
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

12: Rasputin's End. Last Thoughts.

Terry stared at the sky thoughtfully as he waited for Zorton to wake up. The others joined them. Leila looked at Zorton, and asked him, "Is he..."

"No, he's still breathing. His energy was drained. He just needs some rest.

Zelfire: "Look, Kane is here."

Kane: "Hey guys."

Piper: "Zorton says he saved you too." Piper said.

"It's true."

Leila: "But how does Zorton know so much about us?"

Kane: "That's what I want to know."

Piper: "Since he's here…and unconscious…let's see what his face looks like."

Kane: "No…that would be wrong of us."

Zorton woke up dazed and confused. "What happened? Where is Rasputin?"

"There's no need to worry about him. I defeated him, and-"


"I let him go."

"You did what?" he asked in shock.

A few hours later in the mother ship, Rasputin was completely recharged. Zarbon entered the control room.

Zarbon: "Master Rasputin..."

"Enough! Not another word out of you! You have been beaten by an earthling. You failed me."

"I'm sorry master! Give me another chance, please!"

"You will get no more chances! He he he he..."

Zarbon: "No, not that! Anything but that!" Rasputin drained every last drop of his energy until he was a goner. Zarbon collapsed, with smoke burning from his body. Now, Rasputin was stronger than ever, and ready for revenge.

"If I can't take over earth, then I might as well destroy it!"

Rasputin directed the mother ship towards the earth. It entered the atmosphere and slowed down because of its huge size. Kane's scouter detected its movements and

He immediately warned the others about this.

Zorton: "We've got to stop them now, before it's too late!"

"What's the rush?" Terry asked.

"You have no idea, do you?"

"Huh?" Zelfire shrugged.

"The mother ship of the G-Force is very deadly! It has the power to destroy this whole planet!"

"That's amazing!" Piper said surprisingly.

Terry quietly said to himself, "I can't believe I trusted Rasputin. That's it. He's run out of chances."

"Look, the only way to stop them is to fly the Cruiser into the ship and take over it inside."

"Fine. I'm coming with you." yelled Piper excitingly.

"Me too." Terry continued.

"Me three." said Zelfire.

Kane decided not to join them, thinking he had to handle things on earth. "I can't come with you all. I've got to warn the citizens of this planet about this so they don't get hurt."

Zorton: "You can try, but no one will believe you."

Kane: "I've got to try. I can't let innocent people die."

Zorton: "Fine, do as you wish."

So Zorton, Zelfire, Mason and Piper got on the Cruiser and it flew out of there.

Leila: "I'm coming with you, Kane!"

Kane: "Hurry Leila, we don't have much time."

The Cruiser approached the sphere at a high speed. "We've detected Zorton's ship!" the captain said.

Rasputin: "Shoot it down!"

"Yes, sir."

Laser cannons popped out of the sphere and they start shooting at the Cruiser. Zorton, being a skilled pilot, managed to avoid all the laser beams, and flew right into the sphere! On impact it went through the steel wall, making a big hole. Terry and the others got out of the Cruiser and ran towards the control room, where Rasputin was waiting to kill them. The guards couldn't stop them at all. They were an unbeatable team.

Finally, after getting lost a few times, they reached the control room. All of them had a feeling a final duel will happen, and this time Rasputin won't be so easy.

"Welcome my friends, I've been expecting you. What took you so long?" he asked in a 'friendly' way.

"I'm not your friend." Zorton said in an unfriendly way.

"We know you're going to use this ship to destroy earth. But it is not going to happen while we're alive.

Piper: "That's right."

Zelfire: "Your day has come, Rasputin."

Rasputin: "Listen up, earthlings, you're about to learn your final lesson! The lesson of death!"

"The only one who needs to learn is you." Terry backfired.

"Fools. You think you can beat me, do you? Just because you beat me last time. But now, with Zarbon's energy, I'm more powerful than ever!"

Zelfire looked at Zarbon's body laying on the floor. "You would do this even to your own ally? You're disgusting."

"He was of no use to me, so I had to make use of him... Soon you'll be joining him. You are about to have your energy drained...for the last time!"

Mason, Zelfire and Piper grunted angrily. More guards came into the room.Rasputin: "Get them!"

The guards started attacking them. Zorton charged at Rasputin, but he sent a shockwave at Zorton and it hit him! Zorton was thrown at the wall by the shockwaves. Crash! "How did you like that?"

Zorton: "Ouch."

After the guards were down, Mason fought Rasputin with the help of Zelfire and Piper. It wasn't much of a fight. They couldn't even get near him. Rasputin sent a wave of energy at them, and the whole room was shaking! Everyone felt it, especially Terry, who was closest to the source. Everyone except Rasputin fell down.

Rasputin: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! How do you expect to fight me if you can't even get near me?"

Zorton shot a big energy ball at him, but he blocked it.

Zorton: "I can't believe it! How could he block that?!"

Terry slowly got back to his feet.

Rasputin: "You just don't know when to give up, earthling."

"That's right. I never give up, no matter how tough the problem is." And that is true for him. He lived by this motto and never doubted it one bit.

"This will be your final moment of your life. Say goodbye..." Rasputin powered up as he concentrated all of his body's energy into his fists. He released the spheres at Terry, and suddenly, Terry used the Ultra Blast. Boom! They hit and create a huge explosion in the middle of the room. The blast was so bright all of them covered their eyes from getting hurt by the light. Even Rasputin couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"But how…how can he be so strong?!"

Zorton seized the chance and threw a red energy ball at Rasputin. Whack! It pushed him out of the ship.

In his final moments before death, Rasputin was completely appalled. (I am one of the strongest people alive…how can I be beaten by mere earthlings? How? Unless…unless…they are not earthlings? Unless…they are…sayans.)

Kaboom! The ball exploded, along with Rasputin.

All of the computer screens and keyboards and electrical devices in the room were destroyed. One at a time they blew up, and the heroes realized it wasn't long before the whole complex would go kaboom.

"It's going to blow! Get out of here!" Zorton shouted against the noise. The four of them ran like hell towards the Cruiser. They ran and ran, Zelfire looked behind and saw the blazing fires were right after them.

On the ground, Leila and Kane could see the sphere exploding. "Oh no! It's blowing up. I hope they are out of there."

"I hope you're right." Kane said worriedly.

Finally, they reached the Cruiser. Without wasting any time, they quickly got in, and Zorton flew it out of there. The sphere exploded just as they left. They were very lucky, if they were even two seconds late they'd be toast. The Cruiser safely landed on the ground. They got out with an unusually happy attitude.

Terry: "Thank you. We couldn't have done it without you."

Zorton responded: "No problem. I just wanted to protect our planet."

Zelfire: "Let's celebrate!"

"Yeah, we deserve a break." Piper said.

Terry: "Want to join us?"

Zorton: "No thanks. I have more important things to do."

Terry: "Like what?"

Zorton: "I can't tell you now. I have to go..."

Terry: "Well, see you later."

Zorton: "Goodbye..." He entered the Cruiser again and left.

So, they survived another fine mess. The heroes are truly grateful for this stranger's help. Although he's not outgoing and open, Terry knew that one day, perhaps one day, he will open up to them, and reveal his identity. The sunset seemed more beautiful that day than any other day.