Dark Lord, and since the Dark Lord did disappear, everyone believes Dumbledore."

Unable to answer Bell's question, Lym felt extremely guilty. She looked at Bell with a despondent expression, hoping he wouldn't blame her.

Seeing Lym's reaction, Bell smiled nonchalantly and said, "Don't worry about it, it's just casual conversation."

"So, did the Dark Lord die?"

"Many people say he didn't die, that he will definitely come back. But the Ministry of Magic issued a statement saying he died. So Lym doesn't know if he really died."

The information Bell obtained from Lym matched the basics of his memories, which was... not very interesting!


Learning a foreign language was a very boring and tedious activity, and it also consumed a lot of mental and physical energy. For Bell, who was still a baby, studying for a while would make him feel very tired, almost falling asleep!

Therefore, in his spare time for this task, Bell was also simultaneously training to control his magic power as listed on his task list.

Although Bell didn't dislike the feeling of staying at home, he didn't want to stay indoors for the rest of his life. And not wanting to go out was completely different from not being able to go out.

In order to gain freedom as soon as possible, Bell conducted routine training every day to control his magic power.

Bell's training results were significant. After the first week of training, his parents... were forced to strengthen the seal barrier.

Thanks to Bell's relentless efforts, he successfully opened the door to freedom! The wall was broken...


Of course, Bell's parents unconditionally approved of his behavior. Even if it meant demolishing the entire castle, it was fine!

Yes, Bell lived in a castle. When he first learned this news, Bell was stunned. Was his family some kind of noble family?

However, because he had never left his room, Bell didn't know what his castle looked like or how big it was.

Upon learning that his family was not the kind of ordinary wizards who lived in villages and were seen everywhere, Bell became interested in his family's situation. He even specifically asked Lym to find records about the family and conducted a detailed investigation of his family's information.


Time quickly passed to the fifth year after Bell's birth, from a little baby to a big toddler.

In these five years, Bell hadn't stepped out of his bedroom at all. Every day, he played with toys, read books, and chatted with the house elves.

Even the most interesting toys would become boring after five years, so Bell threw away all the toys that once filled the room.

Now his room was filled with books. After exhausting his mind and body with training to control his magic power, Bell usually chose to read or listen to the house elves tell him some interesting stories to pass the time.

After several years of reading and studying, Bell had completely mastered the common knowledge of the wizarding world. He was also proficient in basic magical knowledge, such as the characteristics of various magical creatures and the effects of various potions.

And the most surprising change for Bell in these years was that his terminal illness had unexpectedly been cured! He no longer wanted to stay inside all the time!

Today, just today, shortly after Bell celebrated his fifth birthday, he finally succeeded in controlling his magic power as easily as waving his hand.

"Lym!" Bell shouted at the empty space in his bedroom.

With a 'pop,' the house elf Lym appeared in front of Bell. She was Bell's personal steward, responsible for arranging all aspects of his life. Compared to Bell's parents, her relationship with Bell was even deeper.

"Do you have any orders, Master?"

"Yes, I hope you can bring my parents here. I can control my magic power now and won't go out of control anymore, so... let me out—quickly!" Bell felt like he was going crazy. He didn't care where he went, he just didn't want to stay in this room anymore.

In recent times, he had been overeating due to depression. If this continued, his little belly would surely swell up.

"Really!? Master."

Lym's already large eyes widened even more.

"This is really great! You can finally go out!"

Lym screamed and burst into tears.

"Alright, Lym, don't cry."

Bell patted Lym's back to comfort her. "Hurry and bring my parents here. I can't wait to get out."

At this moment, Bell's heart felt joyous, something he hadn't felt in a long time.