

Rex was a poor orphaned man with three personalities. He was planning on getting a therapist but he died in a car accident as he was suddenly reincarnated to another world, by that world's system. His reincarnation wasn't normal though. Because he was reincarnated as one of the True Dragons. =========== Things to do before reading this. Lower your expectations. Know that I don't own anything. Know that I only made this for fun. Know that English is not my Mother Language. =========== The Mc will look like Zhongli/Morax/Rex Lapis, but he will have a different personality.. Or Personalities? he had three after all. And his Dragon Form will be Ghidora(Cover) as it is the reason why I made him have three personalities. There will be alot of differences between the original story of tensura and my fic. HoYoverse/Tensuraverse/Monsterverse: Crossover. *This FanFic is a nonsense. Mainly because I know nothing on Tensura.* *I also do not own the cover*

Leficioss · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Veldora is The World's Biggest Problem.

Warning: Another Cringe Chapter.

Warning2:A Chapter That Will Make You Confused.


Velschat was sitting on a chair while on his back was Ei, she was tying his hair into a long pony tail.

"Done."She said and smiled.

"Okay, we're going to train now. Which weapon are you going to use?"Velschat started stretching his body and cracked his nick and hand.

"A polearm and a sword."She answered.

"Mhm.. Polearm and Sword..."He closed his eyes as he was trying to find a suitable weapon for Ei.

"Aha! These!"He took out a purple sword from his <GoB>


"... Are you turning me into a purple woman?"She deadpanned at him, because everything he gave to her was always purple. Even the boba tea he would make for her will be flavored Ube, it was good though.

Her power is also purple lighting. And now she had a purple sword.

"Nope, I just loved purple very much."He said while taking a polearm... And it's purple.

"...It's good to know then.."She took out the purple polearm and the sword from his hand while trying to hide her small blush.

Velschat gave a small chuckle when he noticed it, but he didn't mention it anymore and said:

"The name of that sword is Narukami, and that polearm is Inazuma."He pointed at the weapons, Ei was holding.

"...I see.. Can we start now?"


They then started training while the Drunkard Barbatos was drunk somewhere though...

He also trained bow...







Hundred Years Later.

In a very stormy place was four individual flying in the sky.

"We're here."Said Veldanava and looked at the super strong storm in front of him.

"So my new small brother will specialize storm huh?"Velschat said and made a telescope with his hand and puts it in his eyes. His point of view towards everything zoomed and saw a fish scaled Dragon roared


"Oh! He's pretty wild, we need to educate him."Said Velzard in a strict tone. She grew up in the past hundred years as she had the body of an adult now.

"What are you saying? he's not even a day old!"Velgrynd disagreed to her, and same as Velzard, she also grew up and had a body of an adult.

Meanwhile, Veldanava was listening to them as he wanted to say that they were not different when the time they're born, but he didn't say anything as his new brother is alot wilder than them.

In his thoughts was Velschat is probably the only one who didn't rampage after he was born.




Moments later.

Veldanava was now holding a blond kid and just like Velschat, he had a mark under his lower eyelids.

"You shall be, Veldora, The True Dragon of Storm."He looked at the sleeping wild incarnation of rampage and smiled warmly.

"Isn't he cute?"Velgrynd patted Veldora.

(I don't really know what to say...)

"Of course! He's our sibling after all."Velzard snorted.

"...."4x Silence fell on the area for a long time and as if Velgrynd realized something, she said.

"Now that I think of it, why do big brother Velschat, the only one had horns among us."

"Yea, and he also had three head in his dragon form, And he had three personalities."Velzard said.

"He's weird."2x The two synched and looked at Velschat.

"Pf! What are you guys saying? when did I became weird? Isn't it you guys weird? Velzard had feathers! And you're calling her a Dragon? Veldora had fish scale! Think guys! Think! We're all weird!"

"Hey why are you including me!"Veldanava felt betrayed.

They then started their siblings disagreement until Veldora woke up.

"Mhm?"He looked around curiously and he immediately knew that the three in front of him while the other was holding him is his siblings. It was instinctive he would say.

"...."4x The four stopped bickering at each other when they noticed Veldora was awake.

"I want to rampage."He said with an innocent smile.

"Pf! You want to what!?"4x. The four flinched and thought that this new sibling they have is a dangerous one.

"?!?!"Veldora's head was full of question mark, what's wrong with me going on a rampage? he thought and answered them.

