
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Rage, leading to suffering

Palpatine shuffled along on automatic, finally making his way to the Chancellors office in a haze, the shock of this day still turning his face pale and grey. Taking a seat he wondered how this could have happened, he had FORESEEN gaining power today, the force showing him his ascension and then leading the war. The Separatists were still making waves, the clone army still being built, the war looming in the near future, everything had lined up perfectly, so what happened? How? How could it have gone so wrong? Palpatine dismissed his Aides and supporters wanting to be left alone to try and track how things happened.

He knew that the news of the buildup of the droid armies would spark a reaction in the Senate, and it had, and that he had made sure that his political manoeuvrings had prevented any move to replace him like he had Valorum a decade ago. With the setup stalemate in the Senate, the only remaining path should have been to grant him emergency powers to break through the deadlock. He had gotten that bobble-headed amphibian to agree to propose a motion to break the deadlock, his subtle prodding had made him agree that replacing him would be fruitless, leaving only granting him more power... so HOW DID THAT GUNGAN MANAGE TO RUIN HIS FOOLPROOF PLAN!

At the rage-inducing thought kindly seeming Palpatine switched to Sidious, LORD of the SITH, the wave of emotion-fueled force filled his office, throwing objects into the walls, embedding data slates and office supplies sound and force proof walls, the collection of Sith artefacts weathering the force wave without a care, the powerful burst not the first or most impressive they had endured over their long history. Sidious spent the rest of the day venting his stress and built-up emotions as the shock rolled away leaving the seething pit of frustration and ire, his Aides smoothly deflecting any inquiries to the Chancellor by saying he was busy with the massive changes, hoping that the normally smooth political operator would have things together for when the Senate next met.

During his rage Palpatine sent out orders to his underworld contacts posting a fortune of a bounty for the annoying Gungan that had derailed his plans, later he might regret the high amount, but at the moment he just wanted the annoyance out of his way. The simple-minded Gungan was playable yes, but was so inept that even with a simple unfailable plan he SOMEHOW FAILED! The Sith Lord continued his rage fest and the bounty posting would be his last productive action of the day until he finally went to bed.

Binks spent the rest of the day after the vote busy meeting congratulatory Senators and Delegates as they wanted to introduce themselves to the Representative that had made such a splash, they were curious as to how someone so obviously new to the Senate, could make such an impact. Binks smiled and was polite to everyone of them, as he was representing his home planet, and took things in stride. Little did he know, that his first real day in the Senate this time around would also be the last day he managed to get a night of uninterrupted sleep for years.