
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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Omake: nested memoirs

Memoirs of Commander Kleef - Clone Wars - Mon Cala/Dac - CW Year 1

-translated into clear basic-

So there we were, trapped and captured by Separatist forces, prisoners waiting for the worst to happen. When the sneaky Delta boys showed up with crates of 'liberated' munitions. Now the Separatists were not exactly dumb, so they had put mag-shields around the doors and walls, but one thing the Seps were, was cheap. Now, this was still early in the war so they were still using converted older transports, this left an opportunity for us captured Gungans that had volunteered for the war. In those crates were a whole bunch of grenades, normally they would be useless as the mag-shields went higher then we could throw, but they did not count on good old Gungan ingenuity. We took apart the crates, and what things we could get our hands-on, and tearing sheets and cloth into strips we were able to make some suitable stick-ball flinger sticks. Now the thing about stick-ball flingers is, that a good flinger can toss a ball over an entire Acclimator, and the balls were about the same size as a Booma. This fact would be important as a Booma just happened to be the same size as the 'liberated' grenades, and that the mag-shield emitters on the extra tall ceilings were not themselves shielded. Like I said, in the early days of the war they were still operating on the cheapest equipment, converted cargo ships and the like, so with a few tries, and some close calls, we could fling the grenades in such a way that they exploded at the top of their arc near the emitters. This caused the mag-shields to drop and let up blow open the doors and pour out. With this done we quickly overwhelmed the droids guarding the prisoners and busted out everyone we could, mostly other captured Gungans and Mon Calamari, however, we did manage to find an entire group of captured clones. Now I will say this about the white armoured troops, while they could not manage to properly handle a fling stick without the net going everywhere, they knew how to handle their guns. With the clones leading the way with what long-range weapons we had, we followed with our fling sticks, and the Mon Calamari grabbing whatever they could, mostly lengths of pipes and debris to throw. Now that was a fight, we managed to storm the bridge of the ship, and captured it, yeah we had losses, but it was worth it. As we had gotten to the bridge before they managed to send off any transmissions we managed to send shuttles across to more ships and take them over. However, that was as far as we could go because a few of them managed to get signals off and that was that, we only survived as the fleet was close enough that when we sent out a signal they could home in and jump right close and take them by surprise.

Memoirs of Delta squad - RC-1138 "Boss" - Clone Wars - Mon Cala/Dac - CW Year 1

Most missions Delta got in the early part of the war were hot zones, we go in, blast the target, and get out, Mon Cala was different, it was the first real quiet mission we had. True to Delta form, however, it only stayed quiet for so long, but that was in the latter part of the mission. The first part was when we were called in to search for, and assist, captured elements of the volunteer forces. Most of the squad thought it was a waste of our time, but as professionals, we did the job all the same. The first part was the hardest, of course, we had to be quiet and slice into the Seps info-net. I do not know how the General did it, but he managed to get a route through the water maze to one of their sensor buoys, took a bit of tactical genius to pull that off, but the dividends paid off. Fixer managed to slice in, and from then on the system was ours, with control of the sensors we could go in and out of the holding facilities with ease, smooth as anything you have seen. Sev kept a lookout for any patrols and told us when to keep our heads down, Fixer would gain access to any locked doors like we had the keys to the place, but Scorch had the fun job. We had managed to go through the back routes to the base and access their storage rooms, all the Seps supplies ready for the taking, piles of boxes and machinery to move them. Scorch, being our explosive expert, manage to find entire crates of grenades and explosive packs, rigged the entire place to go sky high at the push of a button. We managed to find the prisoners, and arm them up with some of the extra crates, told them to make some noise and get out of there before the entire place came down. They managed to do surprisingly well for themselves, though they did manage to find a group of clones to help them, so that explains why they were able to take and hold a bunch of their ships before the fleet came in. The sudden appearance of the fleet, coupled with Scorch taking out the base at the same time threw the Seps into so much confusion, by the time they figured out what was going on, it was all over. That was the first mission we had that, for the most part, went silently, the Seps not knowing that we were there at all. It was far from the last.

Memoirs of a Clone Trooper - RC-894752 "Deuce" - Clone Wars - CW Year 3

I remember learning about the Mon Cala operations while still in training, the timing and flow of the rescue operation after the initial disastrous battle between Republic and Separatist forces was the keystone to several tactics for both sides used in the years since the outbreak of the war. It helped change the view of the Commando squads from heavy hitters all the time, to special operations behind enemy lines helping out local and captured forces. The effectiveness of arming and guiding on-site assets could not be understated, as the confusion caused by prisoner breakout multiplied the shock value of the fleet arriving unexpectedly greatly. After action reports and analysis showed that on their own, either the breakout or the arrival would either fail, or at the very best, lead to catastrophic losses. With both happening at the same time, coupled with the destruction of the Separatist Command and Control Center, lead to the confusion that ensured a sweeping Republic victory. Even though the Separatists got away with some important Mon Calamari designs, that would later be developed into some of the more effective Separatist ships, the liberation of Mon Cala meant that the shipyards there were available to the republic, to help stem the tide of the massive fleets that the Seps fielded. This instrumental battle would help dictate the war not just logistically, but the feel and role of secondary forces, something that we would use and leverage against the droids very effectively. I shudder to think of how the war would have gone if we clones had to to do everything ourselves. The additional help of the secondary forces freed up so many of our brothers from duties in the rear, that we could use almost our entire strength on the front lines to stop the clankers. The numbers they gave said that every 'volunteer in the rear' helped save a dozen clones, personally, I believe it was even more as those numbers never included those that fought on the front lines and beyond side by side with us. Not a clone among us would not hesitate even a single moment to help them when they showed up to fight, as without their help, we would have been overwhelmed a hundred times over during the war. We clones might get the spotlight on the posters, but it was the volunteer forces that deserve the real praise.

Memoirs - Thrawn - unknown year.

When I was introduced to the history of the greater galaxy, a certain name seemed to keep popping up, the ripples of his actions seeming to affect everything around him. I took to finding even the most tangentially related bits of information, some said it was foolish, a waste of my time, but as I looked, I could start to see patterns. The patterns would repeat themselves, starting small, but growing over time, until even small seeming actions caused huge changes. Sure anyone could study the historical accounts and see the big splashes, the first speech to the senate, the volunteering to go to war, the major actions and commands. But it was as I looked closer into the farther connected accounts that I started to see his real impact, not in grand speeches, not in showy manoeuvres, though the undeniable effectiveness of them I incorporated into my own tactics. It was how he changed his subordinates and allies, strengthening them and making them even more effective then they could ever dream of, turning volunteer troops and 'disposable' clones, such folly they that thought good troops as something to be thrown away, into a fighting force unrivalled in over a thousand years. I have studied his methods, his practices, and his strengths, and take them into my own. Those that derided me of studying a foolish-looking source will never learn that inspiration, and enlightenment can come from even the simplest of things. As they scoff at my study of art and culture they turn away from the lessons held therein. I will learn these lessons and turn them around as weapons unto themselves to those that think they have learned the surface and underlying meaning. Those fools that deride me cannot see the layer under even that, and as such, the meaning and lessons hidden underneath the underlying message will be their downfall. I shall know my own strength, and their own as well, and turn their foundations of strengths against them. Knowledge is power, and as they refuse knowledge, they refuse the power do properly defend themselves. Thus powerless to defend their cries for peace, they shall have none, for as he said, those that want peace should be prepared to defend it... and they are unprepared.