
14. Important Author's Note


Hey everyone! First off, I'm NOT cancelling this story! I apologize that this is not the next chapter, but I felt that you all needed to hear this.

I don't know how many of you have heard the news, but after the season finale of Amphibia Season Two was postponed, it got leaked and is now online. I, thinking Disney released it a day late, watched it, but it was not until afterwards that I realized the horrible truth.

A lot of people, myself included, are upset about this leak, and we encourage all of you that have not seen it yet to hold off until it is officially released, out of respect for creator Matt Braly and the Amphibia team. I know it will be difficult, having to wait for an unknown amount of time to see the finale, but please be patient and respect Matt and the Amphibia team; they worked so hard to put this show together, and to have it leaked like this is one of the worst things that could have happened to them. I encourage you who have not seen it and do not want spoilers to be careful on all social media platforms, video streaming platforms, and even on fan fiction and online websites. I have no doubt that people will spoil the finale for those who have not seen it, and I do not want that to happen.

Now, for those of you that have seen the episode. I beg you to please do the courteous thing and do NOT spoil what happens. Do not post or draw or make a video or podcast or write about it... or anything like that! Out of respect for those who have not seen it, as well as for Matt and his team, please keep what you have seen to yourself until the episode is officially released. I do not know if any of you have ever had the ending of a book or a movie or a TV show spoiled for you, but it is not a pleasant experience. So please, I urge you to do the right thing and keep what you saw in the finale to yourselves until the episode is officially released.

Now, onto some happier news. I plan on posting chapter fourteen of this story hopefully by the end of this week, the end of next week at the latest. As well as that, a reader of this story has graciously ordered a commission of Ethan to be made, and he [along with the artist] have given me permission to use it as the thumbnail to this story. The art is still being made, but it should hopefully be finished by the end of this week. I plan on releasing the new thumbnail at the same time as chapter fourteen, so it will be a double surprise for all of you! And one I hope will cheer everyone up after this catastrophe related to the Finale.

And as for the other Amphibia story I have in the works... I'm honestly not sure how many of you would like what I had in mind. It would be more light-hearted than this story, also feature a male protagonist, follow Anne's storyline, and have a lot more music, to say the least. Someone suggested I post it and see what you all think of it, so let me know if you wish for me to do so, or if you would rather me finish this story first. If I were to post the first chapter, I would do it on the same day as posting this new chapter.

I'm sorry if I rambled on for a while; I rarely post notes like this in the middle of my stories. But I figured that all of you should know about the finale, and have some hope about the next chapter [and a potential second story], as well as hear about the commission.

Have a great day everyone, and please take what I said to heart.
