
Guilty Pleasures: Love in Bloom

"Why are you doing this?..." her usual domineering tone turned extraordinarily soft in a heartbeat as her rosy red lips quivered softly. Her breathing hitched as she felt a cold hand on her nape pulling her head closer. She looked up and a pair of sterling silver eyes caught her gaze. His silver locks fell on his forehead covering it entirely as he looked down at her to acknowledge her question. "You are the reason I do everything Kiaraa..." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A war between fire and ice, the outcome could never be estimated. Their lives were so close yet it felt so far at the same time. He wanted her despite the dispute surrounding them but what could Lee Kiaraa possibly possess to make Adrian Kim go to the end of the world just for her? She was short tempered, strong, witty and independent. Her words alone held fire in them and every action of hers had indecisive reasons. She was a trouble magnet but she couldn't care less about her problems as she had a powerful family to back her up. But even with the power she held, her troubles still caught up to her and she had no other choice but to depend on him for help. Not knowing him too well, she trusted him blindly and he helped her with silent reasons, guiding her with utmost care like she was a fragile egg. His actions held many questions but she couldn't say a word but rather masked her curiosity with her mischievous acts. Blinded by her problems, she wondered if he was really her ally or her enemy. His reasons finally came to light when she realized that he was the root of all her problems. A glimpse of her vague memory from childhood gradually unfolds. The situation seemed deeper than she comprehended but it seemed to late for her, she had fallen... Would she accept him when she eventually knows the truth?

Swanzy_Kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


"Miss Shalin, we do have other models you might want to try on, after all the brand Crystelle isn't number one for no reason. We also have a duplicate of this particular dress as well, all in different sizes," Manager Smith spoke all in one breath in a swift attempt to clear the tense atmosphere between Kiaraa and Shalin but the more he tried, the more the thick fog in the atmosphere grew stronger.

Kiaraa let out a short laugh afterward, her countenance burning like a bright mid-day sun, even the sun would cower in her presence. With her hands still clutching her Crystelle gold card tightly, she took a side glance at Shalin before flashing a warm smile at the manager.

Sensible people like him were all she needed. Although he was inwardly displeased by Shalin's display, he still found a way to fight with his inner confoundment and handled the situation maturely even without knowing her real identity, he still treated her with respect.

Kiaraa masked her warm smile with a scorching gaze which she directed towards Shalin. "You know on a second thought, I don't really need this dress, there's no possible way I would want to wear a dress of the same model with someone as uncouth as you," she scowled indifferently.

Shalin: "_"

The sales clerk: "_"

Manager Smith: "_" Really? Then what was the need for all this drama? He gaped at her dismayed.

Kiaraa stepped away gently with a small smile playing across her red lips. She stared around the shop and smiled widely as if admiring the framed photos of her design, jewelry, accessory cases and item showcase structures. The trio stared at her quietly in a bewildered expression, waiting patiently for her next reaction.

"The latest design of Crystelle is here am I right?" her eyes shone deeply.

Manager Smith's gaze was stunned for a while. He had deep thoughts about her identity but he pushed them to the back of his mind, but now, with the current revelations she was revealing about the designs that only the workers at Crystelle knew, it only meant that her status was even higher than he presumed.

"Am I speaking to ghosts?" she questioned harshly and Manager Smith immediately broke out of his reverie. He called his assistant to accompany Kiaraa to their brand room where all the latest designs of dresses, jewelries, and cosmetic products from Crystelle were kept before getting orders from the president to display them.

Kiaraa turned towards Shalin and the smile she threw was not so friendly. She pointed at the dress that was still tightly clutched in Shalin's hand and sneered deeply.

"You can have the dress if you want Miss Shalin since you went through all these measures to get it, then it would be so unkind of me to take it away from you," She placed her hand over her chest dramatically as if feigning innocence and continued,

"But, I can't have it because the dress is white in color, and considering that your filthy hands have been rubbed all over it, it will make me filthy too if I should put it on. Have a nice day," She waved at her brightly and walked off with a flip of her hair, following the assistant towards Crystelle's brand room completely ignoring the sharp glares being thrown at her by Shalin.

