
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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One of those days

Jar Jar walked back into the apartment building thinking he might have taken things too far, but the feeling of taking out his frustrations had calmed him to the point where he could think of things more objectively. He knew that if he just walked, then he would be accosted by every jumped-up wannabe with a blaster or sword, and at the rate he had found them, it would take all day to deal with them and then he would have to turn around and walk back. With that option out the window, he would have to catch a ride with someone he knew, unfortunately, he did not know that many people in the Senate, only those that had come from his home planet. He asked around, and Senator Amidala was still off-planet, meaning that he would have to ask if he could catch a ride with Palpatine, with this the only option he went off to find his security detail and see if he could catch Sheev at a good time.

Palpatine woke up in a bad mood, the sleep he had gotten the night before could barely be called sleep, the aches and pains of his tossing and turning were fed into his discontent and channelled through the Dark Side, the methods he had learned to deal with pain and frustration were sufficient to shove the discomforts to the side, but not completely dealt with, hovering just at the edge of perception like whispers in a quiet room that could not quite be made out. He stumbled out of bed and made to get ready for the day, his whip-lashed emotions leaving him drained, and not wanting to deal with the brain dead senate. The brief surge of anger gave him the energy to finish off his morning tasks before he sat down for his breakfast.

Kleef was still grinning when he managed to find his errant charge, the shock of the Security Head still filling him with glee, as it was not that often he could pull one over on the land walkers that had spent so long deriding his species for so long, so he was going to enjoy every minute of it he could. After asking what was going on, and getting the story from Bink himself, he agreed that the normal security measures would not suffice. Also as he was new on the planet, he did not know any other choices he could recommend other the Chancellor, so they made their way to the Chancellors quarters, with the other Gungan guard, as the Representative only rated two guards in their security detail. They made their way to the first of the Chancellors guards, the fancy clad security stopping them and checking their ID, the professionalism palpable in their crisp practised motions. After a few moments one of them nodded talking over a commlink and let them though, their identifications verified.

Palpatine had been in the middle of his breakfast when one of his guards came in and told him that Representative Binks and his security detail were wanting to see him. Palpatine could already feel his headache rise in intensity, and a moment concentration with the Dark Side washed the feeling to the side. Palpatine took his time to think about it, and decided that he should at least talk to the annoyance to limit whatever he was going to do next, yesterday in the senate had already proved he was too much of a disruption to just let loose without means to contain him. He briefly remembered his action of putting a bounty on the Gungans head the previous day, and took a moment fantasizing that someone had already taken care of the annoyance, but as Jar Jar was coming to meet him that obviously had not happened yet, besides, he was miserly with his money, the bounty he set could not have been that high right, he was only a little annoyed last night after all his plans seemed to come into ruin. Palpatine dismissed what felt like the force laughing, as he would never do something so rash, he was the MASTER of the dark side after all.