
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

17: The Colony Strikes Back.

The heroes were taking a tour of colony where they thought they were safe. They were very wrong. Once the colony was attacked, Margarita was one of the first to defend it. She came face to face with the evil Kori, and both were determined to achieve victory. But who will win this fight? And what will be the fate of the colony and those who live in it?

Margarita faced off against Kori and they were evenly matched, for the moment. Kori charged up a energy beam and threw it at her. She tired to block it, but it was too powerful. It hit her and she fell straight onto the ground.

Kori: "Ouch. That must hurt."

Margarita: "Uhhh, my suit! You ruined my suit!"

Kori (sarcastically): "What's the matter? Did I ruin your perfectly good clothes? Oh my, you're getting angry...please don't hurt me! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Margarita: "Shut up! I'm...not going...to lose...to the likes of you!"

She formed an Energy Bomb and aimed it at Kori and hit him! Kori countered it with a blast of his own.

Kori: "Is that all?"

Margarita: "No, that can't be!!!"

Kori: "You call that an attack? I'll show you how it's done!" He shot a beam and it hit her and knocked her into a house in the village.

Kane, Jerrell, Piper and Zelfire hurried to the field to help Margarita, but they were interfered by Dergoneous and Triclops.

Jerrell: "Where's Margarita?"

Triclops: "She's fighting our boss, and I'm afraid she won't last long!"

Dergoneous: "So these are the colony's strongest? Pathetic!"

Piper: "What did you say?!"

Kane: "They need a lesson real bad!"

Triclops: "Hmm, since when does the colony accept humans?"

Piper: "I'll tell you! Because we are very strong!"

Dergoneous: "Yeah, you are strong. Compared to an ant!"

They started fighting and already the bad guys were winning.

Meanwhile, Mason and Zorton were also rushing to help Margarita.

Zorton: "Mason, I'll go help the others. You help Margarita."

Mason: "Alright."

So they split up and headed in different directions. Mason entered the abandoned village, but there were no signs of Margarita. (Where could she be?)

He tried to sense her, but it didn't work because her power was running low, and he didn't know her that long. The ability to sense some one's life force is probably the single most useful technique his master had taught him. It is a very rare ability, reserved only for those with the sixth sense.

However, it doesn't work at all times. Mason could have sensed Piper or Zelfire

if he concentrated enough. He could because he knew them for so many years, so he recognized their life force.

But wait, something was not right. He could slightly sense her presence in one of the houses even though he knew her for only a few weeks. He didn't know why that happened, and didn't care.

He went inside and saw Margarita laying there under a pile of rocks and wood. She was injured and barely conscious. "Margarita? Are you ok? What happened?"

"Mason?... It's you?" she said in a weak voice.

"Who did this?"

"It was Kori, he's very strong. Get out of here...now..."

"No, I can't do that. He's not gonna get away with it, I promise!" He removed the rocks from her body.

"...You're helping me? You're willing to help me...even after all I've done?"

"Of course! That's what friends are for!" He held her hand. "Everything will be alright. I promise."

Margarita was touched by his courage and sincerity. Tears were rolling down her face. "Thank you...Mason. No one has been this nice to me before." Then she suddenly yelled: "Watch out! Behind you!"

Mason: "Huh?"

He turned around but it was too late to react. A beam hit him and pushed him out of the house.

Margarita: "Nooooooo!"

Kori walked in. "Ha ha ha ha ha! Idiot. He didn't even know what hit him! Don't tell me he's part of your colony. He should learn to be more alert."

"Kori! No, don't hurt him! Please!" she pleaded as her trembling hands grabbed his foot.

Kori: "Why? Is he that important to you? Who is he? Your boyfriend?! Ha ha ha ha ha! "

"Don't hurt him!"

"Get off of me!" He shook her hands off his foot.

Mason got up painfully. "Owww, what happened?"

Kori: (He's not hurt, after taking a direct hit from me?)

Mason: "You did that! And you're the one who hurt Margarita!"

Kori: "That's right! And what are you gonna do about it?"

"I'll show you what I'm gonna do!" he said, powering up.

They began fighting, but Mason couldn't catch up with his superior speed.

Dergoneous beat up Piper badly. Pow! Whack! Zelfire fell on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Hah hah hah hah! You humans are no match for me, just like I said!"

Piper: "Shut up you overgrown fish face!"

Dergoneous: "What did you say?" He stepped on Piper.


"Weakling! I don't know why I'm wasting my time with you..."

Jerrell and Kane teamed up against Triclops and they were winning. Suddenly, Zorton dropped to help them.

Jerrell: "Zorton? What are you doing here?"

Zorton: "What does it look like? I'm helping you!"

Jerrell: "We're doing just fine here. We appreciate it, but we don't need you now!"

Kane: "Go back and help Mason!"

Zorton: "Fine by me." He flew out of there.

Triclops: "Heh heh heh heh. You fools. You need all the help you can get..."Jerrell: "What do you mean?"

Triclops: "You think you're winning aren't you? You haven't seen me at full power! When I open my third eye, you're both finished!"

Kane: "What is he talking about?"

Jerrell: "I think he's telling the truth. All this time he kept his third eye closed..."

Kane: "Well, I don't care how many eyes he's got, he's going down."

Jerrell: (What does his third eye do?)

"You don't believe me, do you? You will...soon..." Triclops began to power up...and energy was running through his body..."Hah hah hah hah hah hah!" His eye opened...and it seemed like the whole sky lighted up. Jerrell and Kane covered their eyes.

Triclop's third eye was now open, and it looked like the heroes will have to fight a tough battle. Triclops moved forward his arm and the wave of energy blew them away.

Jerrell and Kane: "Ahhhhh!"

"What a force!"

Triclops: "Now you die!" Bang! The whole area exploded. Once there were no signs of his enemies, he closed the third eye.

Zorton rushed back to help Mason as fast as he could. When he got to the village, Mason was badly injured and couldn't fight back.

Zorton: "Mason! Oh no!"

Kori: "Another one? It doesn't matter. I'll finish all of you now!"

Zorton: "Take this!" He fired the Energy Bang, a very powerful laser attack, but he missed.

Kori appeared in front of him and kicked him. It was a devastating hit for Zorton. He fell on the ground face flat.

Kori: "One hit K.O.! Hah hah hah hah! C'mon! Don't tell me that's all you've got?!"

Zorton: "Owwww, this can't be!"

Mason: "Zorton..."

Kori: "You guys really bore me. Enough is enough." He contacted the others with his scouter. "Dergoneous, Triclops, what's your status?"

Triclops: "Enemies eliminated."

Dergoneous: "Same here. These weaklings were no match for me!"

Kori: "Good. Now head to the colony and attack!"

"Hey, Kori long time no see." said a familiar voice.

"Radus? What are you doing here?"

"Same as you. You're not the only one who is doing this, ya know! Dark Spectre is giving a reward to those who kill the most sayans."

"What? But I was here first."

Radus: "Yet you're wasting time with these weaklings."

"Do as you wish. Just don't interfere with me." Kori flew towards the colony.Mason: "Uhhh, I've got to stop him...he's gonna destroy...the colony..."

Margarita walked out of the house to Mason. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. I've got to stop Kori..."

"I'm going too!"

"No, its safer here. You're injured. Leave it to me."

"Mason...but it's my colony too! I must go and kill Kori!"

Zorton: "Stay here Margarita. It's for your own good. I know Mason can stop them alone."

Margarita: "But...I have to save my colony."

Zorton: "But who's going to save you? You're in no shape for anything."

Mason flew after Kori and Margarita whispered: "Good luck."