
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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A picture can tell a thousand words

As the sun cast its hazy rays over the smog cloud wrapped walls of the Senate complex, things were afoot across the Galaxy, the waves of such events would shape the course of things to come for years.

With the repealing of the GDA, the Jedi had taken a ready force of what was listed on the relevant documents as the Kamino Forces Clone Trooper Divisions. Those clone troops were lead by the seasoned Mandalorian trainers that had honed their skills to a razor's edge, the Mandalorians were part of one of the largest Mando PMC listed in the Galaxy, simply known as Death Watch. As immediate transport from the water world was limited, they had to hire out whatever space they could at short notice, so instead of the planned fleet that was designed to mesh well with the clones skills, a hodgepodge fleet odd ships, under Jedi and Hired help had arrived over Geonosis to rescue the two Jedi and the Senator from public execution. The timing of the faster to arrive Jedi was flawless as they revelled themselves in the nick of time to prevent one Nute Gunray, the presiding CIS leader, from ordering the three just shot after they escaped from death via beast.

While the Holo-cameras were still transmitting the Jedi fell under attack by unending waves of B-1 droids, the cheap buckets of bolts only causing slight injuries and forcing the Jedi to corral into the centre. Then they revealed their new super battle droids, their inbuilt blasters and wrist rockets taking several Jedi out of the battle as the explosives and rapid-fire bursts overwhelmed the outside rings defences. Here Nute Gunray held up a hand to make the droids stop as he wanted to gloat and have the "mighty" Jedi humble themselves before him. What he did not expect though was being interrupted in mid-speech with flights of gunships dropping white-clad troops armed with an array of weapons, most tending to the heavy side of handheld portable destruction. The heavy weapons, that would have been overkill for the spindly B-1 droids, were geared more to taking out reinforced turrets or tanks and mowed down the majority of the droids in the stadium, the heavier super battle droids being the only ones survive the surprise attack long enough to return fire.

Due to his dreams, Anikin had immediately recognized the white-clad figures as those he saw himself leading, so with a rousing yell and an activated lightsaber he charged to help them, urging his fellow force users to do the same. This moment was captured perfectly by the Holo-cameras and would be used for years as part of the propaganda efforts of the Republic, though that was not the only image that would be used for years. In the dust and sand of the stadium floor, one nameless clone trooper fell early in the counter-attack from a wrist rocket that landed near his feet, this injured the limbs closest to the explosion, leaving him with one uninjured arm, and his other arm barely functioning. Though the pain the trooper managed to shift himself enough to peel off the bandolier of grenades strapped over one shoulder, as the battle raged around him he saw the charging Jedi rush towards him, one of the figures batting away a rocket with their saber, only to lose the weapon as the explosion ripped the cylinder out of its hand. The trooper levered himself on his good arm to take his weight and with his other arm, the white armour discoloured with blast marks and blood streaks held up the bandolier to the now weaponless Jedi. The Jedi had stopped for half a step when they had lost their weapon, but the tug of the force caused them to look to a downed trooper. The wordless communication between the two of the gesture and nods took but a moment, but then the weaponless Jedi continued their run, the direction shifted slightly.

The swirling of the smoke and lifted dust obscured the stadium floor in most spots, but the swirls seemed to part just so to capture the handoff from trooper to Jedi, the image of the passing of the Bandolier would become symbolic, a rallying cry for republic planets to do their part in the war, as the clones bled and died for them, more and more planets would send materiel and volunteer troops and support personnel. Though that trooper would succumb to his wounds in the battle, every clone after him would hear of and know his dedication, and similar scenes would play out thought the war, of troopers doing their best, and when they fell, handing off their equipment to those that would fight as well. This would lead to many of those that took up said arms to join the forces that they had taken up arms with directly, the auxiliary positions opened up this way to the trooper divisions fighting as loyally as any trooper. As the troopers were raised under Mando teachings, they naturally accepted such and folded them into their ranks and family with a smoothness and ease that surprised and puzzled non-Mando military leaders.