
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Ripples and Waves: Year 1

The first year after the battle of Naboo was one that saw many changes, though most of them small in terms of galactic scale. In the senate the was a slow but steady trickle of planets that declared semi-independence by raising their own army and naval forces and introducing their own currency, the republic credit losing 15% of its value since Senator Valorum left office. Palpatine running damage control was harried as the Independent Oversight Committee picked though his dealings with a fine-toothed comb, and his decision to have pliable supporters gave the committee enough regular dirty laundry to justify their aggravating continued existence, as well as fueling the dissent of systems not aligned with the Trade Federation to declare their semi-independence in a regular fashion.

Kamino had removed all references of their planet from the holo-net, the big commission ensuring they had no need for major outside contact after their trainers were put together. Shipyards all over the galaxy were producing ships as quick as they could, meaning that even though the value of the credit was less, the price of ships was at a low not seen for over a hundred years as each of the new economy systems competed to get their financial feet under them. With the new armies and navies, several planets with long traditions were canvassed for experts to train up local officers and forces. This halted the Mandalorian slide into pacifism as fortunes were sent hiring any Mando worth their salt to bring the new forces up to snuff, this very profitable and noteworthy cause of getting other systems to sand up for themselves gave a large boost to the legitimacy of the traditional Mandolorian political parties, the credits also upgrading and renewing the Mandolorian system defences turning it into something that was more than a mere shadow of its former strength that it had been.

Sereno quietly set up their own sect of the Jedi order, on the surface, it was just a branch to help service the outer rim areas, that had been sorely lacking in Jedi patrols in the last few hundred years, however, it was the differences that were not advertised that were major changers for many Jedi. The Coruscant Jedi strained under many restrictions, and this caused many force users to go to the less restrictive service corps, or walk away from the Jedi entirely. However for these Jedi, the relaxed rules, especially concerning relationships, caused the more extreme fringes of the Jedi a place to go, but a place that could openly talk about, and monitor the developments of relationships to help prevent potential dangers. This caused the service corps to set up branch offices there as well for those interested in how it worked out, but not quite willing to leave the Coruscant order entirely. the group from Tatooine would regularly train not only with the Jedi proper, but many had an interest in the service corps, and all loved to visit the greenery of the gardens, the life on the desert planet teaching them to appreciate the greenery as a precious treasure, this reflected in many of the meditation areas lush with plants and life, an interesting counterpoint to the planet of Coruscant that many force users described as a feeling of metal and crowds.

Naboo cleaned up the scars on the planet from the invasion, life on the surface proceeding much as it had, if with more visitors and tourists, in the orbits and the rest of the system, however, things had changed immensely. Most of the captured ships had been turned into infrastructure, mining, processing, manufacturing, and bulk cargo ports, a few were converted to massive customs and transit hubs to service the increase in traffic, and the luxury station had the main structures built, and had gone through 3 name changes already. The local spacers and regular travellers and crews had their own names for it, the nicknames changing as the construction changed its shape from the partial toroid to a full toroid, then the main supports for the inner sphere part coming together. The Gungans and Naboo both learned how to turn each of their respective design styles to fit large scale space construction from the Correllian engineers, the practical engineering slowly being moulded into the graceful designs of both groups as they moulded their designs into the themes of each other as well. The refit was going ahead of schedule and was slated to be finished on the second anniversary of the battle.