

Helios Black an otaku on Earth has his soul transmigrated. Waking up into a world where a power known as ability exist. Our MC being an otaku and having read so many isekai novels knew that the only way to survive in this new world was to become stronger. But to him it’s different, instead of letting the cliché events coming after him like those main characters in the novel he read, he go the other way around. As the previous owner of this body was unable to unlock it’s ability. Our MC tried to investigate this so-called ability. Inside his consciousness he saw a large wooden door, having the memories of the previous owner our MC knows that this was the door to gain the power know as ability. For some unknown reason, the previous owner was unable to open the said door. The moment our MC touches the door it suddenly opens. Instead of gaining the said ability what appears in front of him was an unending grassland. In grassland, he meets the great sage equal to heaven Sun Wukong where he received a cultivation technique. As his power grows along his adventure he came to know a piece of information that he wasn’t the only person that had been isekai from his previous world along with the information about a way to return to the world where the isekai individual came from. Would our MC choose to return to his previous world where he is known by his family as a loser that doesn’t have any direction in life? or would he choose to stay in a world where he can realize his otaku dream? _*_*_*_ shameless author here I shamelessly changed my synopsis this is my first time writing a novel also English isn't my first language so their might be some mistake here and there but I'm open to your criticism so please help me out guys I would really appreciate it. I would like to say my thank you to the illustrator HUGCACTUS for the new cover page of my novel thanks for the new cover page HUGCACTUS

satoukon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
157 Chs

capturing complete

After driving Aemie's Lamborghini Aventador SVJ they now arrived at the place where Helios targeted villain was last seen.

The Organization didn't have a full information about the villain because the only clue they have was the right hand of the killer was wearing a daoist beads that was caught on one of a security camera.

The two of them arrive to where the camera that capture a part of the killer's body.

Helios was now looking at the location of the security camera.

"the security camera has many blind spot and there was no other security camera around this area of the ally they should just throw that security camera along with the idiot who installed it into the dumping site" Helios said annoyingly while clicking his tongue

Aemie was chuckling with his reaction.

"and how are we going to find someone wear a daoist beads in a place near a daoist temple, fuck!" Helios complained

While Aemie was happily enjoying Helios suffering.

Helios was thinking on checking every alley in the town.

After deciding on checking every alley in the vicinity of the town, he and Aemie start looking around the whole town while checking the alley in the vicinity.

As they were walking around the street, Helios saw a street foods stalls so he bring Aemie to buy some street foods.

While they were eating at the street foods stall their was a man with a Daoist beads in both of his hands watching them from a distance.

" hehehehe, I never killed a hero examinee before, they say that all of them that is taking the practical examination is really strong, I can't wait to try and fight them" he said and then start walking into the crowded street then vanish from the sea of people.

As they were in the last alley in the town's vicinity they saw a man leaning at the alley wall wearing a daoist beads in both his wrist.

"I have been waiting for your arrival" the man said

Aemie and Helios saw shocked seeing the villian waiting for their arrival.

"Are you the one that killed the 5 tourists?" Aemie ask

"No, they were just actually a casualty in the fight because they were trying to stop our fight by trying to impress a girl that was why they were killed" the man said with an emotionless face

Aemie was angry hearing his explanation about what happened.

" how dare you killed an innocent tourists just for trying to stop your fight!!" she angrily said then attack the man.

The man then lick his lips seeing Aemie attacking him while activating his body strengthening ability.

Aemie use a left straight punch into his head but the man just tilt his head evading her punch then he counter attack her with a right uppercut hitting her chin causing her to feel dizzy but she just shook her head to try and removed her dizziness but the man follow up with his thumb hitting her throat causing her to choke then a leg sweep causing her to fall while choking but Helios stop her fall.

" I think it's my turn now" Helios said while assisting her to sit in the side of the alley he face his targeted villain.

" are you going to get revenge for her and try to impress her?" the man mockingly ask at Helios.

" Yes" Helios replied to him with a straight face.

The man was shock hearing Helios admitting his plan.

Helios just put his hands on his pocket then used the compress cosmic energy to surround the man's whole body, then he slowly pressured every part of the man's body.

The man was unable to react in the situation from being unable to move, then being pressured in every part of his body he tried to use his body strengthening ability to the limit but even his ability was unable to bear the pressure in every part of his body causing him to feel a bone shattering pain until he fall unconscious.

