
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

29: Starburst's Plan. Colony Sabotage.

Mason didn't have a day of peace since his arrival to the colony. Everyday was a struggle, and the future was uncertain. That is, until he fell in love with Margarita and found his long lost father. He couldn't be happier in his life. Finally, he found his identify, and Mason, for the first time ever, found a place that he felt he belongs to.

Still, he hasn't told his friends about his secrets…yet. Zelfire and Piper are completely oblivious to the current events, but Leila and Kane know a little bit.

Burdok was enjoying fresh air on the balcony. Mason joined him. "Father."

"Hey son."

"Looking at the scenery?"

Burdok: "Yep. I don't know why, but I can't take my eyes off it."

"This planet is great, isn't it?"

"Yeah." He paused. "I am sorry about everything."

"No need to be sorry. The best thing we can do now is make up for lost times."

"You don't have to accompany me. You should spend time with Margarita. She's a nice girl."

"Margarita? What do you mean?" Mason asked, a little worried.

"You know what I mean."

"Ummm, no I don't."

"Yes you do. Don't think just because I'm old that I don't know. I know about your relationship with her. Don't deny it."

"You were spying on us?"

"Spying? That is such an ugly word."

"Then what do you call it?"

"Uhhh…nosiness. Don't I have a right to know about my own son's affairs? Seriously, if you two are in love then you should spend more time with her. I'm afraid it's too late for me."

"I can spend time equally with both."

"Mason, one thing that I've learned is that women are impatient. You better hang on to her or she'll leave you."

"Not to worry. We understand each other."

"Love is probably the most valuable thing in the universe. I learned that the hard way when I lost your mother." Burdock leaned against the fence, and stared up at the gigantic ceiling.

A hacker sneaked into the colony without getting noticed. He managed to sneak past the guards and headed into the air conditioned vents. He crawled around, and then checked his computer map device. "Almost there."

Kori: "Starburst, what is your plan?"

Starburst: "I'm going to attack the colony with my Battalion!"

Kori: "What? I know your ship is powerful, but the colony's defense system is impenetrable. Trust me."

Starburst: "Nothing is impenetrable. I can assure you it's my most brilliant plan ever! I've already sent the hacker into the colony. He will disable all the colony's defenses, then he'll signal me, then I attack."

"Hmmm, that might work."

"My plans never fail. You see Kori, brains are as important as brawn, as my father taught me. Once the colony goes boom, Mason and every sayan inside will die!"

Margarita was sitting on the edge of the fountain, waiting for Mason to come. He finally came at last. "Hey there."

Mason: "Hey." He sat down beside her.

"Going to see your father?"


"I think you should spend more time with him. After all, you've never known him before."

"How strange."

"What is?"

Mason: "He just told me to spend time with you. Ayah! What a headache I'm having. This one tells me to go to the other person, and this one tells me to go there."

"That's what you get for being Mason."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You're always trying to make everybody happy, and in the end it's you who always suffers."

"As long as my loved ones are happy, I'm happy. That's all that matters."

"Mason, I want you to promise me something. Will you?"

"Promise what?"

"Stay here with me forever. That's all I want."


"Yes.""I don't know if I can."

Margrit was disappointed. "What do you mean?"

"You know that earth is my home, right. No matter what happens in the end, I'm going back there."


"You've seen it before. It's a beautiful place. It's where I belong."

"I want you to stay. With me." Her face grew sad.

"I want to too, but this place just isn't my home. Earth is."

She grabbed his arm and put her head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to go.""Margarita, this is an eventual thing. After things are safe again, I'll go back there. There is nothing that can change that." "Alright, enough. Please don't mention that anymore. I just want to be happy now. That's all that matters. Don't talk about the future anymore."

In a certain person's private room, the bathroom door was slightly ajar and steam was leaking out of the opening. The entire bathroom steamed up from the hot shower. *Sssssshhhhh* Margarita let the water hit her face and washed her hair.

She was thinking about the conversation she just had with Mason.

"I just want to be happy now…Don't talk about the future anymore."