"Rampage?"It was his whole existence saying those words.

"...."4x Silence fell in the area for a long time again. All four of them thought of how are they going to deal with this incarnation of rampage.

"Should we kill him and just wait for his next reincarnation?"Velzard suggested that made the other three shouted at her.

"No! Why would you kill your own sibling?"3x They synched and regretted it immediately because of Veldora's next words.

"Hahaha kill."He playfully said but he really didn't know what it meant. He just thought that the words was pretty cool.

"...."4x Four of them had a headache and massaged their temples.







In a square table, four True Dragons was sitting on each sides and their atmosphere was so serious that made Ei backed away from them as she just played with Velschat's new little brother.

And Barbatos? well, he's probably drunk somewhere that all of them didn't really want to know since they are used to it. There was even a time where he fell from the floating castle and he was seen by the humans and after that, he was now worshipped as the Angel from the sky which made the people knew him dumbfounded. And of course Barbatos was fine with it since he's recieving wine from them, that made the people call him the Angel of Wine, or the Drunkard Angel. The people knew him from the start didn't say anything about it since the title was pretty much suitable, because they knew he was helping the humans when a monster they can't defeat would appear. Barbatos would come with a bow that was given by Velschat and kill the monster.

"Big sister Ei! What are they doing?"Veldora asked Ei.

"I don't really know... It's probably because of you."She answered.

"Eh... They hate me?"Veldora started getting teary when he thought about his siblings hating him.

"No! It's because they love you that's why!"She regretted what she said earlier and patted Veldora.

"They love me?"His mood brightened immediately.

"Mhm.. Of course, you are their little brother after all."She nodded and broke the pat.

"Then! Are they going to let me rampage?"He asked Ei innocently.

"Oof! What did you say?"Ei wanted to strangle the one who taught Veldora those words but she them remembered that he's only an hour old.

"?!?!"Veldora was confused again why everytime he would reveal what his whole existence desired, they would all react like Ei's reaction.

"Rampage?"He said innocently.

"...."Ei then thought about the True Dragons' serious conversation and sighed.

'This boy is this world's biggest problem.'She inwardly thought, because she knew that each one of the True Dragons could easily threat the world...

"So what are we going to do with Veldora now?"Velzard asked the other three True Dragons.

"Brother, you used your Clairvoyant one time right? what do you think about his future?"Velschat asked Veldanava.

"Clairvoyant?"2x Velgrynd and Velzard was curious about their topic.

"Well, he wanted to see the future if his creations is now perfectly balance."Velschat didn't want to mention about Veldanava dying as he knew they would probably worry and that would make Veldanava's plan fail, since their two sisters are usually indifferent to almost anything, and they wouldn't care if the world will be destroyed as long as the people they cared about is alive. They would probably stop Veldanava from dying and it would be a big deal.

"...."2x Velgrynd and Velzard understood what he meant so they stayed silent after.

"He will be titled as the Evil Dragon... And the time will arrive when he will be sealed by a Hero, only then he learns his lesson." He also didn't know what happened after Veldora was sealed but he had a little clue that Veldora is going to be connected to his future successor.


"So, are we going to let him rampage?"Velgrynd was okay with that idea. She wanted to experience what is it to be the older one after all, because she was the youngest one for a hundred year, so she wants to spoil her new small brother.

"Not yet, we will do anything to teach him a lesson for the past years and if it didn't work, let the God decide.... Wait, I'm the God so let the fate decide on what the hell is going to happen after."Veldanava wanted to sigh with his all. He even forgot in a second that he's the one created the reality. In the past hundred year, was the years he had alot of problems after all. And one of the biggest just came. Veldora is really an incarnation of problems, he inwardly thought.

"...."3x The other Three True Dragons nodded seriously. Their conversation is for the world's sake after all.

"Hello guys! I'm here!"A certain blonde kid with her hair in a two pig tail. She looked around and noticed the serious atmosphere, she didn't care about it though and looked at the boy who had the same height and blonde hair.p

"...."2x The two looked at each other for a long time.

"...."5x Velschat, Velzard, Velgrynd, Veldanava, and Ei looked at the two with dumbfounded expressions.

"Is this what you call, the love at first sight?"Veldanava felt a bit familiar on the situation but he only saw it on the time he used Clairvoyant.

Velschat noticed his whisper and nodded.

