
Guilty Pleasures: Love in Bloom

"Why are you doing this?..." her usual domineering tone turned extraordinarily soft in a heartbeat as her rosy red lips quivered softly. Her breathing hitched as she felt a cold hand on her nape pulling her head closer. She looked up and a pair of sterling silver eyes caught her gaze. His silver locks fell on his forehead covering it entirely as he looked down at her to acknowledge her question. "You are the reason I do everything Kiaraa..." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A war between fire and ice, the outcome could never be estimated. Their lives were so close yet it felt so far at the same time. He wanted her despite the dispute surrounding them but what could Lee Kiaraa possibly possess to make Adrian Kim go to the end of the world just for her? She was short tempered, strong, witty and independent. Her words alone held fire in them and every action of hers had indecisive reasons. She was a trouble magnet but she couldn't care less about her problems as she had a powerful family to back her up. But even with the power she held, her troubles still caught up to her and she had no other choice but to depend on him for help. Not knowing him too well, she trusted him blindly and he helped her with silent reasons, guiding her with utmost care like she was a fragile egg. His actions held many questions but she couldn't say a word but rather masked her curiosity with her mischievous acts. Blinded by her problems, she wondered if he was really her ally or her enemy. His reasons finally came to light when she realized that he was the root of all her problems. A glimpse of her vague memory from childhood gradually unfolds. The situation seemed deeper than she comprehended but it seemed to late for her, she had fallen... Would she accept him when she eventually knows the truth?

Swanzy_Kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


This chapter is dedicated to @laurel_jeon for her heartfelt birthday wish. Thank you, dear...


The minute she left the car, Adrian's expressionless face held a slight smile and he shook his head at her childishness. He was the one who was assaulted, shouldn't he be the one who's supposed to be angry? but the queen had managed to turn the tables and made herself the victim. What a naughty being.

He got out of the car and strode towards her with a leisured pace and his face returned as expressionless as it was before yet his composure was as calm as ever.

He got close to her and found her smoothening the creases in her gown and taming her unruly hair. She was about to move ahead when he quickly caught hold of her slender arm and pulled her back.

She immediately collided with his turgid chest and he lowered his head, craning his neck to rest on the nook of her shoulder.

Her eyes widened at his unexpected and abrupt action and she felt flustered all of a sudden as their bodies were a scant inch apart.

"Wh...What are you doing?"

She wished she was facing him directly so she could throw daggered glares at him.

Adrian didn't reply but held her tightly and nozzled his head closer to her neck drowning in the pleasures of the scent of her lavender skin.

He didn't know why but in just a span of a few hours he has already gotten addicted to her lavender scent that was closer to the balsamic resin scent of rosemary and unknowingly, his hands that held her firm on her waist tightened.

Kiaraa found his behavior really odd and her eyes narrowed, she was about to say something when she felt his hot breath on her neck.

"Your majesty, this isn't your kingdom I'm afraid you'll get lost if I allow you to wander off alone."

Kiaraa was stupefied for a millisecond. Naturally, if someone called her your majesty she would have felt elated after all, she was the queen of her queendom but him...why does she feel that he was mocking her instead?

Her expression blackened bitterly and she whirled around amid his tight grasp and turned to face him.

Looking up to meet his eyes she scowled, "Why are you helping me, Mr. Kim," her voice was soft but overly cautious at the same time.

She didn't want to ponder on it that much but her condition wouldn't let her.

Just a few days ago, when she first met him, he was acting all high and mighty towards her, and then he saved her at the party when she was almost killed, the scenario was too much of a coincidence that she found it hard to believe.

At the mention of 'Mr. Kim' Adrian's gaze darkened, his expression turned colder than a thousand-year-old iceberg and Kiaraa smirked inwardly.

'Now that's the person I know,' she thought and patted herself on the shoulder inwardly for having the ability to push his buttons.

Adrian took a few minutes before he could say something while calming down the fire in his tongue.

He remembered the lessons he got from Li Shen yesterday regarding Kiaraa and Li Shen's words rang like a broken tape in his head.

'If you want to speak to sister-in-law then you have to dip your tongue in honey. She's like a ticking time bomb and I'm afraid that your poisonous tongue won't take you anywhere...your poisonous tongue won't take you anywhere...your poisonous tongue... poisonous tongue...'

He took a deep breath before replying. "If you keep calling me Mr. Kim then I might reconsider my act of kindness towards you."

His eyes gazed at her innocently and Kiaraa couldn't find any fault in his statement. All her questions were driven to the back of her head but that didn't stop her brain from thinking, rather she nodded at him dazedly with her eyes fixated on his face.

Adrian saw her ogling at him and had to control himself from smirking.

He was being taken to cloud nine when the brutal lady ruthlessly threw him back to earth with her next statement.

"Marry me, Mr. Kim."


He stared at her calmly but his insides had turned to a new year carnival as fireworks seemed to have exploded in his head. Under the scorching heat of the midday sun, he still felt chills as goosebumps rose on his skin.

Kiaraa blinked at him innocently, unaware of the emotional turmoil she was causing inside of him.

Ignoring his expressions she continued, "I'm a rare breed you know and a goddess too. You'll never find another who's as sweet and charming as me."

She wished her hands were free so she could habitually flip her hair. She closed her eyes reveling in her awesome features.

Adrian regained his composure and stared quietly at the little demoness in his arms. He gritted his teeth and looked up to the heavens wondering why whoever created her gave her a narcissistic trait.


Angel 1: She's awesome you know.

Angel 2: She wasn't wrong when she said all that.

Angel 3: She's too good for this mortal world. The master created her well.


Adrian stared down at her quietly with no idea how to deal with such a narcissistic fox that's when he saw her smirking and her usual mischievous look was plastered on her face.

"Why do you want to get married to me?"

"Because her highness likes pretty things and you're such a pretty one to stare at, pleasuring my eyes perfectly."

Adrian stared at her dumbfoundedly, "You think marriage is all about pleasuring of eyes? You have to satisfy other places too," his face remained stoic.

Kiaraa's eyes twitched, "What do you mean, Mr. Kim?"

Adrian shook his head quietly, 'How can such a fox be this innocent?'

'Is she this innocent or is it her foxy instinct kicking in again?'

'This girl...she was such a hard specie to study. Well, only time will tell.'

Friends are really hard to come by... Thank you once again @laurel_jeon

Swanzy_Kimcreators' thoughts