
Grimoire Of Laplace (Rework)

A baby was found near the magical skull of the magic beast in Hage, alongside a small inconspicuous book. The book can give him access to a libabry of magic, which he will use to get stronger and better. Rework the title with the same name.

Heinzbeansscranner · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 : A Feeling Of Weakness

Zakai felt weak and was ready to pass out at any moment.

How was he meant to survive another person?

the crying finally stopped, as the screaming was put to an abrupt end.

"No....no..." Zakai cried.

walking out of the house, Zakai watched as the cabin collapsed.

Walking to where the source of the screaming came from, he watched as a small child's corpse lay there, separated in half by a wind blade.

"ZEK!" Zakai ran to the boy, looking at his corpse, checking his breathing.


"FUCK!" Zakai screamed out, before pounding on the floor.

He had failed.

He had caused Zek's death.

Tears flew down Zakai's eyes.

When the tears stopped, it was replaced by a fiery expression.

"Uniquas family."

2 deaths.

too many.

"THE FIRE IS OVER HERE!" He heard shouting from the opposite side of the cabin, which had been reduced to nothing more than burning debris.

All that was left were his bow and his arrows and a cloak.

If he was found by the Uniquas family right now, he would get killed and framed.

Today was the not day he would die.

But the day when the Uniquas family would die was sooner than they thought.

Zakai's expression tightened as he limped into the forest, clutching his wounded leg that was still seared with pain.

After walking for half an hour, he plopped his body on a tree and slowly started to close his eyes.

He was utterly exhausted.

Tears dripped down his eyes.

4 years he had spent with the boy, and now he was nothing more than a fucking corpse.

He could have prevented it!

if only he kept the boy at his side, he could have prevented both of them from running away.


Who was he kidding?

He couldn't handle both of them at once when he couldn't even fight one.

Zek was going to die that night.

"Fuck!" Zakai smashed his fists against the tree, watching as the fist hit the rough bark and created a small line of blood.

Slowly raising his body, he gripped the tree and went up to it, resting at the top of the branches.

Now, he could finally rest.

Closing his eyes, Zakai wished that this was all just a bad dream.


The birds screeched in the morning sun, as Zakai slowly woke up.

The air wasn't cold, nor warm, just the right temperature with no wind.

A day like this was perfect for going out and enjoying the land.

Unfortunately, he didn't wake up in the warmth of his bed, meaning his reality was confirmed.

Zakai made a fireball, before extinguishing it slowly after.

He needed a place to sleep and somewhere to take shelter.

He remembered an abandoned house he found on a hunt, and that would be a good place to rest till the grimoire selection.

Since he was a criminal now, he needed to play a game of cat and mouse, and try to sneak into the grimoire selection and not be caught.

Luckily, the pilgrimage to the Grimoire tower was one to be taken alone in most cases, unless the guardians don't see their kin worthy enough to go alone.

It was the same with the capital.

That meant good news, and for now, he needed to go to the place where he saw before.

Slowly walking to the abandoned house, Zakai expected it before sighing.

It was good enough for him, with the house managing to not get flooded when it rains.

Shards of glass were on the floor, and some bugs were in the area, but nothing some good old wind magic and the new addition of fire magic couldn't fix.

Setting down his bow and arrows, Zakai looked towards the wood floor before sighing.

His old pouch had a carving knife, so Zakai got some wood and some stone before starting to craft some rudimentary arrows.

Unforuntaltey the quiver of arrows wasn't big enough for his needs, so he would craft some more.

The grimoire tower was around a day's journey, and it was around 3 days until he needed to go, so for now, he needed to survive, craft some more arrows and do other things.

One was to look at the Grimoire he had collected in his Library from the magic flamed.

As much as he despised the man, his experience and memories may prove a good presence and could help him learn the fire magic better than a small fireball.

He would take his power, and he wished him pain in the afterlife.

Collecting some wood and making a cross, Zakai places it in the dirt before bowing down.

He was weak.

A fire burned in Zakai's eyes.

He wouldn't allow it to happen again.

No matter what.

Looking up, Zakai saw a familiar stream.

His eyes widened in realisation as his expression suddenly became pained.


An influx of memories came from his mind, as he screamed out in pain.

Memories, feelings, stimuli

All came at once, causing Zakai to scream out in pain.


The memories finally stopped, as Zakai breathed in and out, sweat pouring from his face.

He was residing in the house of Sekel.

His old house, where his father slews his siblings.


Utterly charming.

He felt like he was slowly losing himself, feeling the memories and feelings of people that are dead.

It sickened him to the core.

But he needed to manage it, to get stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, he would die in the pit he buried himself.

He just needed to wait, wait until the Grimoire Selection Ceremony.