

In an unexpected turn of events, Zera Spraggins found himself transformed into an infant in a completely unfamiliar world. (One Piece) Once brimming with ambition like his fellow transmigrators, Zera soon found his aspirations tempered, gradually assimilating into the ordinary existence of an everyday individual, devoid of the fantastical dreams fueled by shortcuts or advantages. Fourteen years later, however, Zera's realization dawned upon him: his journey to this new world might not have been a stroke of luck after all. As the chat group emerged, hidden truths began to unveil themselves before Zera's eyes, revealing a tapestry of secrets and mysteries previously obscured from his view.

G0D1Y ¡ Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


As the first rays of sunlight pierced the morning sky, a towering figure clad in a training uniform could be spotted traversing the expanse of the marine base's training ground, a weighted bag slung effortlessly over his shoulder. Despite the burden, his stride bore an almost ethereal grace, as if the exertion of his workout was nothing more than a delightful indulgence.

Zera, unable to quell his insatiable desire to cultivate his proficiency points, had hastened to the base immediately following the conclusion of his chat conversation. Laden with a bag brimming with weights, he embarked on a relentless circuit around the training grounds, repeating the course hundreds of times without breaking a sweat.

In stark contrast to previous sessions, the difference was palpable. Even after enduring thousands of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, sword training, meditation and various bar exercises, he found his stamina seemingly unaffected.

Fortunately, the task of accruing proficiency points proved less arduous than anticipated, perhaps owing to his low starting level. Following each rigorous training session, his physique, swordsmanship, meditation, fighting techniques, and even his rudimentary culinary skills improved by a margin of 5-10 points.

"Sweet!" Zera exclaimed with delight, his attention drawn to the incoming recruits who were gearing up for their morning training.

"Zera-san, you're here early..."

"Zera, let's see who can sprint faster around the court!"

"Hey Zera, early bird today! Let's get warmed up!"

Various recruits saluted him, some eager to challenge him to a friendly competition. It was the usual routine, albeit with one notable difference: Zera had transformed into a veritable physical powerhouse.

Despite the attention, Zera had no intention of revealing his transformation to others. He vividly recalled the promotion he had received a few months prior, spurred on by the encouragement of colleagues and superiors who admired his discipline and hard work.

It was a decision he regretted; he had no desire to serve anyone. Thankfully, his older sister had intervened, refusing to accept the promotion on his behalf. Otherwise, he would have resigned immediately. Promotion meant 50% relocation to a more prosperous base, where he would inevitably attract the attention of higher-ups—something any marine would welcome with open arms, but not Zera.

He wouldn't deny being intrigued by the prospect of visiting other islands, but he harbored zero interest in the life of a sailor.

With Claudia absent this time, Zera was able to enjoy an uninterrupted bath, a rare luxury in his hectic schedule.


Alarms blared throughout the facility as Zera opened his eyes, still feeling refreshed from his relaxing bath.

"What's going on? If I recall correctly, these alarms are meant to summon all sailors to the gathering point. But there's no scheduled training today. Did something happen?"

Zera felt a twinge of worry, a sense of foreboding creeping over him. Ever since his level upgrade, he had developed a vague sixth sense, and this unsettling feeling left him on edge.

Quickly finishing his shower, he hastily donned his sailor uniform and joined the queue of confused sailors making their way toward the gathering point.

"What's going on, pirates attacking?"

"Nonsense! What would pirates want with our impoverished town? Are they daft?"

"Who knows, there are always some reckless ones seeking notoriety."

Zera ceased suppressing his senses, tuning in to the chatter echoing throughout the base.

Soon, his expression shifted as he gleaned crucial information.

"No wonder I had a bad feeling. Carina is in danger. This must be the incident where she and Nami were tortured by Mad Treasure, and now Claudia is planning to offer support after being summoned by Carina. Isn't that tantamount to suicide?"

A wave of unease washed over Zera. While Claudia held the highest authority in the base and was a remarkably skilled individual, capable of handling up to 10 million pirates at best, facing off against Mad Treasure was a different matter entirely. Though not overwhelmingly strong, Mad Treasure still surpassed Claudia by far. Intercepting him would undoubtedly be a suicidal endeavor.

Amidst his unease, Claudia emerged on the scene, her expression grave. Casting a concerned glance toward Zera, she offered him a gentle nod and a forced smile before addressing the sailors gathered around.

With a solemn tone, she began to inform them of their plans for a raid.

"Prepare yourselves. A highly dangerous individual has been spotted in the nearby waters. While we have no intention of engaging in direct confrontation, we must remain vigilant and prepared for any potential encounter..."

Despite Claudia's stern demeanor, Zera saw through her facade. He knew all too well about Mad Treasure's infamous reputation and his devil fruit powers. Claudia's insistence on proceeding with the raid despite this knowledge spoke volumes about the importance of rescuing Carina to her.

The queue of sailors grew increasingly chaotic, with some clamoring for justice while others cowered in fear.

Zera began to move toward the front of the line, but Claudia's sudden command halted him in his tracks.

"Only petty officers and above are required for this mission. Others will remain here to patrol the town in case of any emergencies," she ordered.

The lowly sailors, already trembling with apprehension, breathed a collective sigh of relief and began to puff out their chests, rallying behind slogans of justice.

"Long Live Justice!!"

"Long Live Justice!!"

"Long Live Justice!!"

As Zera stood there, his legs feeling like lead weights anchoring him to the ground, he realized the futility of his position as a mere seamen apprentice. Even if he were to protest or refuse Claudia's orders, it would only exacerbate the situation.

Watching Claudia and the other navy soldiers board the massive warship, preparing to set sail toward their target, he let out a deep sigh.

"Just because I lack a higher rank to challenge her doesn't mean I'm powerless to save Carina," he muttered to himself.

Claudia may have believed that he was unaware, but with his heightened senses, Zera could effortlessly map out the entire town in a matter of seconds. His exceptional memory allowed him to recall the navigation knowledge imparted during past classes, and coupled with the information he had gathered from eavesdropping on the higher-ups aboard the warship, he had already deduced their trajectory


A petite, red-haired young woman with an endearing appearance, dressed in snug-fitting pants that accentuated her curvaceous figure and a black crop top that hugged her ample bosom, along with a Marine hat, suddenly appeared beside Claudia, teasing her with a playful grin.

"Captain, are you sure about this? Carina means a lot to Zera. If he finds out you're keeping this from him, he's bound to be upset... He will definitely hate you!"

Claudia gritted her teeth, shooting her subordinate a sharp look.

"Irene, are you looking for trouble? Despite Zera's talent and hard work, he's still young and his potential remains untapped. Even if it weren't for Carina, I wouldn't bring him along."

Irene pouted in response.

"You're just being overprotective. Zera is a Navy soldier too. I'm sure he can handle himself. Your coddling will only hold him back."

Claudia gazed out at the disappearing island, a sense of helplessness evident in her expression. Yet, her resolve remained unwavering.

"What if I am protective? Carina may be in danger, but she's only running away. All we need to do is rattle that bastard. He won't dare to mess with the Marines. And even if he does, I'm not afraid of him."

Under her captain's menacing glare, Irene fell silent, returning to her post with a scowl on her face.

She, too, harbored a desire to share sea adventures with Zera, but Claudia's ever-watchful eye thwarted her plans at every turn.