
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Ripples and Waves: Year 2

With the currency issues Palpatine tried many things to stabilize the credit, and with a push of initiatives and economic stimulus packages aimed at industry and infrastructure. The credit slowed its fall to 5% against Valorum levels, the IOC finding many backroom deals and pork-barreling, mostly in connection to the Trade Federation. In response to this, the Trade Federation started using their own monetary system lowering confidence in the republic credit despite government efforts. Even with the credit dropping value, with the glut of new ships and designs many captains were upgrading, and selling their old ships at a price new captains could afford, meaning trade and transport enjoyed a revival.

The economic incentives, as well as the successful examples of peaceful planets improving their system infrastructure and defence, affected a swell in the belief that if a system wanted peace, they must first prepare to defend themselves. With the movement of so many of high talent, it was easy for many to fall off the grid, the Kamino cloners were able to grab many of the trainers they wanted and do so without notice. The fast pace of small events in the galaxy meant that with so many focused on their own corners and sectors, the quiet events mostly passed by without notice. The first Correllian Jedi joining the Serenno enclave went by without notice, the almost complete lack of grumbles in the Coruscant Jedi halls was almost unknown beyond the ancient walls, the silent observing and nudges from a retired Sith Lord hidden from all, the political strain wearing down on the foundation of the republic not raising any alarms.

Naboo had finished it refitting of the captured ships, the event finalized with the opening of the luxury trade port by Queen Amidala as he last act in office, her two terms being very eventful and the opening of the Friendship Trade Station, though at this point though everyone referred to it as The Mall after so many name changes in construction, marked the transfer to the newly elected Queen Jamillia. Jamiliia had asked Padme Amidala to serve Naboo as the representative to the Senate, and wanting to serve her planet and people as best she could, Padme accepted. This would draw in most of the fracturing planets to a like-minded group still involved with the Republic, as they had taken their ideals from what happened with Naboo and the strong-willed Queen, if she could stay on and deal with the Senate, then they could try as well, though they would keep their own currencies.

The Mall was a wonder of engineering, gardening, and commerce as it showcased Naboo in its shape, form, flora, fauna, and trade goods. It's a unique blend of open spaces and life was a showcase of wealth in life and resources, each levels roofs were high enough that repulsor craft could be used as taxi services and giving the sense of room that most found of planets, the cheery colours encouraging smiling faces and open wallets, the open-air gardens with the giant clear domes over each hemisphere were an attraction day or night, and the aquatic section sandwiched between the two hemispheres not only provided entertainment but food as well from the vibrant ecosystem that had been transplanted there. The combination of public park and swimming pools that the gardens had were a big draw to many species such as the Wookies or the Mon Calimari that travelled the space lanes but did not have time or capability to stop at a planet and take a rest. The stores on the outer ring side of the station took advantage of the refits replacing of the regular hull with vast panes of transparent but though materiel and used the picturesque backdrop of the planet and stars to sell their goods against a display of wonder and beauty that few could match.