

The one-hour visit ended, and I had no idea what to do. Wolfe's last wish was for us to reunite as a group, but not only as a group of friends, but a music band.

I never forgot the many times we mentioned it before. I ever dreamt about it. I always imagined myself as a star since I was in middle school. But once I grew up and saw the reality of the music industry, I didn't want it anymore. I wanted to be comfortable in my life, do whatever I like, and not have a manager to control my entire day and paparazzi capturing every single move.

But it was his last wish.

Wolfe did so much for us back then. He encouraged me to keep writing and believe in my talent, and I can never thank him enough for it. Before, I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life.

After I graduated from high school, many doors closed as I didn't have the required scores to get in the best universities.

My score wasn't bad. It's the system that is.

It made me doubt myself back then. I thought it was my fault because I didn't study enough, or that I'm not that smart to start college. I remember watching some of my friends starting their studies in the best colleges, and it pained me because I wasn't like them. I started comparing myself to others when I shouldn't have.

After that I started a degree I wasn't even interested in, and later I regretted it. As much as it guaranteed a successful future and made my parents proud, it just wasn't for me.

Many of my friends started studying something just for the sake of making money, being their parents' favourite, and bragging about it. That's not what I wanted. A career isn't just a way to find a job and make loads of money. It's about finding yourself, meeting people like you, and being happy.

Wolfe knew I liked to write from time to time, and one day he read some chapters of a book I was working on, and he was surprised and complimented my creativity. Since then, I never stopped writing.

Wolfe had helped all of us, and he never forgot anyone. We couldn't just ignore his last wish.

That'd be very selfish of us.

Later in the evening, I picked up Kaela from her street, and we drove downtown. I asked her earlier if she'd like to grab some coffee and she didn't hesitate to say yes.

The music wasn't on, and it was strange because we both enjoyed listening to our favourite songs in a car. But today wasn't a good day. The radio channels must be playing all Wolfe's songs to pay homage to him, and I refused to listen to any of them. His lyrics were all about staying strong no matter what and fighting for your dreams.

Then why didn't he stay strong?

"Jay texted me last night," Kaela interrupted our silence, "He said Shadow didn't stop crying for hours."

I pressed my lips tight and sighed, "It must be hard to lose a brother."

"They were more than brothers," Kaela said with a shaky voice, "I've never seen siblings bond the way they did."

"You're right. It's like Shadow lost his other half."

We arrived at a café we used to like before, and I noticed the changed they've made around the space. The walls were freshly painted in pink, and they got new tables and chairs.

"It's been a long time since I last came here," Kaela said.

"Really?" I chuckled, "But you used to love it here."

"I still do. But I went to cafés near the school with my classmates. I didn't have anyone to come here with me."

We entered and chose a table in the corner, right next to the window overlooking the grand boulevard. The waiter welcomed us and put the menus on the glass table.

"By the way, how's fashion school?" I asked.

"Great! Thanks for asking," Kaela smiled, "It's what I love, and I met good and passionate people there."

I smiled back and looked down at my menu, pressing my lips tight. I noticed this thing yesterday with Shadow, and now Kaela. I was like a stranger to them. We never used to thank each other for such small things before.

"How about you? How have you been all this time?" she asked.

"Good," I smiled, "I finished my literature degree, and I've been working on a book."

"Tell me about it."

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I rarely talked about this book to others.

"It's about some friends who will know the truth about their birth, their real families, and their world. The antagonist destroyed their kingdoms and killed their people, so they will unite their powers to defeat him."

Kaela looked at me with surprise, "It sounds amazing! You've always had a great imagination."

I beamed.

"So, they're great friends?" Kaela asked, "Is there any romance?"

I nodded, "Three of them were friends from the start, then they will meet three others in the other world. And yes, there is romance," I chuckled,

"You know me. I'm a huge romantic."

"I know," she nodded, "So, there are six of them... just like us now."

I pressed my lips and looked away, nodding slowly.

When I was writing that story, I never thought about us separating this way. Wolfe leaving the world so soon never crossed my mind.

"So, did you talk to Luke?" my friend asked.

I nodded, "He received a letter too."

Kaela widened her eyes, "How... how is he?" she asked quietly.

"Would you like to order now?" the waiter interrupted. He smiled and waited for us while holding the tablet.

"A cortado and cheesecake for me," Kaela said and looked at me.

"English breakfast tea and chocolate cake," I smiled.

"Very good, beautiful," the waiter gave us his most charming smile and left us alone.

I heard Kaela chuckle, "You still don't drink coffee?" she asked.

I nodded, "I'm never going to drink it. It's been years since I stopped it. Tea is better anyways." I crossed my arms and laughed.

"Shadow always says the same," Kaela rolled her eyes, "You both are weirdos. I mean, who doesn't like coffee?"

I raised my hand, laughing. "Tea is healthier and more classy."

"Yeah, sure," Kaela looked away.