"Hey…you want to come to earth with me?" Mason asked.

"Come with you?"

It was such an irresistible offer. Earth is a neutral planet not affected by the war. If she goes with Mason to Earth, they can start a new life. A life where she can forget about the war and death, it is much better than life in the colony.

The hacker crawled through the ventilations until he reached an exit. "What room is this?" he muttered to himself. He noticed a bed a desk with a mirror, amongst other things. Also, there was a watery noise coming from the bathroom, which he can't see. Curious, he decided to get off here.

He quietly took out the fence, jumped down, and landed on the floor quietly. Thud. He saw the bathroom door from down the hall and saw steam coming out and realized someone was in the shower. He hid behind the wall and figured he would give his victim a surprise. He grew excited wondering what kind of woman would come out?

Margrit stepped out of the shower and wrapped a red towel around herself and used a small white cloth to dry her hair. The door opened and she stepped out. The white towel was draped around her neck like a scarf and she grabbed one end to rub her head.

The hacker came out of hiding and Margrit was taken completely by surprise. She gasped and remained still. "W-who are you? What are you doing here?!"

"Well, today's my lucky day! It's not everyday that you get into a colony and find a barely clothed woman!" he said.

He leered at her features starting from the bottom, all the way to the top. She was barefoot and her legs were exposed, all the way to the hips. Her legs were flawless. Water was dripping from various places. The towel was a deep red color. Her breasts were a nice shape, the towel covered the bottom two-thirds and the top one third was revealed. Water was dripping from various parts. Her face was also nice to look at. Her eyes were wide open and shaking. She looked like she's seen a ghost.

He walked closer and closer to her. Her breath was short and could barely breathe. She was so scared that she was frozen...unable to scream or do anything to protect herself.

Now he was right in front of her. He grabbed the white cloth from her hands and pulled it, making her head move towards him. He leaned forward, closed his eyes and kissed her lips.

"Mmmmfffff!" Margrit's pupils were wide open with shock.

This was not what he expected...her lips were so sweet and luscious and he enjoyed them fully. His hands grabbed Margrit's back and held her tightly.

The cloth drop on the floor. Plop.

Finally, she snapped out of it and pushed him away. "You creep! Get away from me!"

He laughed and walked closer to her. She made a fist and aimed it for his face, but he blocked it and squeezed her hand.

"You're pretty tough for a woman!"

"Let go…please…"

"No!" he said, and squeezed it even harder. She could feel the bones cracking and she struggled, but it was no use.

"Ahhhh! Let go! Please! Let me go!"

He laughed at her plea, and let her go and slapped her into a wall. He put his hands on the wall, next to her face. She was trapped. "No…please!" He kissed her and his hand grabbed her thigh. She pushed him away and ran for it.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into him, making her turn around. He kissed her lips.

"No…stay back…" Margrit said as she retreated, while he advanced.

"I wonder what you're wearing under that?" he said, looking at her towel.

She knew what he wanted to do. "No! Please!"

He tried to grab her, she shoved his arms away, and attacked. He blocked her chop. Thud. She kept punching, and he dodged. Doosh, doosh.

She kicked. He blocked, and did a karate chop on her lower thigh. Thud. She groaned from the pain. She stepped back, and fell on her knee. "Uhhh…it hurts…"

The man walked forward, crackling his knuckles, with a smile on his face. "This is going to hurt more if you keep resisting."

Magrit quickly got back on her feet. He let out a fury of punches. She dodged. He kicked, hitting her in the chest. Wham. She was knocked against the wall. Suddenly, she jumped to the air and did a flying kick, he blocked. She landed on the floor. Then he kicked her in the neck, and she fell. Thud.

She crawled to her bed, and he grabbed her and slammed her against the drawers. Wham. He was behind her, and she was trapped between him and the drawers. He sniffed her hair and enjoyed it. His hand touched her thigh and reached up the towel.

Margrit: "No! Please! Stop! No!"

He turned her around. He moved his hands up her leg and into the towel as he kissed her lips tightly.

