
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Episode 12: Heroines Of Humanity.



"Listen guys!! I asked The Great Arch to wait for us. This alliance shall serve its purpose. Do not let yourself by swayed away. This is the Fate of Humanity of the line.. December is out of the play, we got a chance in this---"

Flying on a cargoplane just above FRANCE, Gwenn Klauus' team could finally see France as they joined up to discuss of the next step.

But as things were about to get messy down there, an interruption occurred.

A boy, no... A Man. Sharp nose. Binoculars. Smiling. Dressed like an accountant woth the costume.

Gwenn Klauus did not notice him.

Which resulted in the first mistake they made.

By the time the 'Account' man started to recite a weird incantation, it was already too late.

"Wait! What's that voice!? I've heard it before.."

Remembering the time December did the same, this reaction finally saved them from a near catastrophe, since THE ENEMY infiltrated the plane they were in.

Bestow, by her side, reacted second as she tried to fist the 'Accountant' man in the face.

The attempt failed and resulted in a counterattack that knocked out her out.

Frances took a defensive stance whereas Gwenn Klauus knew it was pointless to fight.

The 'Accountant' man was surely affiliated to Greorgorian Marrtellis.

To avoid pointless deaths, Gwenn Klauus surrendered.

Leaving the responsibility of WINNING to The Great Arch's.

Grievance still in the play.

She successfully joined up with Sextilis.

Alone, They were about to measure themselves against Their Mother.


A calamity on two feet making her way.

And to stop HER, Heroines of Humanity.



"Greorgorian Marrtellis!! Has been so long, Mother!"

Screamed of excitement a Sextilis that wanted to square it up already.

Grievance, a little behind was prepared too.

They did not have any timeout.

it was Do Or Die.

And on this note, Greorgorian Marrtellis attacked first.

"This is gonna hurt Grievance, but I am here OKAY?!"


Sextilis took the first hit.

Losing conciousness for two seconds, Grievance came to the rescue.

[Skill 'Horse Hunt!' has been activated]

Dashing forward at the speed of sound, Grievance covered fifteen feet in an less than a blink of an eye.

Directing her left fist towards Greorgorian Marrtellis' chin, it connceted nicely.

Greorgorian Marrtellis took a step back.

Sextilis still OUT, Grievance changed stance again and...

[Skill 'Bear Hunt!' has been activated]

Giving up on agility, Grievance now sent a barrage of deadly punches.

For a moment, it looked like Greorgorian Marrtellis was losing---

"Is that everything you can do? So weak. . ."

Both could not believe it.

Time stopped.

Every being near Greorgorian Marrtellis froze.

". . . . . . . . I was thinking of squaring it up with y'all but it won't serve Humanity good to waste its time losing against me. Instead, I will entertain y'all with some extra. ."

Disappearing from their site, Greorgorian Marrtellis concentrated herself solely on finding December.

Leaving the opps with her second favved son, the latter arrived with a decapitated head.

Long coat, binocular, Curly hairs.

The latter was quite stylish despite being bathed in red blood.

"I met an ant on the way."

The late Conan Mertens Smith's head was in Maius' hand.

"Big sister, is that--?"

A look of astonishment on Grievance's face, she stuttered at the sight of Maius.

Though they had never met before, it was clear as water who Maius was.

Sextilis stayed shut, thinking of sonething else.

"Maius..? I guess Greorgorian Marrtellis did not see any material worth in us, as always. What about that dream of yours Maius!? I thought you wanted to be like me!! A freed being!"


Flashing in front of Sextilis, Maius covered her mouth before shushing her.

Grievance tried to connect in a chin punch but Maius dodged in the nick of time.

"Gah -Ahh!!"

Counterattacking by a shoulder to the hip, Grievance felt this one deep.

Falling to her knee, Grievance vomited blood.

Sextilis saw the scene and tried to help her little sister.

But it was a dream that turnt to a nightmare.

Both laying defeated on the ground was not going to stand up again.

They measured themselves to the Greater Beings.

And they FAILED to defend Humanity's Home.

"I will fail to capture you and you will flee."

Said the man, with unparallel seriouness.

[Huh...] [What is he doing?] • From The Writer.

Sextilis was having a bit of a hard time understanding the brother they never met before.

Grievance on her side, was relieved of the fact that they survived.

Whilst the man kept a stoic facial.

"The human 'Gwenn Klauus' has been captured. The henchmen going by the name of November The Warrior and Frances Desperado were taken into custody and brought to the Land Of The Dead. Mother plans on making an example of 'Gwenn Klauus'. Now, it will be up to you to save~~"

"What's you deal?"

Doubted Sextilis contrary to Grievance who almost believed his words.

First he came in with Conan's head as if to demonstrate the unfairness of the reality.

Then, he took on Greorgorian Marrtellis' order to take down his sisters.

Lastly, He was sort-of betraying his mother to help the sisters he tried to take down.

Sextilis knew, he was playing a mind game.

But to who?

Which showed how cunning the man was.

Maius The Wit.

Said to be the Next Greatness if December The Grudge were to die.

A cunning being, for sho'.

"Look at you. You are trying to protect Humanity and yet, you can't even face me. Mother has already reached Decky's location. If she brings him back to the past, it's endgame. So I will help Humanity for this one time."


Grievance cried out loud, getting hopeless with the vision of Deafeat in mind.

Sextilis could only watch as she did not know the solution too.

"The Land Of The Dead; it's not for nay that I brought November and that nobody there. There is a way but you won't like it. Octie is playing the Administrator role over there, so you got one last chance."

But Grievance winced at the unfinished sentence of Maius.

What did he mean by that, Thought she.

But Sextilis knew where Maius was going with it.

"Transpose someone."

Said Sextilis like she knew the plan Maius had for them.

"November The Warrior; September The Murderer and; Sextilis The Shrewd CP/EXP's into a single body. That is the only way to win this War. Well, that's it for me.. Mother is calling for me. ‹Sisters› Good Luck!"



Greorgorian Marrtellis Children Power Ranking.

What it takes into account —:—

•Experience [EXP]

•Core Power [CP]

•Love For Mother [LM]

. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..

From Lowest to Highest;-

6. Junius The Weak.

1.6 [EXP] 1.9 [CP] 6.7 [LM]

5. October The Stranger.

9.3 [EXP] 8.8 [CP] 0.0 [LM]

4. Martius The Right.

4.4 [EXP] 7.0 [CP] 5.0 [LM]

3. Sextilis The Shrewd.

6.6 [EXP] 5.2 [CP] 1.0 [LM]

2. Maius The Wit.

9.2 [EXP] 9.0 [CP] 9.0 [LM]

1. December The Grudge.

10 [EXP] 10 [EXP] 10 [LM]

*To note,

[LM] directly affects the Core Power of the Being.

End note.*


Happy New Year.

Have a great time with yourself/Family.

No new project to be published next year.

Only this one and Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic to go.

On this note,

Thank you.
