
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Binks recognized that the Chancellor must be under a lot of stress, so he had to try and find a way to relax the politician. As talking obviously did not work, perhaps he could try relaxing music, he remained silent during the trip and turned on the sound system to a relaxing music station.

Palpatine sat silently during the ride, thankful that the Gungan was not speaking, the soothing tones of the music seemingly massaging his headache and causing it to gradually to diminish. As he gradually regained control he noticed that even the force seemed calmer, this perked his inquisitive side. As he felt out what was going on he felt as if the force was... muted, flat... like a smooth shallow bay surrounded by a breakwater while a storm raged outside. This meant that he was very surprised as one of his security air cars blew up, and a swarm of mismatched craft pounced on the motorcade. Stunned at something of that magnitude happening without him foreseeing it, he was shocked into inaction as the Gungan next to him stood and batted something out of the air. A moment later whatever was knocked away from the aircar exploded, this shook Palpatine out of his shock and started to get a handle on the situation, however as he tried to get a hold of the situation, the force seemed to slip away from him when he tried to use it to see what was going to happen. As more grenades and objects were being thrown at his aircar, Sheev decided that he should concentrate on those, for the rest, well... that is why he had security forces in the first place right?

Jar Jar Tried to keep up with the stream of things to block, but after gently nudging away the first firebomb, he was starting to lose coordination, the calm music not helping him as the previous music timing he had been using had a strong and fast beat. With the lack of proper measure, it was only a matter of time that he messed up, and that happened when the blasters started firing. Out of the corner of his vision he saw a craft come in from the side and one of the bolts hit the Chancellor, as the ruffians were likely after the Gungan, he felt sad as the politician did not deserve to be brought into his troubles and take a shot meant for him.

The cloaked figure watched, amused that his real target fell before the Gungan. With his task done he decided to get out of the area before a lockdown occurred, if things had happened quicker he may have taken the time to gloat, but the frenetic attack was sure to draw too much attention. As the cloaked figure left a shadow sporting a large hat followed him, curious as to the odd behaviour.