Margrit couldn't do anything to fight back. Tears rolled down her cheeks as his lips were touching hers. He kissed her neck, then her shoulders.

She pushed him and got as far away as possible. "Stop it, please!" He continued walking towards her.

He slapped her face and she just stood there, not knowing what to do. Controlled by fear, she watched helplessly as he approached her and kissed her. He touched her leg and rubbed it firmly. She pushed him away again, and her towel suddenly dropped and he saw everything.

"Whoa, you're gorgeous!" he said.

She quickly picked up the towel and wrapped it around her body. He slapped her against a wall and she let out a cry of pain. He grabbed the towel and tried to pull it off while she held on to it tightly.

"Stop it! Please! Please!"

He pulled her closer and closer and grabbed her arms.

"No! Please!" Margrit pleaded. He kissed her lips and tears filled her eyes. "Please, no!" Suddenly, the towel slipped and fell on the floor. She stood there, completely naked and helpless. She was too scared to react. Tears drop from her eyes. He stared at her body.

He grabbed her shoulders tight and kissed her lips, then her neck, then her shoulders. He moved his hand down her back. He kissed her lips, then moved down to her breasts. She struggled to get free, but couldn't.

He grabbed her tightly. He kissed her lips. He threw her on the bed, then got on top of her. He loosened his clothing.

She laid there crying and hoping some one will save her. "Please! Stop! Please! Please!"

He kissed her shoulders, then her breasts. He grabbed her leg and rubbed it. He kissed her leg then he took off her slipper and threw it on the floor. He kissed her leg enjoyably. He touched her leg and moved down onto her thigh. He kissed the smooth skin on her thigh.

Margrit's hand grabbed onto the bed sheet. She screamed in pain, but no one could hear her. "AAAHHHHHH!" she screamed helplessly.

He grabbed her other leg and touched it all over. He took off the other slipper and threw it at her face. His hand moved lower and lower. "Uhhhh! Please! Stop!" Tears were rolling down her eyes. His hand moved lower and lower into her leg, and he laughed. His hand reached her sacred area, ands she groaned in agony. Her fingers grabbed the bed sheet tighter.

He continued violating her body. "Stop! Please!" He ignored her cries and continued. He slapped her again and again until her face was bruised. Her eyes were loaded with tears and they dripped out like a stream. Slap! "Ugh!" Slap! "Ugh!" Her feet kicked helplessly.

"Hahaha! You're mine!" He kissed her lips. Her fingers grabbed the bed sheet tightly. Her feet kicked the bed sheet helplessly.

He strangled her neck, then let go. He stroked her until he was out of breath.

She lay on the bed unconscious. The hacker fixed his clothes. "Well, it's been nice meeting you! See ya next time, baby." He kissed her and went into the bathroom. He turned the faucet on, poured water on his face.

He sneaked into the control room where Jerrell was talking with a soldier about some serious business. The hacker rolled a small back metal ball inside the room and smoke came out from it. Psssss! He covered his nose and mouth.

The soldiers inside were starting to get sleepy, really sleepy. "Uhhh, I'm getting sleepy..." the maintenance soldier said.

Jerrell: "Yeah, me too. I think I'll take a nap right now..."

In less than a minute, everyone in the room fell asleep. "This is easier than I thought! Today is my day! The colony will soon perish!" He sat down in front of the main control and typed a bunch of stuff in it. Words in sayan language appeared on the screen.

["Warning! Disabling the defense system will leave the colony unprotected! Continue?"] He typed "Yes" and typed more code in and a sound rang throughout the room.

"Bingo! Time to get out of here." He pushed a button on his wrist to contact Starburst. "Mission accomplished."

Starburst: "Excellent. Now get out of the colony. It's about to go kaboom!" The hacker left the colony safe and sound.

A dark shadow headed toward the colony and covered it. It's the Battalion! The soldiers looked out the window and saw the giant spaceship right on top of them. They were clueless and scared. They have no idea what's going on, and why the alarm didn't sound in the colony.

Leila: "That's the…"

Piper: "The Battalion!"

