

Aleyn was crying alone under the tree, with the letter in his hand. The tiny droplets fell down his cheeks, and he didn't try to wipe them out. He was the most sensitive among us, but I have never seen him cry this way before. Wolfe meant a big deal to him, and it showed.

I hurried to kneel in front of him and take his hand. I didn't ask him to stop crying because I knew it would make him more emotional.

"Everything is going to be alright, Aleyn," I whispered.

Aleyn gulped and folded the paper before putting it in his trousers' pocket. He lifted his head and looked at me with his green eyes. "It's good to have you back, Sky," he mumbled.

I smiled and brushed his hand gently with my warm fingers. "I missed you," I said, looking at him then at Kaela.

Kaela smiled back and sat down next to Aleyn before she put her arm around his back and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I heard you earlier," Aleyn said. "I also don't believe he committed suicide. I know it's impossible."

I sighed and looked around for a moment, letting the cold breeze caress my face.

"Do you have an idea on who might it be?" I asked him as I knew he spent most of his time with him.

"I have many ideas, Sky," Aleyn replied, "Jealous people surrounded Wolfe everywhere, and everyone craved his success. There are countless ones that I can't point out who's his killer."

"Or who are the killers," Kaela added.

"I haven't been by his side lately," Aleyn spoke after a long moment of silence. "He was working on a new album, and I didn't want to bother him. If only I knew he was going through a difficult phase."

I shook my head slowly and caressed his cheek. His dark beard slightly stung my hand.

"It's not your fault, Aleyn. Even if you knew, you couldn't have done much. Wolfe's enemies are dangerous. The big heads don't fear anyone as long as their bank account is full." I say.

"Freaking rich dudes," Aleyn muttered. "I hate them. I hate everyone."

"Big fat mood," Kaela mumbled as she closed her eyes.

Aleyn started crying again, and I watched him touch the paper inside his pocket. "That's unfair," his voice was shaky. "How could he leave without giving me a chance to confess?"

Kaela pressed her lips tight to stop herself from crying and put her other arm around him.

"I should have told him," Aleyn sobbed, "My feelings for him were real. He was the only person I have ever loved in my life, and I never regretted it."

"I know," I smiled and looked down, "And I'm sure he was aware of it. You proved your love for him countless times before."

"But I should have said it directly instead of hiding behind actions," Aleyn mumbled. "I always wanted to tell Wolfe that I love him."

I took his hand and sighed, "You can tell him. Wolfe will forever stay by our side no matter what."

Aleyn nodded as he sobbed, and I rested my head on his thigh. Mud and grass stained my white trousers, but I cared less now. I just wanted to be with my friends.

After a moment of listening to Aleyn's quiet sobs and our deep breaths, I lifted my head and ran my fingers in my dark hair.

"I wonder if Luke knows," I said.

Aleyn and Kaela sighed and looked at me sadly.

"Are you going to see him?" Kaela asked.

I nodded, "I feel like I have to. Wolfe asked Rex to send us there, but I also want to speak to him as I haven't been able to the last three years."

"Wolfe asked him that?" Aleyn raised an eyebrow, "When?"

"He wrote it in the letter," Kaela replied. "I don't know what he meant, but Skylar is right. We need to visit him."

"Only one visitor is allowed, so, I will go, okay?" I asked, and they nodded.

When the funeral ended, it was already dark outside, and the reporters were still waiting by the gate. We could hear their chatter and laughter, and it made me furious because they only cared about their job, not the lost life of an artist. They only wanted to steal shots and ask stupid questions to be the first to publish the article on Wolfe's funeral.

I followed Shadow, who was quietly talking to Rex and pulled his shirt gently. "Shadow," I whispered, "Do you want to stay at my house?"

Shadow smiled and put his arm around my shoulders, "It's okay, Sky, I can stay at my apartment."

Jay joined us and walked next to him, "I'll stay with you bro,"

"I can stay too if you want," I tell him.

Shadow stopped walking and looked at me, "Sky, you need to be with your parents." he rested his hand on my shoulder and beamed, "You haven't seen them in ages."

I nodded. Shadow was right, I haven't seen my parents since I left the country, and I feel horrible for not paying a visit to them. I was so busy with my projects and books that I didn't have time, nor the mood, to take a flight and go to my childhood house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sky," Shadow said, interrupting my thoughts. "And thank you for coming," he whispered before he kissed my head and left with Jay.

I stopped walking and looked at him with confusion. Shadow and I never said thank you, even less during such situations. We were always there for each other, and we never needed to ask for the other's help as we knew we would never give up on each other.

Him saying thank you was like a slap on both my cheeks. It's a reminder that I have been away for years, and was so selfish that I didn't come to see my friends. It's Shadow's way of telling me that things have changed here and that I haven't been by his side when he needed me the most.

Later, I knocked at the door, and soon mum welcomed me with a warm hug. She was supposed to scold me for not visiting, but instead, she embraced me and walked me to the living room where dad was sitting.

