
Guilty Pleasures: Love in Bloom

"Why are you doing this?..." her usual domineering tone turned extraordinarily soft in a heartbeat as her rosy red lips quivered softly. Her breathing hitched as she felt a cold hand on her nape pulling her head closer. She looked up and a pair of sterling silver eyes caught her gaze. His silver locks fell on his forehead covering it entirely as he looked down at her to acknowledge her question. "You are the reason I do everything Kiaraa..." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A war between fire and ice, the outcome could never be estimated. Their lives were so close yet it felt so far at the same time. He wanted her despite the dispute surrounding them but what could Lee Kiaraa possibly possess to make Adrian Kim go to the end of the world just for her? She was short tempered, strong, witty and independent. Her words alone held fire in them and every action of hers had indecisive reasons. She was a trouble magnet but she couldn't care less about her problems as she had a powerful family to back her up. But even with the power she held, her troubles still caught up to her and she had no other choice but to depend on him for help. Not knowing him too well, she trusted him blindly and he helped her with silent reasons, guiding her with utmost care like she was a fragile egg. His actions held many questions but she couldn't say a word but rather masked her curiosity with her mischievous acts. Blinded by her problems, she wondered if he was really her ally or her enemy. His reasons finally came to light when she realized that he was the root of all her problems. A glimpse of her vague memory from childhood gradually unfolds. The situation seemed deeper than she comprehended but it seemed to late for her, she had fallen... Would she accept him when she eventually knows the truth?

Swanzy_Kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


"... I said, there's a camera in there," Kiaraa repeated and the bodyguard just looked at her, stupefied.

"B-b-but young master...young master made sure to remove all CCTV cameras before coming here." He finally found his voice as he kept wondering how this cunning woman could still find a camera in there when her brother had made sure to remove all of them.

Kiaraa chuckled lightly, her smooth laughter resounding in the car. Somehow, that laughter prickled in his skin like tiny thorns and he couldn't help but fidget in his seat.

"Get me my laptop." She ordered and the bodyguard immediately gave her a laptop. Kiaraa took it and her hands worked like wind on it. She smiled when she finally got the information she was looking for.

"I see the Han family has finally improved their technology a lot." She voiced and her bodyguard raised his head to stare at her before replying.

"The Han family? You mean the number one tech-producing family in China?" He asked and Kiaraa nodded.

"Yup, that's the one. Their new camera is as tiny as an ant." She replied and the bodyguard looked at her skeptically before voicing out his thoughts.

"Then how did you see it, young miss?" He knew his young miss was rumored to have a weird talent of always spotting every secret camera no matter how hidden it may be. He always had his suspicions as to if the rumors were true or not but seeing today's activities he couldn't agree more.

Kiaraa stared down at her laptop for a long time before finally replying, "I waved at it and a red light blinked. It caught my face. I think it's supposed to send them a signal that someone spotted it."

"But young miss, with such high technology. I'm sure it's almost impossible to erase the footage. I don't think the IT team will be able to hack it."

IT team? She can live her life without them if she wanted.

"They can't, but I can." She flashed a cunning smile and the bodyguard felt goosebumps rise in his skin.

Calm down!! She's not doing anything, just smiling, but why does he feel that the world was about to end just with that cunning smile?

Kiaraa blinked innocently like she was unaware of what was going on. "What? Don't stare at me that way... I just hacked into their server and tampered with the connections. The images will be pixelated at first, then it will go blank with all footage erased."

She paused for a while before she continued, "I've sent the IT team a video. I need them to get me the information about that girl with my brother." She said and finally got down from the car.

"Yes, young miss." The bodyguard finally nodded as he watched the little devil walk away towards the café. If she was such a great hacker herself then somebody explain to him why she had a whole team of the world's most skilled hackers? She was such a confusing human being.

At the entrance of the café, Kiaraa paused and picked up her phone to dial a number.

"Sister-in-law!!! How can I help you?" A cheerful voice rang in her ears immediately after the call went through and Kiaraa smiled knowingly as a plan formulated in her scheming head.

"Somi Unnie, I have a task for you...."


Kiaraa walked toward her friends with her eyes still on the table of her brother. She finally sat down on her chair and both girls looked at her expectantly waiting for her explanation.

Noticing their gaze, she immediately explained. "The situation is not as simple as it is. I'll explain everything later but for now, Yuna come with me and Mia, you stay here."

At her orders, Mia arched her brows, "Hey why can't I come along?" She asked as she pouted looking rather wronged and Kiaraa rolled her eyes wondering why Ultraviolet was filled with so many drama queens.

"Mia, you are a public figure and that girl with my brother is probably Asian so there's a tendency that she might recognize you," Kiaraa explained.

"Whatever!!! Darling Yu, take care of yourself ok?" Mia said and turned towards Yuna.

"Since when did you and Yuna become so close?" Kiaraa asked as she noticed the way Mia used the word darling before her name which she only did with those she really liked.

"Ever since you gave yourself detention, hmph!" Mia scoffed and Kiaraa sighed deeply.

"Spoilt brat!" She muttered before turning towards Yuna.

"You understand what you're supposed to do right?" Kiaraa asked and Yuna nodded. By that, Kiaraa meant, 'Don't do anything and just follow my lead.'

In the quiet and low-key café, two high schoolers were seen walking toward a table with a man and a woman who seemed to be on a date.

The man's face was jaw-dropping and all the ladies present at the café couldn't help but feel envious of the girl sitting with him. They could only admire him from afar as he just sat at the table with a seemingly bored expression. He simply did nothing but even his breathing could make their knees weaken.

Lee Min stared at the coffee on the table before raising his long lashes towards the girl in front of him and his eyes sting with annoyance. Ever since they arrived, the girl had been chatting nonstop about herself and how much she had achieved over the years.

He wouldn't have been here but he knew it was his responsibility and he couldn't delay it any longer. People born into a rich family were always fated to get an arranged marriage and he knew that if he couldn't marry for his family, the responsibility will be passed down to both his sisters and that's the last thing he wanted.

He wanted them to live happily with the man they loved and even though the Lee family was one of the top families in South Korea, he was only doing this for one reason and that was to protect Kiaraa.

Awwwwn!!! I wish I had a brother like Lee Min who would take all the responsibilities away from my shoulder.

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