
Grimoire Of Laplace (Rework)

A baby was found near the magical skull of the magic beast in Hage, alongside a small inconspicuous book. The book can give him access to a libabry of magic, which he will use to get stronger and better. Rework the title with the same name.

Heinzbeansscranner · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 : Conflict

Footsteps slowly started to come into the living room, as Zakai quickly opened the window at his side.

4 steps at a time.

2 people.

Throwing Zek in a sac, Zakai muttered to the boy.

"Do not scream, do not cry, do not make a sound."

Quickly throwing him into the forest, Zakai looked back.

Zakai got a knife he had pulled from the kitchen as he was running to Zek's room, before looking down at his shaking hand.


He may be forced to do something he doesn't want to do.

A sound came from his head.

"We won't give your son a pleasant death."

He was dealing with psychos, and they seemed to derive pleasure from pain, if they wanted to kill both him and Zek efficiently waiting outside and watching the smoke engulf the inside as they slowly die would be the best option, and yet they confidently stormed in.

Zakai's 5 leaf clover Grimoire fluttered on his side, before landing back onto Sekel's page.

Wind magic fluttered as he heard the footsteps get closer to his door.

An eerie silence, as the footsteps stopped.

Zakai conjured a wind blade, sending it through the door.

The sound of metal clashing was heard, as he rapidly opened the door and sent one more.

Feeling his mana rapidly go wasn't a pleasant experience as he brandished his knife and rushed to the first figure that he saw.

"Shit-" Zakai came before the man, before getting pushed by the other, before getting knocked to the ground.

"You little shit-!"

The one that pinned him on the ground slowly pulled the sword he had and tried to stab him in the chest, but a gust of wind quickly knocked the man off.

The other man possessed fire magic, and that position was advantageous to do the fact that the man wanted to keep his partner alive, so he couldn't use his fire magic.

But what is the magic of the other one?

Wind magic.

"[Fire magic: Searing Blade]"

The man on the left enchanted his knife with a firey blade, which seared everything around it.

Zakai did the same with his blade, even though the efficiency was lower and the magic on the blade was weaker.

He didn't have a spell for this.

The other managed to recover from getting blasted with wind magic, as he said to the other one.

"Go find the boy, you cant even be competent enough to fight a teenager."

The other one had no quarrels, as he quickly ran out of the burning house as Zakai's eyes slit into a cold gaze, one that could match a poison snake.

And he was hungry for a wild animal.

And this one was enough for him.

The man with the fire magic.

The blade of the heat made Zakai sweat, but Zakai watched the man do the same.

"Oh?" Zakai said, before coming up with a plan instantly. "You not even resistant to your magic, what a pathetic failure."

The crumbling cabin was slowly starting to fall, with the thick gasses slowly starting to get stronger and stronger.

"Shut the fuck up!" The fire mage ran towards Zakai as Zakai concentrated all the wind magic into his head.

A feeling of lightness and sharpness enveloped him as he slowly started to squat down.

The man tried to slow down in response, but Zakai quickly jumped out, using his legs and smashing them into the man's face.

Feeling a searing pain-, Zakai watched as the man quickly enveloped his fists and grabbed his leg, with the magically enhanced fists digging into the knee that he smashed the man with.

"AGGGHHHH!" Zakai screamed in pain as the man's fingertips slowly started to deepen into his flesh, causing warm streaks of blood to flow down his leg.

The man suddenly grabbed his whole body, before getting sent into a pile of burning logs, which scorched his back.

The fight was over, as the man snorted to Zakai.


Zakai's eyes slowly started to lose hope as he looked up at the burning ceiling.

Is this the day he dies?

yes... it appears so.




Sekel nor Serena didn't die in vain.

they both carried their wills, and their memories inside of him.

He needed to be strong, so he can fulfil their dreams.

Serena wanted to look after her child.

And Sekel wanted to be a magic knight, and strong.

He wouldn't die peacefully till that day comes.

he had around 40% of his mana left, as he slowly looked down towards the floor.

He had landed on a point of arrows which a sharpened iron edge, which was Zakai's final hope.

"It seems Sekel's smiling upon me," Zakai muttered, as he slowly touched the arrow.

He is a hunter, somebody who has known to use an arrow since he was a young small child.

Who said he needed a bow? when he could become the bow himself.

All with the magic that the predecessor left before him.

The 5 Leaf Grimoire's page got stronger and stronger, the colours of vibrant green coming out of the pages and surrounding the room.

Memories came into his mind, memories of countless years, winters, summers, springs, all practising the wind magic he had inherited.

And now.

A final show of strength.

It was time for Sekel's Encore.

In the eyes of the man, it was just a teenager who had lost all hope for living.

But to Zakai, the pitiful one was not him.

Every last drop of mana was poured into the arrow and Zakai's right arm, as he slowly draw his arm out.

It was no different from using a bow.

The man realised what was wrong, and slowly conjured a wall of fire to block him.

Zakai threw the arrow out, the wind magic gushing hte flames into the man's face, causing him to shout in pain


wanting to run up, Zakai felt a sharp pain as his leg slowly stopped moving.

His leg was busted.

The man slowly fell to the floor, but it was clear that he wasn't dead yet.

Zakai got an antique bow and arrow from the side of him, before knocking the arrow and shooting it towards the man.

The arrow flew in the air, before rushing into the head of the man.

Zakai saw as the man took his final breath before his expression started to change.

"Ah....ahaha...AHAHAHAHA" Zakai looked towards the ceiling, which had crumbling pieces of wood in it, before erupting with laughter.

He had won!

he had won!

his expression was suddenly cut short when he heard a child screaming.

"Zek!" Zakai screamed out, before attempting to stand up.

Their leg of his burned in response to the muscle movement, so Zakai quickly grabbed the bow and used it to support himself.

He was in no position to fight.

The essence of the man suddenly appeared, like the book at his side became restless.


The book went to the esccense, before gobbling it up and coming back.

Fire magic swelled up inside of him, as he slowly summoned an incredibly small ball of fire and held it close to the wound on the leg.

Searing pain intensified, as he screamed out.

He needed to cauterize the wound!

the magic fireball quickly went out, and he slowly sighed.

He ran out of mana.

A feeling of intense exhaustion was present, but he quickly stood up.

He wanted to pass out.

But he couldn't.

Not quite yet.