Being humiliated in her favourite brand store, Shalin couldn't take the shame lightly. She stood there as if rooted to the spot with a wave of anger building up inside her and a blaze of indignation burned furiously in her eyes.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Adrian stared down at his gold Rolex wristwatch designed with diamonds and wondered what was keeping Kiaraa too long. He wasn't bothered about the time she wasted but his major concern was if she was ok or not.

He knew he shouldn't be bothered too much about her safety but considering the situation around her neck, he couldn't help but worry.

After long contemplation, when he couldn't hold himself any longer, he let out a deep sigh and finally stepped out of the car, and with long strides, he found his way into the mall.

As soon as he stepped into the mall, all heads turned in his direction. Distant gasps and squeals could be heard from all angles but his expression remained as stoic as ever which only made his charm grow more definite.

"Brother Riri!!"

Someone called out which made him stop in his tracks and his hands instinctively rose to his face to pinch the space between his brows. A deep frown settled on his cold face as he could already guess who the person was.

He turned his head slowly with the frown still plastered on his face and he couldn't even get the time to react when he felt a slender arm snake around his and he could swear that a killing intent was building up inside him.

"Brother Ri, I'm so happy I bumped into you here. You know, I was having a bad day but seeing you here has made my..."

"Get your hands off me, Shalin," his voice came out low which sent cold chills down her spine.

Shalin immediately withdrew her hand from his but still kept her gaze fixed on his cold but godly face. She knew she went too far this time but she couldn't help it whenever she saw his face, her resolve only grew stronger.

"Brother Ri..."

She couldn't even complete her statement when he walked past her, completely ignoring her presence like she was some sort of thin air not worthy of recognition.

She stared at his retreating figure admiring each bold step she took. She clenched her fists tightly as she watched him completely ignoring her like she didn't exist. She didn't say nor do anything but just strode off with a sharp glint buried deep inside her eyes.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Miss Lee, this dress suits you perfectly. This color compliments your skin tone so well, it's like the dress was made just for you," the receptionist praised Kiaraa with a deep gaze of admiration, and Kiaraa's face lit up in a slight smirk.

'Of course, this dress was made just for me, it's my design afterall...'


A deep voice broke her train of thought and she turned her head towards the source of the voice and a small smile rose to her cherry-painted lips.

Adrian travelled his gaze from her head down to her toe as if trying to pierce through her soul and his silver eyes darkened.

She was donned a white bodycon dress reaching just above her knees. The new Crystelle dress hugged her perfectly, accentuating her slight teenage curves. Her long black hair hung low on her waist which was framing her delicate features. Her deep amber eyes were as bright as autumn pools which held a blissful emotion.

She took slow steps towards him with the sound of her heels clicking on the floor lightly. With each elegant step she took, her diamond-encrusted anklet twinkled as the light from the shop reflected upon it which matched with the small diamond hairpin that adorned her hair.

As she stood some inch apart, the both of them were now tagged as the couple of the day by the passers-by. Both their appearance and demeanor matched completely and looking at the couple both dressed in white, anyone would think that they were a match made in heaven.

Kiaraa snaked her slender arm around his and flashed him a warm smile and just a little smile made the men around her ogle at her with widened eyes.

Adrian's eyes narrowed, as a threw hot, menacing gazes towards the men and they immediately shifted their gaze feeling intimidated just by his wordless threats.

He looked down at the girl still clutching his arm and she flashed him her usual mischievous smile.

"Sweetheart don't leave me, ok?" her smooth voice came out as a whisper as she leaned closer to him just enough for him to hear her.

"Don't even let me out of your sight, not even for one second. We'll stick together like a pair of... Uhm... what do they call it in all those K-dramas?... oh yes, mandarin ducks. We'll stick together like a pair of mandarin ducks," her tone was playful and she batted her long lashes innocently.

Adrian stared unblinkingly at her. For her to be this excited, it only means that she had created trouble somewhere.

Classic Kiaraa!!!

He was well aware that every single action of hers was already thought of in her scheming head.

But even at that, he still felt as if a wave of warmth had just hit his heart. He patted her hand which was resting on his arm before guiding her gently out of the shop.