
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

09: Arrival of the G-Force. Kane's Disappearance.

Not far from the earth, there was a spherical spaceship floating in space patiently, waiting for its leader's command. Inside, Rasputin watched the beautiful earth from a large round glass. Soldiers were standing in straight lines waiting for their orders.

"Ah, planet earth. Isn't it pretty? Soon it'll be mine." Rasputin said, staring at the large blue sphere.

"But why earth? There are tons of other planets you can capture." asked Lieutenant Zarbon.

"Yes, that's true, but on earth the population is enormous. And that means more slaves for me."

"Oh, I see. So you plan to enslave human kind?"

The ship's main door opened, and two battleships flew towards earth in opposite directions.

"But you know, earth will not be so easy to..."

"Of course it is easy. Just watch, within days my task will be complete, and all humans will be my slaves..."

The ships landed on the ground producing a loud sound and a lot of smoke. Kane's scouter suddenly detected two alien objects reaching the surface of the planet, so he decided to investigate the situation. "What's going on? What does this mean?" he asked himself as he flew.

He checked his scouter again to confirm the location of the first ship. Once he reached the landing site, he hid behind a bush. He saw some soldiers standing in a perfectly straight line. Then, Lt. Zarbon came out of the ship. He walked passed them, examining each of the soldiers.

"Now is the time to attack! Show the humans what you can do!" Zarbon said.

Suddenly, Zarbon felt something unusual. He looked around, trying to figure out what it was.

Kane realized that he had been discovered and made a run for it, but he was caught. The soldiers chased after him and pointed their guns at him. Before they could fire, Kane attacked them, while Zarbon watched the fight, interested in Kane's skills. When Kane was open, he threw a net at Kane, and was trapped.

Zarbon: "Now I've got you!"

"Oh no! I can't escape! I've got to warn the others about this!"

"Heh heh heh, you'll be punished dearly for trying to stop the G-Force."

One of the remaining soldiers injected something into Kane's arm, and he fell asleep instantly.

Meanwhile, the heroes were enjoying their day, completely oblivious to what happened to Kane and the danger they were about to face. They were still shocked over what happened with Destructo and Nimbus. A break sounded like a good idea.

While the group was shopping, Zelfire just tagged along, thinking about some things. He thought about the day he first met Terry. He'll never forget it. They were just kids back then.

Terry and Piper were having a friendly spar, and little Zelfire watched with interest. Master Lang clapped his hands. "Alright students. That's enough for now. I'd like to introduce you to my new pupil."

Zelfire shyly came out from the back of Lang's legs, and said: "Hi, my name is Zelfire Lang."

"Name's Terry Spade." the kid said, pointing at himself.

"And I'm Piper Chung."

From the moment they first met, they knew they'd be best friends. And it still holds true today.

The three pupils have been competing forever. Terry became the top student, Zelfire second, and Piper third, though they never judged each other by rank. Zelfire and Terry always competed, they fought day after day to keep each other in check, making sure they keep up with each other's growth.

And that's how their life has been. Deep down inside, this was a good life for Zelfire. But on the flip side of the coin, he's always been frustrated that he's not as good as Terry. He felt that out of all them, he's the most hardworking.

Leila: "Zelfire, c'mon. Quit staring into space."

Zell snapped out of his trance. "Alright, wait up, guys!"

They reached the center of the mall, and suddenly figures were flying in the air. The G-soldiers were standing on flying disks, dressed in black and equipped with laser guns.

All the citizens panicked as they ran for their lives and screamed like hell. The troops start shooting at the people, cars, buildings, and anything else that could be a target.

"Who are they?" Piper asked.

"I don't care. They're making a scene. Let's get them." said Terry.

Zelfire said to Leila, "You better hide. You'd be safe from them." Leila immediately found a hiding place and stayed there, while Zelfire, Piper and Terry attacked the soldiers.

Linea saw them and shouted at Mason, "Hey, stop attacking our soldiers."

"Then why did you attack the people?" he answered.

"These humans are weak. They don't even make good practice. This city now belongs to the Guardian-Force."

"What force?" Zelfire asked.

"The G-Force!" answered Zax, another of the G-soldiers.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Finish them off!" Zelfire said to his allies.

"You'll regret interfering with us! It's time to die!" Zax said.

The two troops flew around them in circles, and were laughing. They started shooting ice rays and fire beams at them. Leila witnessed the whole fight and she was amazed by it. After a tough battle, Linea and Zax were beaten and injured as they lay on the floor.

"I can't believe this…We've been defeated." Linea moaned.

"Tell me, who are you working for?" Terry demanded.

"We'll never tell you! Make us!"

"Why you lousy piece of...I outta..." Zelfire said angrily.

Terry stopped Zelfire, trying to calm him down.

Linea: "Our leader will finish you off in an instant!"

Zax: "Long live the G-Force!"

They both pushed a button on their sleeves, and fire came out of their combat boots. They rocketed into the air, escaping the heroes.

"So long, suckers!" Zax mocked them.

"What?! They're escaping!" Piper said hopelessly.

"Wow. Their technology is amazing!" Terry said.

Zelfire: "Terry, now's not the time to compliment them!"

Piper: "I can't believe we let them get away!"

Leila, once realized that there was no more danger, joined them."Who were they?" she asked.

"The G-force." Terry answered plainly.

Linea and Zax reported to the mother ship. They kneeled down before their leader, Rasputin. The alien turned around and looked at them with curious eyes. "What is it Zax and Linea? Aren't you two supposed to be on earth?"

"Forgive us, master Rasputin, we've failed you." Zax said.

"Well, that's not like you. You two never failed before, and I'm quite disappointed. The earthlings should be of no problem to you."

"Let us explain. When we assaulted the city, several humans interfered with us." Linea said.

Rasputin: "Humans? They have defeated the both of you, along with your entire squad? They must be very good."

"Master, please give us another chance. We'll crush them this time, I promise. Zax pleaded.

"Yeah!" Linea said.

Rasputin: "No. Let me handle this. You can go back to your quarters."

Linea: "But, master...."

"Now!!" the leader screamed loudly.

"As you wish!" they responded together, and exited through the back door.Rasputin: "No one, and I mean no one can defeat the G-force! No one!" Rasputin directed the second battleship towards Network City hoping to meet the ones who beat his highly trained officers. As the heroes were trying to figure out what happened, a dark and evil shadow covered the city. When Terry looked up into the sky, the sun was no longer there.