
Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Yu Dong , a cultivator from the zombie apocalypse transmigrated over to another world after she died fighting a mob of zombies - the moment she opened her eyes , someone told her that her wife was giving birth - Yu Dong was stunned , she hurriedly reached to touch her chest , to check whether or not she was still a woman - the two perky mounds told her she was - instantly she looked at her bottom , she wanted to check whether or not she was a ‘ real woman ,’ but before she could - she was hauled to where her wife was giving birth - and what she saw made her want to pass out again - Because her wife was a man ! And she didn’t have just one wife but three ! Yu Dong looked at the man who was groaning on the bed and nearly blacked out- whatever at least she didn’t have to chop zombies for living , right ? - Cover not mine email at fairy0tail072@gmail.com to have it removed

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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1540 Chs

Finding one treasure after another

Yu Mai was overjoyed when he heard that he could take the little cat home. While he walked with the cat in front, Ye Liu fed the little cat the spiritual water in his pouch. Though the cat was not making a fuss, it was still a bit wary. He was afraid that the cat would harm the children, so he fed the spiritual water to the baby cat for the sake of taming it. 

After sipping on the spiritual water, the cat was no longer hissing. In fact, he was very calm and purred softly while being held by Yu Mai. 

Their small group walked over to the last trap that Ye Liu had planted in the forest. Upon getting close to the trap, Ye Liu said, "Careful, don't walk inside the trap. In case it is empty." He did not want Yu Mai to get injured because the little mer was not paying attention to his surroundings and could only helplessly warn his little brother-in-law.