
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Episode 11: The Rumble, Part one.

Greorgorian Marrtellis.

The Ultimate Being, has been summoned once more.

A work of The Stranger, October.

Her OWN Life Force was used as the substituting Energy.

The summoning will last Four Hours this time around.

A world molded to my liking, That's my most dearest dream



The Sound Of The Apocalypse resonated in all of Humanity's ears.

"A great amount of energy erupted in France!! We are rushing in, GUYs!!"

The siren dedicated to announce catastrophe made it clear.

"Bestow and Frances are coming with me.. Joe, keep an eye on Ley for me, Thanks. Grievance has gone in first, she'll be waiting for us. I don't want any reckless move.. We listen and we think. Only do something under My Order! Received?"

To fight off the Menace that was weighing on the world, Gwenn Klauus made an alliance with The Church Organization led by The Great Arch.

The terrible Loss she went through with December has greatly affected her deep within.

The plans she originally had went to the oubliette.

"Copy, Madame."


The Church Headquarters was in Italy.

Naturally, The Church members were the first to arrive to the Incident.

And one of them was the newly promoted Rank ★★★★; Conan Mertens Smith.

Alone, he decided to head into trouble.

With the Faith of Humanity's and the pride of The Saint on his shoulders, he confidently walked forward.

As he came near the danger, he witnessed something unreal.

The catastrophe had a figure.

The form of a «weak little girl»

Well knowledgeable about the matter, Conan instantly knew it was «Greorgorian Marrtellis»

Normally, the correct way to deal with the latter would be to ---


Jumping in with no care and subtle move, Conan fearless looked forward to meeting the latter.

"I apologize for startling you. I am Conan, one of the Guys that will take you down.. May I request a reason for your arrival?"

But the latter was somehow not in the mood to play along.

As silence became the next subject of the conversation.

"I guess this is my cue to shut up.. Let's fight it off.. I heard you were not as you seemed."


Sent flying towards the sky, Conan couldn't believe it.

He did not see 'it' coming.

Blood splatting over hsi face, he understood he lost a limb or two in the process.

But measuring the gravity of the situation, he put his thoughts into the landing.

He was considered 'strong' by his peers but a fall of hundreds of feet was not to be taken lightly.

"This is WILD!!"

Screamed Conan as fear overtook his heart.

A fear of height..

The scenery was beautful though.

The mountains, the sea and the people.

Conan had never seen it all in one sight.

Human's eye had never seen such beauty.


A second wind bust sent Conan flying even higher.

At an altitude where oxygen was less than 2%.

This time, he couldn't ignore it.

The first attack took his right leg.

The second, his half left body.

But compared to the scenery once again.

The continents edges, the endless pool of water known as 'the sea' and the meaning of life.

He had seen it all.

He knew the point of life at the very end.

Though he was dead.

His death would soon bring forth the anger of the Evangelist.

And on the ground, Greorgorian Marrtellis.

Unaware of the ruckus she already caused.

"Where is my Son? Where is Deck?"

Which was the least of her concern.

Strangely enough, she was on the lookout for someone special.

Her Son.

December The Grudge.

Determined to find her son for some reason, she was ready to face them all.

The opps.

But why?

Why couldn't she find Deck?

What happened to December?

This summary shall explain it.

A few nights before the appearance of Greorgorian Marrtellis, December The Grudge was captured by The Church under the lead of Sextilis The Shrewd.

As a breakpoint to avoid a reckless fight, Sextilis had a conversation with December.

The argument had their mother innit.

December was the closest one to Greorgorian Marrtellis, but Sextilis wanted to know what that sort of relation implied.

During December's interrogation, Sextilis was able to grasp two important facts.

The first one was of December and Greorgorian Marrtellis regular catch up on each other; Every Fortnight there would be an exchange between the two.

And the second one, December was having an existencial crisis.

A conflict of mind that Sextilis was ready to make use of in Favor Of Humanity's.

"Humanity has never been so close to slicing open the throat of Greorgorian Marrtellis",

Thought Sextilis at the time.

Locking December in a fortress somewhere on Earth, Humanity secured a potential win.



"Where is my Son? Where is Deck?"

Like a mother who lost her child, there was naught of fear but a bit of irk.

The ants she was sure of had become rodent, gnawing at the leftovers.

In short, Greorgorian Marrtellis was not cool minded as of then.

Which is why she brought forth the children that did not abandon her.

Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe.

A war she wanted to avoid displaying outfront to her youngests became an urgency she had to work with.

Humanity fierce work as ONE got the best of Greorgorian Marrtellis' plan.

With her strongest Son out of the way, she had to personally step in to make way of the mess.

The process she planned out for December failed as the indecisiveness was the reason of his capture.

To remedy to it, she specially sacrificed her own life in order to come to the aid of December.

This was the beginning of, The Rumble.



Humanity has liven it real.

That taste of the end of the world..

They tasted it.

It was bitter.

That imagery of death and powerlessness in the face of Absolute Power;

They witnessed it.

Now that it all ended.

How did the world save itself through that momentary crisis?

The South and North Continents disappeared on the map, they were not prepared to the end of the world.

The East fought it off as the major parties already had alliance forged from the past.

The East Coallition had a few names under their Force Banner;:

Coallition Army Rank ★★: Grandger Kennedy, Théo Laplace, Victor Jnorvich and Taka Himimoto.

Coallition Army Rank ★★★: Rock Lee, Créteuil Deschamps and [One Spot Available].

Coallition Army Rank ★★★★: [Recent ★★★ Turned ★★★★] Conan Martens Smith.

Coallition Army Rank ★★★★★, Highest Chief In-Command, Greorgorian Marrtellis' Daughter; ~ The Great Arch ~ : Sextilis The Shrewd.

WHEREAS on the other side of the globe, things were more awry.

The West Continent suffered far worse despite being the most prepared.

And under their force banner:;

[MA* stands for Monarch Association]

[TC* stands for The Church]

[TC/MA* is someone affiliated to TC but has been lent as a support to the MA]

MA The Chairwoman: 'Madame' Gwenn Klauus, Monarch.

TC/MA Vice-Chairman: The Saintess, Grievance.

MA Chairwoman's Direct Secretary/Frances Desperado's Twin: Sofia Desperados, Human. 

The Directing Board Members:-

MA First Seat/Gwenn Klauus' First Daughter, Ley Caydence Novembaria, Monarch.

TC/MA Second Seat/Martius The Right.

MA Third Seat, Joe-gleeful Lasteer, Monarch.

MA Fifth Seat, Frances Desperados, Monarch.

~to be continued~


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