
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

33: The Fight Against A Friend.

The heroes returned to the colony, tired from the search. He's been gone for a few days now, and they missed him very much, especially Margarita. They hoped and prayed he'd come back, and their prayers are about to be answered. But there's going to be a cache.

Mason, Starburst, and Kori landed in front of the colony. Kane and Jerrell quickly rushed to see what's going on.

Kane: "Look! It's Mason! He's back!"

Jerrell: "But what are they doing here?"

"Heh heh heh heh...fools..." Starburst, crossing his arm and smiling.

Kori (to Mason): "These are your enemies."

Jerrell: "What's going on?"

Mason: "Prepare to fight."

He punched Kane in the face. Kane, caught by surprise, landed on his butt.

Kane: "Are you insane?!"

Jerrell: "He's not the Mason we know. Something must've happened!"

Mason: "I'll kill you all!"

He continued to attack them, but they didn't want to fight back.

Kane: "Stop this! Mason, it's me, Kane!"

Mason: "I know. That's why you'll be the first to die." He punched Kane in the guts and everybody heard the sound of the impact.

Kane: "Mason...why? The Mason I knew would never, ever do this. He must be controlled somehow."

Jerrell: "He's a traitor."

Kane: "No…"

Jerrell: "He's a lousy traitor. I knew you couldn't be trusted. What happened to the Mason that I trusted? The Mason that Margarita trusted?"

Mason: "Trust? Margarita? I don't know what you mean." He proceeded to gather energy into his palm.

Jerrell got ready for the next attack.

Margarita was sitting by her desk writing her diary. She was very sad. Suddenly, she sensed a very familiar spirit. (Huh? Mason, could it be you?) Yes, it was him alright. She knew there was something very different about him, but she didn't care.

Margrit, Zelfire, Piper, and Leila arrived to the scene.

Margrit: "Mason, it's really you!"

Jerrell was down and dirty. "He's not the Mason you knew, Margarita. Be…careful."

Margrit: "Brother? What happened to you?"

Zelfire: (Brother? Jerrell is her brother?)

Mason charged at Margrit and punched her in the chest. She completely did not expect this, and fell down hard.

[Split screen - 3] - [Zelfire, Piper, Leila].

Kori: "Oooh, that's gotta hurt."

Margrit: "Mason? What are you doing?"

Jerrell: "H-He's turned on us! He's our enemy now."

Leila: "Turned on us? You wouldn't do that, right, Mason?"

Piper: "It's not true, right?"

"Hmmmph, I was never on your side." He attacked Piper next. Piper just couldn't fight his friend. Pow!

Zelfire: "Mason!"

Mason: "You're next!" He charged at Zelfire and punched.

Zelfire dodged a few times, then grabbed his wrist. "Mason! It's me, your best friend, remember?"

Mason got free, and punched him in the face. Doosh.

Margrit was still flabbergasted at the situation. "Mason…"

Kane: "Starburst! You did this to him!"

Starburst: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Liar!" Kane charged at him vigorously. Starburst jumped into the air.

At this time, Jerrell got up. "What are you doing just standing there? This isn't a spectator event."

Kori: "Me?"

Jerrell: "Yeah you!"

Kori: "You want to challenge me? I wouldn't if I were you."

Jerrell: "Why not?"

Kori: "I'll tell you why."

They fought each other with full force, while Mason was still beating up his friends.

Piper: "Stop this! Please! We're your friends!"

Mason: "I've heard enough of this!"

He continued his assault, and his friends have no choice but to fight back. Piper and Zelfire defended themselves, but Margrit just stood there watching them fight. She didn't know what to do.

"No, Mason...stop this..." she said.

Leila decided to make a run for it. Mason saw her from the corner of his eye. He stopped attacking and flew after her. Piper and Zelfire went after him.

Margrit: "What...what do I do now?"

Mason lifted Leila by her jacket and lifted her a few feet higher.

Leila: "No, don't do this!"

Zelfire: "Put her down."

Mason threw Leila away, Piper caught her.

Piper: "Leila!" Then he turned his friend. "What did you that for?"

Mason fired a blast, and Piper blocked it for Leila. Kaboom. He was out.

Leila: "Piper!! No!"

Zelfire kicked, Mason blocked, then hit him with his other hand. Zelfire aimed at his face, Mason titled his head, and kicked him. Then Zell punched him in the face.

Mason's head turned a little.

"You call that a punch?" Mason proceeded to punch him in the face. Doosh! He skidded across the ground. Zell groaned from the pain and got up. Mason ran at him.

(Damn. I never imagined I'd have to fight Mason.) "Mason! Don't do this. Don't force me."

Mason continued running at him. Zell fired the Energy Blast.

Mason stopped running, and he fired the Energy Bomb. It blew away Zelfire's beam and zoomed right into him. It knocked him against a tree. He was out.

Leila: "How could you do this to us?!" She picked up a branch randomly from the ground. Mason's back was facing her, so it'll be the perfect time to strike.

Distracted by Zelfire, Leila was able to hit him. The branch broke into two. Mason wasn't hurt. "Rrrrrrgh! How dare you!"

Leila: "Don't you know who we are? Terry?"

"My name is Mason!" He slapped her and she lost consciousness. "What a bunch of idiots."

Margarita surfed on a T-board and got off once she saw Mason. "Mason?"

"It's you again?"

"What have you done? Those are your best friends!"

"They deserved what they got."

"How could you…what happened to you?"

Mason powered up. He had no interest in what she had to say. Can Margarita save her loved one, or get killed in the process?