
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Service, with a smile.

Binks tried, again and again, various different way, each ending in the disaster of various types, though there was one-time Jar Jar took a blaster bolt instead of Palpatine, as he still felt a bit bad about the one time that the politician took one for him... but as he just reset anyways he decided that taking one was a bad option. Binks slogged through time and again, trying to get things right, though he did notice that having music did help his concentration as he could time things to the beat, the problem was getting the right song with the right beat. To help get his mind off the problem he spent a few resets just flipping through different music to find a right choice, he did not notice that while he did that Palpatine's eye twitched every time he switched the sound system to a new song. Eventually, he found something that worked, so he prepared for the next reset to have that playing.

Palpatine Sat in the aircar, his head aching something fierce, however, he was pleasantly surprised when the Gungan next to him decided to stop talking and listen to some quite pleasant music. The tones flowing out of the expensive and high-quality sound system caressed the passengers, like a light massage soothing all ills. This allowed the Chancellor to close his eyes and concentrate oh his headache and allow the unusually calm force to be a balm to his aching brain, using what he remembered lessons from his old master to ease his headache.

The cloaked figure waited for the right time to strike, listening in to the bugs placed in the Chancellor's aircar, nodding along to the music, he had to hand it to whoever chose the music, they had good taste.

Jar Jar quietly listened, waiting for the time for when he needed to move, his muscles ready to move, though he did have to admit the music was nice, shame he would have to change it when the attack happened. When the security air car blew up, Binks stood with his stick in hand, the end just happening to bump the controls to a song with a heavy and fast beat, something to help keep him in time to the attacks to make them easier to bat aside.

Palpatine was relaxing when the peace was shattered, one of the security cars exploding, and the Gungan changed the music to something more frenetic. With the shock of the transition of the music and the explosion, he fell back to old reflexes, concentrating on the immediate area. He noticed that the force was unnaturally calm, but he did not give it any mind as he noticed the wave of craft attacking the motorcade. He saw out of the corner of his eye the Gungan move, twirling his stick, he wondered what was going on until there was an explosion behind him. It took him a moment to realize what was going on, as he realized that the amphibian just saved him from a grenade.


Rage, pure and unfiltered flowed though the hidden Sith Lord, the dark side pushing aside his headache, giving him a clear mind as he saw more attacks, the grenades and firebombs being dealt with by the Gungan, however an attack like this would not be limited to such feeble weapons. Sidious cast out his rage and found the craft with blasters, angling to the sides and below. As he still needed to keep his identity secret, his eyes barely flashed yellow as he silently directed his security forces to take out the threats, the panicking security forces now with direction focusing on the craft with long-range weapons and taking them out with an efficiency that showed why they were the Chancellors Guard.

The cloaked figure growled as the music changed and the wave of rage could be felt clearly. He had hoped that the attack would be a surprise, but as long as it did some damage, or exposed the Chancellor, then he would count that as a win.

Cad Bane waited in the shadows as he watched the cloaked figure snarl as the battle went on, the music that somehow seemed to match the movements of the fight. Eventually, the security forces drove off the flock of attackers, the various craft in the motorcade smoking from damage, as they sped off towards the senate. Bane felt that for an obvious first time try at taking someone out, the figure not only did not to bad, but was not afraid of aiming for the top. The moxie that was needed for that impressed the bounty hunter, making his decision he walked out of the shadows to introduce himself.

"Not bad there Boyo, for a first-timer. Looks like you could use some... professional help." The wide hat cast a shadow hiding his features as he walked.

"And who are you to just say that?" The cloaked figure scoffed.

"Cad Bane, at your service. I'll take on any job... for the right price." Bane took off his hat with a flourish, showing his identity to the cloaked figure. Though history never had recordings of this event, it would help change the future of the very galaxy itself.