
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

Initial Stage?




As I walked through the jungle and up the mountains, I left behind large holes in the ground and many broken trees.

I spent a lot of time wandering the mazes between fields and towns. Sometimes I even had to go around beautiful places with waterfalls or beautiful rocks. I didn't want to destroy such places.

Climbing one of the mountains, I finally spotted the military base I was looking for. It was hidden between mountains and had one large runway and many hangars. From one of these hangars I could smell my Clone.

'Finally!' Spotting my target, I began to descend. Every step I took caused the ground to slide like an avalanche.

'They quickly ran away.' There was no one at the military base. No person or car. But I was not alone here. Airplanes circled in the sky above me, as always. It was good that they didn't try to stop me. They must have realized that it was useless, so they reduced contact to a minimum. But I had a suspicion that there was nothing important for them at this base.

If I came here by surprise, they could send some Jaeger again to detain me.

Entering the territory of the base, the asphalt under my feet crunched like fresh snow. Slowly swaying from side to side, I approached the right hangar and tore the roof off it. I threw the debris aside, causing a lot of noise and dust.

Inside I noticed what was left of my clone. There was almost no flesh left. All the flesh was cut out leaving only the bones. Some of the armor was also missing, but the armor was mostly intact. The appearance of this corpse reminded me of the remains of animals after they are eaten by ants.

Surprisingly, people did the same to him as ants do to their prey. This sent chills down my spine. I wondered why they need all this meat. I could only hope they didn't eat it. The fate of this clone is truly tragic, but he deserved this treatment.

'So what should I do? Take a couple parts of armor and leave or take the whole skeleton?' The answer to that question was in the goals I pursued. If the armor plates could absorb my energy and explode on impact, then I'll take the whole corpse.


I bent down to the skeleton and ripped one plate of armor from its back. I had to strain my muscles to pry it off the frame, but when I was done I had a huge plate of bone in my hands. It was twice the size of my palm.

This armor was really not suitable for weapons. It wasn't spicy at all and not big enough for it. Holding a piece of armor in my hands, I examined it and tried to break it by squeezing.

But this armor is quite strong. Stronger than the steel I can bend with my hands.'I thought after I failed to bend the armor.

Next, it was necessary to check the ability to absorb energy. Taking a deep breath, I fired fire at the piece of armor in my hands.


A stream of fire enveloped a piece of armor and began to heat it. A smile appeared on my face as the armor turned completely red. I felt it! The armor was really accumulating a charge and it started to hum somehow in my hand.

'Shit!' I quickly tossed the piece of armor away from me. It flew across the base and hit a nearby mountain.


When the piece of armor hit the mountain, everything around it started burning and melting. The explosion I was hoping to see didn't happen, but the place where the piece of armor fell was completely melted. Even the rocks melted and it was pretty good. This effect was not bad.

'I'm definitely not going to leave it here!' People don't really have the ability to replicate that effect. They didn't have the same type of energy as my fire breath, but they were resourceful and could figure out a way around this problem.

It would probably be useless for humans to use large pieces of armor, but they could make rockets out of it, or even regular machine gun cartridges.

'That's not a bad idea!' If people can make rounds out of my armor and somehow charge them before firing, it will be a very powerful weapon capable of penetrating tank armor.

"I have to monopolize it! Otherwise, it will get out of control and another kind of super powerful weapon will appear in the world!' I raised my head and looked at the planes circling above me. They saw everything, so my idea is no longer a secret. After I get this skeleton, I'm going to have to make sure to find my old armor or people will.

Placing the piece of armor I had torn out in the middle of the clone's skeleton, I took it with both hands and lifted it up. The hangar was  destroyed as I tried to put the clone on my back.


The clone's bony arm couldn't hold on and tore away from the body and fell to the ground as I held the rest of the skeleton on my back.

Did people even take away the tendons? How greedy!' I bent down and picked up my hand. I scanned the ruins of the hangar once more to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything and turned to leave.

I had already taken a few steps towards the jungle, but then I felt something and stopped. It felt like someone was under the ground. Something small, but big enough to make my Titan sense work.

'Just don't tell me they're keeping another clone underground!' I felt anger. They recovered too quickly after I destroyed their cloning lab. If this clone is the same as the previous one, then I will have to fight it now.

Placing the skeleton away from the base, I began looking for a place where I needed to start digging.

'This is so annoying!' I thought as I dug up the ground with my hands. With one wave of my hand, I went deeper for dozens of meters and threw hundreds of tons of earth aside. Obviously, people did not learn from their mistakes and continued the cloning program.

'How many more of their labs do I have to destroy to make them stop doing this?' I was already very deep underground, deeper than my height. On the side of the place where I was digging, another mountain appeared with soft earth and stones. The deeper I dug, the better I felt the creature beneath me.


Finally I got to the concrete. My claws went into him like a knife through butter, and he split open. Reaching out, I tore the roof off the underground bunker. A lot of earth and debris poured inside.

I moved my head closer and looked inside. It was dark in there, but I could see the green plants inside.

Because I destroyed the roof of the room, there were occasional sparks inside and steam coming out of the pipes.

'It's weird! Why is this room so small?' I could sense a living being in this room, but the room was not big enough for a giant clone. Looking closer, I noticed a round stone in the corner of the room. Reaching out, I took the stone in my hand.

'What is this?' The object was quite large, slightly larger than my fist. There were patterns on the stone, and several holes on the edges.

'It's another turtle!' I was surprised. In my hand was a huge tortoise with a round shell on its back. It wasn't another clone of me - it was a regular tortoise! It was just very big!

Knock Knock Knock

'Hey! Are you there?' I tapped the tortoise's back with my claw, hoping it would crawl out. After a moment of silence and stillness, arms and legs protruded from the carapace, followed by the creature's large head.

The creature opened its big eyes and looked at me. I felt that it was afraid of me, but it still came out of its shell, which spoke of some intelligence.

I examined the tortoise from different angles. It really wasn't a clone. People must have done something with an ordinary turtle. Even if this creature grows up, it won't be able to walk straight like me. It had a thick round carapace and four short legs.

'So what should I do with you now? I don't want to leave you here.' I didn't know how people actually made clones. Perhaps they were growing titans from ordinary turtles, and this creature was only in the initial stage of development.

Apart from this being, I didn't sense anyone else on this base. The creature continued to look at me. It looked cute enough, so I didn't even think about killing him. But I couldn't decide what to do with this lab.

I had too little information. If they are cloning me, then they must be destroyed, but if they are just playing with the genes of the Titans and making such creatures, then I had no right to destroy the laboratory. Who am I to decide what people should do? The main thing is that they do not create giant monsters that cause more problems than good.

'OK! If I don't find anything suspicious, then I'll leave this lab alone.' Thinking this, I climbed out of the hole I had dug and placed the turtle on the ground in the middle of the jungle. The tortoise immediately looked around with wide eyes and began to eat the trees around it. The creature was large enough to eat leaves from the tops of trees.

I left the tortoise alone and returned to the pit to take another look at the lab. Slowly and carefully I peered inside and sniffed. Sometimes I destroyed the ceiling above other rooms.

'Apparently, even if I decide not to destroy this lab, people still won't be able to repair it. HA-HA-HA!' I laughed as I resurfaced. There was no indication in this lab that they wanted to make a 100 meter creature (328 ft). There wasn't enough big rooms for it and the equipment, so I decided not to burn it.


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