

Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

satoukon · Fantasy
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157 Chs

Lets go to the beach

After they changed into their swimming attire they then go to the beach and do some beach activities while searching for the octopus Villain.

As they where swimming in the sea near the beach Helios noticed something, he saw a man under a beach umbrella sitting on a beach chair wearing a sun glasses but the noticeable things on that man was him looking at all of the gorgeous girls that was doing some beach activities he also noticed him staring at Aemie with a lustful look the moment she come out of the females changing room and he also felt his hateful gaze that actually want to kill him.

Although he could just killed that man that instantly for looking at Aemie with his perverted eyes but he didn't do it because he didn't want his wooing plan for Aemie to failed just because of some takoyaki and it would ruined the image he has been creating in Aemie's eyes so he needs an evidence that will prove that he was the octopus Villain that they were going to capture.

As they were now resting on the beach chair after the swimming activities, he was thinking on the possible plan that would legally enable him to torture the takoyaki villain the moment they captured him.

Then it can to him that he needs a bait and a good location to place the bait.

So he is going to use the other girls in the beach that had been doing some beach activities as his bait he isn't going to use Aemie for that kind of thing although it's also a great idea to use the suspension bridge effect but it's a double edge sword and he doesn't want to rely on luck just to get the girl that he wants.

As he keep track to the girls in the beach, Aemie saw him looking at them she was furious at Helios attitude she just thrown away her shame just wear that daring swimsuit although she was happy when she saw her stunned reaction when she wear the swimsuit but she just can't stop herself form being angry because he was checking on the other girls in the beach.

Out of anger she then started pinching Helios's side causing him to stop looking at the other girls in the beach and start screaming.


He then try to move away from her but she pinched his skin harder causing him to be unable to move away.

"Aàahhh, please stop pinching me it hurts" he beg her with a tearing eyes

She didn't stop pinching him because she didn't know why she was angry but her anger subside when she was pinching him.

As Helios was in pain ' I need to retaliate, I'm going to show her who's the alpha around!' he thought and then start hugging Aemie then he retaliate by pinching her two round buttocks causing Aemie to become shocked at what happened and stopping her into continuingly pinching Helios.

Helios was enjoying the feeling of her butt while his other free hand start rubbing her butt and massaging it.

Feeling that Helios rubbing her butt causes her come out of her stunned state then slap Helios in the face and then start walking to the Females changing room.

Being slap by Aemie, Helios was already expecting it to happened although he can stop her slap he didn't even try to stop it and let it hit him.

After Aemie walked into the females changing room Helios saw that the man that he was suspecting to be the octopus Villain suddenly stand up and then start walking to the direction Aemie was walking, Helios then followed the man.

The man was able to catch up with Aemie as he was noiselessly walking behind her, the man then fished a handkerchief from his pocket he then noiselessly approach Aemie from her back, then he cover her mouth and nose using the handkerchief Aemie was going to fight back but the dosage of the barbiturate was very high causing her to instantly fall asleep.

The man then brought the sleeping Aemie to the secluded area of the beach but unknown to him Helios was already following him.

Arriving at the secluded area of the beach the man lay down Aemie into the sand then the man's arm turned into an octopus tentacles he going to start r*p*ng her but

Helios compress the cosmic energy in the man's surrounding then covered the man's whole body with the compress cosmic energy Helios then control the compress cosmic energy to stop the man's movement causing him to freeze in that position.

Helios then slowly walk to their position

" Well well well look what we have here an octopus pervert, I was going to use the other girls on the beach as a bait but you couldn't stop your self from targeting her, so instead of turning you into a takoyaki then surrendered you to the authority, I'm going grill you then feed you to the fishes at the City bay" Helios said while having a murderous aura around him.

The octopus Villain that was in a frozen state while having a cold sweat all over his body hear what Helios just said.

Helios then transformed Moldy into a pair of brass knuckles and wear in his hands.

" but first I must tenderized the meat before grilling it" Helios said while he start punching him from his face to his body.

He then stop tenderizing the octopus villain when it has fallen unconscious then he called the authority.

"you are lucky that nothing happened to her and I was able to noticed your intention and able to act before you did something you might wish that you were dead" he said before calling the authority.

The authority arrive after a few hours and pick up the octopus villain while he bring Aemie to inside her car.

It was a good thing that she also wear a swim dress on top of her swimsuit so it wasn't too much enticing for him to try something funny to her but Helios was still stunned thinking about the first time she came of the fitting room showing to him her swimwear.

Right now inside her Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Helios was having a hard time deciding on what to do with the swimwear she's wearing, he didn't want her to hate him if he tried to change her clothes like in some movies 'but it could also work on my advantage' he thought but he decided against it, so he just drive the car to the place where the target villain that was assigned to him last seen.

Although he only have an experience in driving a motorcycle in his previous life but he had a natural skill in technical types of works long as he understands how the things works or just by watching some do a demonstration.

Just by watching Aemie in driving her car to the Blue Coral Beach from the Hero's Organization building he was able to simulate the whole process in his mind.

He then search for the keys of the car inside Aemie's bag after finding the keys he then start the car and slowly drive outside the Beach parking lot as he try to familiarize himself in driving her car.

Arriving in the road from the beach parking lot he then slowly drive the car to the direction of the place where his targeted Villain was last seen, after a few minutes he was now able to familiarize himself in driving Aemie's car.

He then start to accelerate the car in the highway until it reaches the speed of 120 km/h then he start to over taking the other vehicles while enjoying the feeling of driving a sports car.

A few minutes before they arrive at their destination Aemie slowly woke up.

" ugh, what happened?" she unconsciously ask

" you were drug by the villain that you were targeting for your mission" he said with a straight face

" What happened to the villain then?" She ask curiously

" I tenderized him then call the authority" he said while still in his straight face expression

She was sad knowing that she failed her Examination.

Seeing her sad expression Helios just patted her head

" it's ok, Ms. Jennifer didn't say who will be going to capture the villain, she only said that we can't exchange our assigned target to each other"

Hearing what he said, her sad expression slowly return to normal.

"But you weren't the one who capture the villain so if I'm able to capture my assigned target I will then win our bet, zherhahahahaha" Helios add while reminding her about their bet.

Hearing Helios mention about their bet, she suddenly had a panic expression thinking of what Helios would ask if he win the bet but she remembered that there was nothing that specified on how the winner is determined so she was going to enjoy seeing Helios face when she told him that the bet was not valid because they didn't specified how the winner is going to be determined.

So she just ignore Helios taunting but she noticed that they were moving in the highway she then look at Helios and she saw that he saw focus on driving ' this is my car how come he is driving' she said inside her mind.

"do you have a driver's license?" she ask

"no" he answered

" Then do you have experience in driving a car?"

" yes"

" How long?"

" My D?"

" NOOooo! I mean your driving, how long have you been driving a car?"

" just a couple of minutes ago"


Aemie just got her mind blank hear his answer.

"By the way aren't you afraid of what might happened to you if I didn't come to save you?" helios ask out of curiosity

" no, because the moment my body felt a malicious intention directed to me it will automatically trigger a full power of the gorgons gaze"

Hearing her replied Helios silently thanks the octopus guy for being a guinea pig saving him from trouble although he knows that he is immune to any kinds of buffing or debuffing effects.

thank you for reading

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