
Guilty Pleasures: Love in Bloom

"Why are you doing this?..." her usual domineering tone turned extraordinarily soft in a heartbeat as her rosy red lips quivered softly. Her breathing hitched as she felt a cold hand on her nape pulling her head closer. She looked up and a pair of sterling silver eyes caught her gaze. His silver locks fell on his forehead covering it entirely as he looked down at her to acknowledge her question. "You are the reason I do everything Kiaraa..." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A war between fire and ice, the outcome could never be estimated. Their lives were so close yet it felt so far at the same time. He wanted her despite the dispute surrounding them but what could Lee Kiaraa possibly possess to make Adrian Kim go to the end of the world just for her? She was short tempered, strong, witty and independent. Her words alone held fire in them and every action of hers had indecisive reasons. She was a trouble magnet but she couldn't care less about her problems as she had a powerful family to back her up. But even with the power she held, her troubles still caught up to her and she had no other choice but to depend on him for help. Not knowing him too well, she trusted him blindly and he helped her with silent reasons, guiding her with utmost care like she was a fragile egg. His actions held many questions but she couldn't say a word but rather masked her curiosity with her mischievous acts. Blinded by her problems, she wondered if he was really her ally or her enemy. His reasons finally came to light when she realized that he was the root of all her problems. A glimpse of her vague memory from childhood gradually unfolds. The situation seemed deeper than she comprehended but it seemed to late for her, she had fallen... Would she accept him when she eventually knows the truth?

Swanzy_Kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


Kiaraa glared at the paper in front of her like it was her greatest enemy.


Subject: History

Section 1: How was the North American continent discovered?

Section 2: What were the reasons for the British colonization of North America?

Section 3: Why were American Indians unable to resist first European and then American expansion and aggression?


She sighed inwardly, 'What crime have I committed to be punished like this? I came to Austin seeking peace and now I'm trapped in a surprise test'

"Miss Lee, Is everything alright?" the teacher's voice reverberated in the room and the whole class turned towards her.

'Great!!! I forgot about these muddle-headed classmates of mine'

"No ma'am I'm ok" she replied calmly and the teacher nodded. Everyone went back to their tests and Kiaraa stared at her paper blankly...

'Why am I given a test on American history? I'm from Korea for crying out loud' Kiaraa screamed inwardly.

'But I can't let this single white piece of paper rule my life, I'm Lee Kiaraa, I'm the queen here' she assured herself and a newfound hope that came from God knows where appeared on her eyes.

She picked up the pencil and scribbled down anything that came to her head which includes; movie scenes, song lyrics, Korean dishes, and so on. She also left a little note at the end of the paper for the teacher.

"Hey miss, in case you haven't noticed, I'm Asian," the note said. Wasn't it enough that I already know how to speak english, now I have to learn their history too.


These Americans are not going to tie me to their city with their boring history.

Adrian who was sitting next to her looked at her paper and muttered under his breath, "Stupid" and he bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing.

His action gained him a punch from the girl sitting beside him. Adrian frowned in pain as the place she punched turned sore in an instant. He couldn't deny that her hands which looked prim and proper like a delicate princess were extraordinarily strong.

"Mr. Kim?" the teacher raised his brows at them and once again, the whole class turned towards them but this time they were drooling over him. He shot them a cold glare and they immediately came back to their senses. He didn't need to explain anything to the teacher, as he just stared back down at the paper.

The teacher seemed confused and cast a look at Kiaraa, but the girl just shrugged and continued her doodling. Now Kiaraa was the one biting her lip in order to stifle a laugh.

So fast how the tables have turned so suddenly!!


"Look at her, sitting next to our king does she think she's worth it?...."

"Acting all cute and shy, I bet she's inwardly drooling over him"

"I'm sure she's trying to seduce him.....what a slut. She's such an eyesore."

Kiaraa frowned as she heard all the insults raining down on her.

'These brats are becoming something else. Looks like their fear of me was washed off the minute they set their eyes on their ice king. I'll have to teach them a lesson.' She thought with gritted teeth and shot deadly glares towards the girls and they all broke into cold sweats and shrunk back in their seats.

"That's better." She muttered with a slight smirk and glanced at the cause of all the commotion. He looked unaware of all the controversies he was causing as he diligently but gracefully wrote down on his script.

His hands never stopped as they moved swiftly on the paper.

'Seems like he studied' she thought. 'What a weirdo. He obviously came back from Seoul last night and he still had time to study.'

Little did she know that he didn't study at all. He came back from Seoul very early this morning and like her was still surprised by the test. But, unlike her, he knew a lot about American history.

Before Kiaraa could turn her gaze back towards her script a loud voice was heard.

"Teacher!!! Sana is cheating" a girl from the front pointed towards her.

"What the...." Kiaraa's gaze snapped towards the girl, she couldn't even register what was going on when the teacher stood up and walked towards her.

"Miss Lee, can I see your script"

"Huh.....?" Kiaraa was stupefied. What was all this for? She felt some shuffling sounds on their desk but she didn't have the mind to check what it was as the whole situation registered in her head slowly.

Her confused expression was gradually replaced with anger and resentment and the whole class paused. Even the teacher was shocked for a split second before recovering from her shock and walking towards the script.

Kiaraa bit her tongue fiercely to prevent her inner beast from firing curses at her stupid classmates.


Did she betray her country in her past life for her to be jinxed with such hypocrites to school with?


What a joke. She and that word were miles apart. Her queendom wouldn't allow her to stoop so low. She tightened her fists and shot glares into them boring holes into their skin and damn the place felt like hell.

She was about to lash out and every one of them when she felt a tight grip on her hand which was placed on the desk.

"What?" She looked up at him with an expression that was not far from a baby who just realized that babies didn't come from the baby store. She looked at his hands which were tightly gripping her wrist. It felt cold, too cold that she flinched a little bit.

"Sit, you're too impulsive" Adrian muttered with a cold tone and her anger skyrocketed to another level.

'Who the fuck does he think he is to control me?' she fired inwardly and before she could voice out her thoughts, the teacher walked up to their desk and took Kiaraa's paper.

Kiaraa immediately lowered her head, she wasn't cheating but only she knew the trash she scribbled on her script and she felt a little bit ashamed.

Now, that the teacher was holding her script in the presence of her classmates, she knew what was going to come next and her era of queendom will be over.

She sighed inwardly as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt under the table and bit her lip nervously.

The teacher looked at the script and shock was the only word to describe the expression the teacher was giving.

"Miss Lee, this is...."

Pretty author: I really don't blame Kiaraa for scribbling rubbish on her exam sheets, even I don't know the answers to those question.

Mass release: 2/3

Swanzy_Kimcreators' thoughts