
Gwen Came To My House Late At Night

Roddy, who traveled to the Marvel world, became the only Mutant in the world and Awakened the strongest Mutant system. On the first day, Roddy signed the Red Devil's Ability and gained a hundred times strengthening. He held the ground with one hand and teleported to an altitude of 10,000 meters with tens of thousands of cubic meters of land! On the tenth day, Roddy signed the Black Emperor's Ability and gained a thousand times strengthening. He teleported to the center of the sun to absorb the power of billions of tons of equivalent nuclear fusion! On the Nth day, Roddy signed in Phoenix's Phoenix force and gained billions of times strengthening, and OAA also wanted to serve him tea and water! And one night, a woman wearing a Spider battlesuit inadvertently broke into Roddy's room. Gwen Spider: Excuse me, I'm leaving right now! 吃瓜贵妃的自我修养 Roddy: You want to leave now? Witch Wanda: I can't handle this man! Roddy: My name is Roddy, you can also call me Invincible!

sweaty_Milf · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Meteorite" That Appeared Out Of Thin Air? All The Forces That Were Frightened!

Deserted island.

Roddy took a deep breath, then bent down and pressed one hand to the ground.

"bring it on!"

next second——

His eyes are wide open!

Try to run Ability to the limit.



In a loud noise.

Two-thirds of the island disappeared instantly with Roddy!

The entire island looked as if a large piece of the cake had been gnawed off from the middle, and all kinds of gravel and soil kept rolling down around it.

at the same time;

10,000 meters high in the sky.

Roddy showed up here with two-thirds of the island.

As soon as he appeared, Roddy couldn't help exclaiming.

"I brought the whole island up?"

Roddy was shocked himself.

Then he suddenly saw the island falling crazily.

I was taken aback immediately.


Although there is an ocean below, such a large island will also cause terrible consequences if it falls.

next second——

Roddy's figure disappeared instantly.


It appeared again that people had come to the falling island.

Roddy put one hand on the island, activated the Ability again, and disappeared into the sky again with the entire island.

at the same time;

Just when Roddy took an island to play bungee jumping at a height of 10,000 meters.

In a cloud layer thousands of kilometers away, a huge amounts of sky aircraft carrier is hovering here stealthily.

The main control room of the aircraft carrier.

Nick Fury, who received the message, walked in quickly.

"Tell me, how bad is it?"

Nick Fury, who had only one eye left, looked at the woman in front of him with his one eye.

Maria Hill replied at this time: "Just a minute ago, a huge amounts of inanimate object suddenly appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters above the Atlantic Ocean, and began to fall at an extremely fast speed."


asked Nick Fury.

Maria Hill shook her head.

"No, it just appeared out of nowhere, our satellites in orbit didn't detect any approaching meteorites."

"So it's a supernatural event?"

Nick Fury frowned even more.

Since Chitauri invaded Blue Star in 2012, and the Avengers fought with them in Liberty City and finally drove them away, the world seems to have become completely out of control.

All kinds of demons, monsters, ghosts and snake spirits all started to come out.

This made Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, very tired.

Even if he has two superpowers;

—— S.H.I.E.L.D and Heavenly Sword Game!


This situation still kept him busy.

Even the vacation time has been deprived!

Some time ago, he had just dealt with a farce caused by a super-ability criminal. The most annoying thing was that the troublesome super-ability criminal was actually taken away by another super-ability user.

This made Nick Fury realize that there is still a group of people with super abilities on this planet, and they... are not under control!


This makes Nick Fury very upset!

And today;

Another "meteorite" appeared out of nowhere at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Why is there so much shit going on every day?

Can't this group of superpowers stop?

"Sir, the target has disappeared!"

At this time, an agent suddenly shouted loudly.


Nick Fury immediately walked over to the screen.

The target shown above has indeed disappeared.

"Immediately send someone over to investigate the scene, I want to know the specific situation!"

Nick Fury turned and ordered.

Maria Hill nodded, reached out and pressed the Bluetooth headset, and gave the order.

Soon, two Quin Jets took off on the deck, with beautiful blue flames spraying from their tails, and flew towards the location of the accident.


At the same time, not only S.H.I.E.L.D discovered the abnormal situation above the Atlantic Ocean, but even the military of the United States, the superpowers such as Da Mao and Xuan Kingdom also discovered this situation.

The difference is that the location of the incident is far away from the superpowers such as Damao and Xuanguo.

As the saying goes, there is no way to reach it, so naturally there is no psychological meeting.

At most, just pay attention to the follow-up developments.

The military of the United States directly contacted S.H.I.E.L.D through the White Palace and obtained first-hand information.


In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't know much about it.

And Roddy, who was the instigator, had already gone home by this time.

Are you still staying where you are, waiting to be caught?

in the bedroom.

Roddy, who took off his coat and threw it on the ground, couldn't hide his excitement at this moment.


As an ordinary person, where did he experience such exciting things?

As soon as he thought about it, if he hadn't reacted in time, he would teleport the island with a volume of tens of thousands of cubic meters to a height of less than tens of meters from the sea level.

If it really falls from a height of 10,000 meters...

The consequences are absolutely unimaginable!

However, even at a height of tens of meters, when the island fell into the sea, there were still large waves.

It took a long time for the whole sea to calm down.

However, Roddy didn't stay to watch the follow-up.

He estimated that such a big movement might have attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D and other countries.

If he continued to stay there, his existence would definitely be exposed.

Roddy didn't want to let himself enter the sight of all forces so quickly.

Instead of being exposed to others, it is better to accumulate strength silently. On the surface, he is a super rich second generation, but in fact he is the only Mutant in this world!

Pretty cool to think about!

"I don't know what kind of mutant Ability will be signed in tomorrow?"

"By the way, the Red Devil hasn't come back yet?"

Roddy searched around, but couldn't find the red devil.

But it did let him see a lot of "friends" who were drunk and passed out in the living room outside.


Roddy's eyes twinkled.

Speaking of which, apart from these cronies, he also has a few more special friends.

I don't know how those guys are doing now?

As far as Roddy knows, the lives of his friends in the future will not be peaceful at all!

"Interesting, life is getting more and more interesting!"

Roddy smiled, full of expectations for the future life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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