Before I could say something, my phone rang. Shadow's name appeared on my screen, and I hurried to pick up.

"Hey Shadow, how are you doing?"

"A little better," his voice sounded tired and hoarse. "Are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, of course. Do you need anything?"

"Is Kaela with you?"


"Okay then, I'll see you at my house later. The others are coming too."

Kaela looked at me with curious eyes after I hung up and put the phone back in my bag. "Is it Shadow?"

I nodded, "We're going to his house tonight."

Shadow's new home had nothing to do with the tiny apartment he was staying at during our high school years. He used to sleep in a small bedroom and did his homework on the couch as he didn't have enough space for a desk.

But even though his place was small, I spent great moments there. The seven of us would hang out there, some on the couch and the rest on the floor. We watched second-hand DVDs and played games. Sometimes, Shadow would help Kaela and me to do our homework as he was the smartest in our group of friends.

Now, the tiny apartment gave place to a big house up in the mountain. I had to use the GPS to drive us there.

"What an upgrade," I whistled as I stopped the car and looked around.

"Shadow and Wolfe bought it together," Kaela said.

"Damn," I chuckled, "Shadow must be doing pretty well in his job."

Kaela opened the car door and stepped outside. I did the same and followed her to the door.

"Web designers get lots of demand," she added, "And some companies spend good money on that."

I was expecting Shadow to open the door, but it was Jay instead. He flashed us a smile and hugged us both at the same time. I grimaced when I smelled alcohol coming from his mouth, and I pushed him gently.

"Drinking again?" Kaela frowned. He must have been drinking a lot lately.

It made me sad not to know much about what was happening in my friends' lives. Even though we stayed in contact on social media, I had no idea what they were going through.

"Shadow refused to let me bring girls tonight, so I'm glad you came," Jay smirked. He was drunk, and I didn't like it.

"Are seriously thinking about girls when you're supposed to be grieving your best friend's death?" Aleyn joined, and he was furious. "Go take a shower or something. You stink."

Jay laughed lazily and kissed Aleyn's cheek before he left. Aleyn sighed and rolled his green eyes before he looked at us. "How are you, girls?"

I shrugged, "How are you?"

Aleyn shook his head slowly. "I can see him everywhere," he whispered, "And this house doesn't help."

I pressed my lips and took him in my arms. Aleyn was tall, and my head only reached his chest so I could listen to his heartbeats. "It's going to take long to forget," I said. "But I'm sure we will be better."

"Skylar, Kaela, thanks for coming," Shadow joined us in the living room. His face looked slightly brighter than yesterday, but he still looked tired.

I smiled and nodded.

"So, did you talk to Luke?" he asked.

"Yeah, I went to visit this morning."

"How is he?" Tyler, who was already sitting on the couch, asked.

I sighed and looked at my friends with a sad smile, "He looks horrible. He lost weight, and his eyes look almost lifeless." I gulped, "I've never seen him this way before."

"I still don't get what happened," Tyler crossed his arms, "How did they even find proofs against him?"

"They framed him, obviously," Aleyn clenched his fists and took a seat next to Tyler, "Those bastards ruined us."

They continued talking about the possible culprits behind Luke's frame and Wolfe's death as I kept watching them, and wondering how I was going to break the news. Each one of us had a new life now, different career and goals. And as much as they loved Wolfe, I didn't know what they would think about his last wish.

It was the reason for our separation after high school. We took different paths, and we sacrificed our deep bond for the sake of our dreams.

I cleared my throat, "Guys,"

They stopped talking and looked at me.

"Luke also received a letter from Wolfe," I said, biting my lip nervously, "He said he had a last wish before his death."

"Last wish?" Kaela raised an eyebrow.

Shadow and Aleyn stayed silent as they waited for me to talk.

"He, uh, he wants us to debut as a music group."

Kaela and Tyler widened their eyes while Shadow and Aleyn looked at me with confusion.

"What do you mean?" Aleyn asked, "Wolfe wrote this?"

I nodded, "That was his wish,"

"It's not new though," Tyler said, "We always talked about it."

"Yeah, but that's more serious now," I said. "Luke said Wolfe insisted."

Aleyn chuckled and shook his head, "How are we even going to do that? I mean, yes, most of us can sing and dance. But how are we going to debut together? We'll have to audition in different agencies and see if they'll accept us."

"And they rarely accept people in our age," Kaela said, "They pick younger artists."

"But we have Gems Entertainment," I said, "It's their agency."

Tyler looked at me with a sad smile, "Skylar, Gems Entertainment is doomed. The CEO is in prison, and the director is dead."

Shadow gulped and looked down.

I looked at them as they all agreed to Tyler's words. I partly knew that Gems was not doing well lately, especially after Luke's scandal. People refused to support artists under his label, and the agency lost a lot of money because of it.

"Well then, we have one thing to do first," I said as I faced them all.

"And what is it?"

I looked at them, one by one, and took a breath, "Let's get Luke out of prison."