
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

06: The Last Crystal.

"That m-must be the guardian..." Zelfire said, knees trembling. The monster snarled angrily and unwelcomingly.

"It's h-huge! Bigger than those worms!"

Mancubus roared angrily, opening its mouth as wide as it can. Then it walked towards them. The ground shook with every step it took. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!

The danger for them increased every second.

Mason: "Let's get outta here!"

The trio got on their T-boards and surfed away from the monster as far and fast as possible, but Mancubus was running after them and right on their tail.

Zelfire: "Mason, it's not like you to run away from anything..."

Mason: "I've never fought one of those things before...besides, he'll crush us!" Mancubus ran after them and at the same time shot fire balls from his palms. The superior speed of the boards allowed them to dodge all the fire balls, but one of them hit Mason's board. It blew up in the air and Mason fell down without any support.

"Mason!" Margrit yelled.

Mancubus took a deep breath and let out a breath of fire. Almost everything in sight turned into a giant barbecue. Margrit and Zelfire's boards exploded and they fell down. Now all three of them were face to face with the horrible monster. Mancubus stepped closer and closer to them. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!

Mason: "We have no choice! We have to fight!" He decided to take on the monster himself. Unfortunately, before he could make a move, Mancubus caught Mason in its grip and squeezed him like a doll. Without wasting any time, Margrit and Zelfire stepped in to help their friend before he would be a pancake. Zelfire flew around Mancubus like a fly. It waved his hand trying to hit him, but he's too fast. Margrit jumped on his huge hands and tried to free Mason. It was no use, its fingers were too tight.

Mason: "It's no use..."

Margrit: "I've gotta get you out of here! I can't let you die!"

She used all the strength she has inside of her, but she couldn't open the monster's fingers. Zelfire flew straight at at Mancubus and got slapped by its hand. WHACK! Zelfire was knocked out, now Margarita was Mason's only hope. She flew in front of the monster and punched its chin. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Mancubus dropped Mason and landed on its back. It got back up and was now angrier than ever. Now the freed Mason made his move. He powered up fired the Energy Blast. Mancubus stood still and waited to get hit. ZAP! The beam had no effect on it at all. Mason needed another plan quick or it could the end of him.

Margrit: "Watch out!" Mancubus whacked Mason with its fists and sent him straight into the ground, making a deep hole. Mason flew back up with some minor injuries. Zelfire was back also, and they're ready to exterminate the monster.

"Over here, ugly monster!" Mancubus turned its head at Mason and decided to finish him first.

Suddenly, Mason shouted, "Flash Attack!" The whole area lighted up from Mason and Margrit and Zelfire quickly closed their eyes. Unfortunately, Mancubus didn't know what happened. It shut its eyes from the painful light and covered them with his hands. It roared painfully and swung his arms aimlessly at them, they quickly dodged and got to a safer distance. Its huge arm crushed the tall boulder and smashed it to pieces with just one hit.

Mason: "We have to do this together!"

Margrit: "Sounds like a good idea." All three of them charged up their highest concentrated beams at the same time and fired. The combined power of the beams was too much for even Mancubus to handle, it roared one last time as it turned into dust.

The coliseum was so quiet now.

Mason: "I'm glad he's gone..."

Zelfire: "C'mon! We have no time to waste. The last crystal is just ahead."

Even without the light, they got closer and closer with every step. Hesitating, they ran back to the coliseum. They go into the entrance that Mancubus first came out from. The hallway was like a giant, dark tunnel. It was so hollow and empty that their footsteps echoed throughout the whole place. After running a while, they saw a light at the end of the tunnel. They continued running towards it.

Once they finally got into the bright light, their eyes winced, not used to the light since they've only seen night time on Guardian. After adjusting to the brightness, they saw a large room, the center of the ancient coliseum. They saw rows of seats around them, and a statue the same size of Mancubus.

Mason: "Wow…"

Zelfire: "Look at that statue! It's enormous!"

Margrit: "Where do we look for the crystal?"

Zelfire: "We don't have to look for it. Look!" He pointed his finger at the statue's head. A bright, shimmering spec on its head sparkled like a star.

Margrit: "That's the last crystal!"

Mason: "Well, let's get it!" Without thinking any more, he flew up and tried to get the crystal. He pulled as hard as he could, but it won't bulge. He tried again, harder this this time, grunting and struggling to take it out. "It's stuck."

Margrit: "Mason!" Suddenly, the statue flashed its eyes, and it came to life. It moved its foot, taking a giant step forward.

Mason: "What-the?!"

Zelfire: "It's alive!"

Margrit: "I've had enough of giants today...giant worms, giant monsters, and now this?!"

Minotaur flicked its fingers at Mason and popped him into a wall. "Ouch." he said.

Kano and his soldiers watched them fight against Minotaur from a hidden spot in the arena.

"Shouldn't we be getting the crystal now? Now's our best chance since they're distracted."

Kano: "No! It's too dangerous. Let them fight the monster. When they get the crystal, then we'll grab it from them. In the mean time, let's enjoy the show."

After a dangerous, life and death battle, the heroes triumphed once again. Zelfire got the crystal from Minotaur's head and Mason's combined power with Margrit and Zelfire was an unstoppable force. They combined their energies into Mason and his power tripled. He blasted Minotaur into smithereens. Once all the dangers were gone, they flew out of the coliseum and headed towards the ship so they can rest.

But in war, one can never let his guard down. Kano and his men followed the heroes without being detected. What will happen to them now?