"Honey, Skylar is home,"

My dad immediately smiled and put the remote on the table before standing up. He kissed my cheeks and asked me how was the flight. My parents were still the same people I left three years ago, and the house smelled of fresh laundry and warm pastry.

"I heard what happened to Wolfe," my mum took a seat on the couch and looked at me with sad eyes, "I still can't believe it."

"He was a brave boy, but struggled a lot I guess." my dad said.

"That's, uh, that's sad, indeed." I nodded, "But I and the others don't believe he did it, you know."

My mum's eyes widened, and she quickly looked at dad, "See? I told you!" she exclaimed, "I knew something was fishy."

I chuckled and looked away.

My mum was always one to overanalyse every situation. She never read the news without adding her own stories and theories. I used to tell her that she'd be a great federal agent if she ever got tired of house shores.

"Do you think someone killed Wolfe?" dad asks. Unlike mum, he was the quiet type who'd accept what's written without mounting an entire drama about it.

"I believe so," I nodded, "But we're not sure yet. The police didn't open an investigation as it was clear that Wolfe committed suicide. They found him hanged, and he left us notes. They have all the proofs.

"He left notes?" mum raised an eyebrow, "What did he write?"

I sighed, "I don't know what he wrote others, but he just told me to take care of myself and pursue my dreams," I replied. "It sounded like a goodbye, but at the same time as the beginning of a new story."

"What do you mean?" mum asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg. We don't know yet what's underwater."

The next morning, I called a taxi to drive me to Ignis Prison. It was outside the city, so it took us an hour to get there.

The prison guards checked my ID, my pockets, and my bag before they let me in. Another guard asked me to follow him inside and told me that I only have an hour to talk to inmate 1808 as he called him.

I entered a large room with a dozen round tables. Some prisoners were already talking to someone, a parent, a partner, or a friend. I looked around and spotted Luke sitting in the corner table, with handcuffs around his wrists and wearing a grey uniform.

He widened his eyes when he finally saw me approaching.

"Skylar?" he said with the same deep voice I remembered.

"Hey, Luke," I gave him a sad smile and sat in front of him. "How have you been?"

He sighed, "I've known better days," he chuckled weakly.

Luke changed a lot from the last time I saw him. His short blond hair now reached his back and was tied in a ponytail. A dark beard covered his pale skin, and his once pink lips were chapped. The Luke, who used to take care of himself had nothing to do with the one facing me now. The man who loved fancy suits and expensive watches was now in a prison uniform and had his hands cuffed.

The dark circles under his eyes proved that he hadn't been sleeping well, and his red eyes made me guess that he heard about Wolfe's death.

My eyes rested on a few bruises under his collarbone, his jaw, and his wrists, and I gulped.

"How... how are they treating you?" I asked quietly.

Luke smiled sadly, "They think I'm a rapist, so obviously, no one likes me here."

I looked down and pressed my lips nervously as I avoided to imagine what he was going through.

"Skylar," he whispered with a shaky voice, "I swear I have never done such a thing. Believe me, Sky. They framed me."

"I believe you," I replied without hesitation. "I know you would never do that."

Luke gave me a warm smile as the tears fell down his cheeks, "And now they got Wolfe too."

"Do you know who they are?" I asked.

Luke shook his head, "If only I knew. There are so many of them who wanted our death."

"But you must know something," I said, "Wolfe wrote Rex, asking him to send one of us to visit you."

Luke nodded, "So he left letters for all of us. He wrote me something, indeed, but I don't know how I'm supposed to do it when I'm here," he chuckled, showing me his cuffed hands.

"What did he write?"

Luke took a breath, "He wants me to create a music group. The first in our agency."

I frowned, "What? That's all he wants? He didn't drop any hints on his assailants?"

Luke shook his head, "The thing is... you guys are the music band he wants." he smiled, "You, Shadow, Aleyn, Kaela, Jay, and Tyler."

I froze and looked at him with confusion, "What do you mean us? Did he write this? What kind of nonsense is this?"

"You know Wolfe always wanted you to be a band. He wished for it since you were in school, but each of you chose a different path after graduation." Luke said, "That was his dream for years."

I sighed as I remembered when Wolfe used to write songs for us to sing and dance to in his old garage. He loved listening to us harmonising even if it was messy most of the times.

"He wrote something else, but I was confused." Luke added, "Actually, it's good that you're here because I feel like it concerns you."

"What is it?"

"At the end of the letter, he wrote 'say hello to Mr and Mrs Clarke."

I raised an eyebrow, "My parents?"

"Yes, I didn't get it either," Luke said. "I don't know what he meant."

I shook my head, "This is getting more confusing."

"Skylar," Luke whispered, "Wolfe was serious about the band thing. I wish I could show you the letter now, but he was pretty convincing. He made it seem like it's an obligation like it needs to happen."