Zelfire: "It's Starburst!"

Piper: "This is not good..."

Meanwhile, Kane inspected the control room and made his shocking discovery. "Wake up Jerrell! Wake up you lazy bum!" he said, shaking him violently.

Jerrell: "Huhhhh, what?" He got on his feet.

Kane: "We're under attack! Someone must have disabled the defense system!" Jerrell: "He did this to us!"

Kane: "Do something!"

Jerrell: "Alright! Calm down." He checked the main computer. "Damn it! I can't activate it. The whole system's down!"

Kane: "In other words, we're doomed."

The Battalion shot several missiles at the buildings. They blew up and turned into dust. Others were severely damaged. BOOM!

Mason: "What the heck was that?"

Starburst: "Hahahahah! Take that! And this!" He pushed the buttons, targeting the buildings and shooting it like a video game.

Kori: "Looks like you're having fun."

Starburst: "The real fun is about to begin."

The bottom of the Battalion opened up and waves of soldiers on parachutes land on the colony. Piper and Zelfire split up, and Leila followed Piper. They ran across the sky bridge, then suddenly the bridge went kaboom.

Dergoneous: "Split up and attack everyone! Show no mercy!"

The soldiers ran towards the main building.

Piper: " *Gasp* Oh no!"

Leila: "Ahhhh!"

Piper: "It's that fish face again!"

Dergoneous: "You again? It's a small world after all."

Piper: "I won't let you ruin this place."

Leila: "That's right. You tell him Piper."

Dergoneous: "With my new strength I'll clobber you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Thanks to the energy orb, I'm more powerful than ever! Now, kill them!"

The soldiers attacked Piper and Leila. Piper could beat them easily, but he had to protect Leila. A soldier got behind Leila and held her by the neck.

"Heeeelp! Piper!"

Piper: "Let her go!"

He punched him in the face and he was knocked out. With a few fists and jumping kicks, he defeated the soldiers.

Dergoneous: "I'm next!" He charged at Piper and hit him with his shoulder. Piper couldn't do anything but get pushed back. Wham! Dergoneous slammed him into a wall. He left a crack on the wall. Piper regained balance and kicked, Dergoneous ducked and gave him an uppercut. Piper was hit on the chin.

Leila: "Piper! Nooo!"

Piper chopped, but Dergoneous grabbed his hand and threw him on the floor. "Ouch. I've lost again."

The sayan soldiers were fighting with all they've got to protect their home. This battle would test their true skills and find out if their training has paid off.

Mason ran around the buildings to explore the situation, and all he found was people fighting everywhere. From one of the windows he recognized the Battalion. "It's Starburst! He's behind this!"

Dergoneous: "Mason! Today you will perish!"

"I won't bet on it if I were you."

"You're not so tough now!"

Back at the bridge, things weren't looking so well. "Are you alright? Say something!" Leila said.

Piper: "I'm fine. Really. I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

Kane: "What are you still doing here?! Get out of here! We have to evacuate!" Piper: "But Kane...this is our home now, we can't just leave..."

Kane: "You have to! We're out numbered here! It's for the best."

So, Leila and Piper followed Kane to the exit.

At the main building, Jerrell ran into Zelfire and told him to leave at once.

Dergoneous attacked Mason, but the attack was interrupted by Burdok. Dergoneous: "How dare you get in my way!"

Burdok: "No, how dare you! Your people our home back in Arlia, and now our colony here. This place is home to many others."

Dergoneous: "For having a big mouth, you shall die!"

Burdok: "Mason, get out of here! We have to evacuate immediately."

Mason: "No, I'm not leaving you here!"

Dergoneous fired his Bubble Beam at Mason. It was a direct hit. "Ahhhhhhh!" "Stop!" Burdock leaped at the alien and kicked him right in the face.

Dergoneous: "You'll pay for that!"

Margarita woke up painfully. "W-What's going on?" She got up on and slowly walked outside. "This is terrible!" She had to hold on to the wall with one hand while walking. "This place is under attack? But wait, where's Mason? He's not out yet..."