After the man become unconscious Helios stop pressuring the man's body and start calling for the authority to pickup the man.

The authority arrived after a few minutes to capture the man.

After the authority brought the man away he then walk to Aemie, as she was recovering from her dizziness because of the fight.

" So how was the feeling of being almost knock out by a small time killer?" he ask to annoy her but she just ignore his taunting.

She then start walking to her car ignoring Helios right behind her arriving inside the car she was going to start the cars engine but Helios worriedly ask her

"is it alright for you to drive? You have been almost knock out so you must still feel dizzy from his punch"

" I'm alright I can still drive" she said and start driving.

In just a few minutes the car start to wobble, Helios then hold the stirring wheel of the car stabilizing the car.

" stop the car and park it in the side of the road" Helios commanded Helios assist her in parking the car in the side of the road.

She then let Helios drive her car

"Just drive carefully" she reminded him while still feeling a little dizzy as she sat on the front set of the car.

Helios was worried about her situation so he drive the car in to the nearest hospital which is the Valor Hospital.

Arriving at the Valor Hospital

Helios park the car in the hospital's underground parking lot then assist her into the doctor's office to check up her situation.

Inside the doctor's office the doctor run some diagnosis to Aemie the doctor then said

" it's ok, it is just a mild shock in her head that is causing her dizziness, just let her rest for awhile for her to recover, although it is a mild shock for her but if was the another person who receive that kind of shock it might cause into his/her death we can just thank her ability for improving her body to have a stronger physique and a strong recovery rate"

"thanks doc" Helios said while shaking the doctor's hands

" thank you for your help doc" Aemie said while holding her head

Helios then assist her going into her car and then he ask

" so are we going to the Hero Organization to report our the success of our mission ?"

Aemie just nod at him with her eyes closed while sitting inside the car.

He then drive into the building of The League of Hero's Organization

Arriving inside the building Aemie had already recovered from the dizziness while they were on the way here.

They then go to the room where they took the examination, Helios then opened the door of the room and then they return the watch to Ms. Jennifer that had been sitting on a chair at the front of the room.

Receiving the watch from them she then said

" You must wait for the results of your practical examination after an hour" then she walk outside the door.

After a few moments that Ms. Jennifer had gone out Helios suddenly said

" so what about the bet that we agreed on?" causing Aemie to smile

"What bet are you talking about ?" she ask innocently

" You know the bet about the winner being able to make the loser do whatever he/she wants as long as it's not perverted or uncomfortable of doing it" Helios reminded her

"Ooh, that bet, will you see that bet was actually invalid because we didn't specified on how the winner/loser is going to be determined" Aemie said with a poker face expression

Helios was shock hearing her explanation.

" Fine" he just said accepting her explanation

Now it was her turned to be shock, she was actually expecting Helios to taunt her until she take back the invalidation of their bet.

" zherhehehe, are you shock, are you actually expecting me to taunt you until you take the invalidation of our bet back?" Helios said making her think that he was reading her mind

She was shock once again hearing what Helios just said and she start thinking that Helios was reading her mind.

As Aemie was about to talk she heard a loud open sound of the door, looking at the door she saw a man with a short blonde hair wearing a plain gray shirt with a black pants and a rubber shoes entering the room.

"What are you doing here Ramsey" she ask the man that just enter the room.

"will I was just worried about my fiancée because I heard you were in the hospital a couple of hours ago" Ramsey said walking to them

" and who is this beggar beside you?" Ramsey ask while looking down at the clothes that Helios was wearing

Helios was just quietly watching Ramsey the moment he arrived at the room while ignoring the bullshit he was talking.

" I'm talking to you!!" Ramsey angrily said for being ignore by Helios

" And I'm not talking to you" Helios replied while staring at Aemie

Ramsey was furious seeing his fiancée being stared by an ugly beggar.

Ramsey then use his body to block Helios from staring at Aemie.

Helios just use his hand and swipe Ramsey's face that was blocking his view.

"your blocking my view" Helios said with a straight face

"She is my fiancée so I must protect her from a scum like you" Ramsey heroically said to Helios

" hey! How many times I have told you that I not your fiancée!" Aemie interject with a fuming expression

thank you for reading

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