"Probably."He also whispered so the two who have been looking at each other for a long time wouldn't hear it. They heard it though, but they were just so focused on each other.

"Should we disturb them?"Ei would feel guilty if she did that.

"Let's not do that."Velschat said.

"...."4x The other four nodded.

"Hello?"Veldora said first, he felt weird we he saw her and he didn't know why he liked it.

"Hello?"It also goes the same to Ramiris.

"...."2x Both of them tilted their heads. They really didn't know what to say after. So Ramiris introduced herself.

"My name is Ramiris! What's yours?"

"Mine is Veldora! The Storm Dragon Veldora! Hahaha!"Veldora crossed his arms and said it with a smug face, he didn't know why but he felt like laughing after he introduced himself to Ramiris.

"I'm the Queen of Fairy! Hahaha!"Ramiris imitated his laugh.

"...."2x They ran out of topic so the silence fell in the area again.

Cough! Cough!

"Enough playing, anyway, what are you doing here, little girl?"Velschat asked Ramiris.

"Ah! I'm just bored..."She replied.

"I see... This is my small brother Veldora, I hope you get along with him."Velschat used this chance so Veldora would avoid rampaging.

"Yes! I want to play with someone in my age so this boy here will be perfect!"She came towards Veldora.

'But you're a hundred year old...'Velschat and the others wanted to say that but Ramiris was a woman, and the rest you know it.

"Veldora! You wanna play with me?"Ramiris asked Veldora.

"Play? you mean rampage?"He innocently asked again.

"Pf! Rampaging is not a game!"5x The five synched, they then taught Veldora some common sense and it took a hour for them to put in his mind that rampaging is not a game...



"Sigh..."Velschat sighed in relief because he escaped from the problem/Veldora.

He was now outside the castle and sat besides a tree.

He then noticed a presence and looked behind as he saw Yae. Her size was now is that of a car, she jumped into him and started licking him.

He chuckled and patted her.

"Good girl..."He said and looked at her tail or now tails since she had nine now.

She rubbed her head to his stomach and lied there like she owns it, he didn't do anything and chuckled again to her antics, he then patted her again.

Velschat took a deep breath and thought.

'Cia, take my conscious for 8 hours.'He closed his eyes to feel the breeze and lied on the grass as he lost conscious....




Velschat woke up as he felt and saw something he shouldn't have.

"...."He felt a little headache because of confusion so he immediately used [Thought Acceleration], he then got an idea of what's happening.

"I see..."He looked at the pink haired naked woman who was hugging him while sniffing his neck.

"So... Yae?"

Yae flinched and came back to reality after she heard his voice. She lifted her head and looked Velschat.

"...."2x No one said anything for seconds until Yae talked.

"Yes Master?"Yae felt good when she finally able to call him master.

"Master? isn't Ei supposed to be your master?"He said while his right had was sneaking to her thighs.

Yae noticed this but she'd saw him doing this to Ei and she was jealous to it so she didn't say anything and smiled.

"The both of you is my Master since you named me, while Master Ei is the one who saw me."She calmly said.

"I see..."He snapped his fingers and now she's wearing clothes.

(I don't know how to describe clothes ok! So bear with it! Just search Yae miko on Google!)

"So when did you have human form?"He asked curiously.

"I don't know? when I woke up, I just felt that I can do it."She shrugged her shoulder.

"...."He was still confused but he didn't say anything after.

Yae then lowered her head to him and licked his face.

"And what do you think you're doing?"He deadpanned at her. After all, she wasn't in a fox form now so she didn't need to be treated as a pet.

"Eh? what do you mean by that Master? isn't it you who liked it? or do you prefer this.."

"Wha-"He couldn't continue his words and felt Yae's lips to his. When the kiss broke, Velschat quickly said.

"Did you know what you just did?"

"I kissed you? isn't it what you and Master Ei always do? I always saw you doing it everyday."Her tone was so innocent but her words wasn't.


"Yaeee!! It's time for a walk!"A certain purple outfitted woman arrived and shouted.

Yae and Velschat saw Ei who was holding a collar...



I'm shameless. So give me all your powastone! It would also encourage me writing and at the same time you will receive my Eternal LOVE!

Veldora x Ramiris?!?!?! What do you guys think? but of course not on her pixie form!!!

Are you guys ready for the thousand years timeskip?

[Yae Miko, Images Here. I might forget to put pictures so I apologize in advance.]