

After Jenara Kaya, a 19-year-old girl, manages to get her US student Visa, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery in an unfamiliar country. She experiences life on a whole new perspective; pain, tears and heartbreak become her bestfriend. Through every storm, she grows stronger. * Inspired by writer's true events. ... Story created by: God. Written by: Maureen Nzungu

Teemzie · Urban
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35 Chs


My half-brother had luckily met an old Christian brother who also happened to be the former president of the university. The brothers treated him like their son. They aided him with almost whatever he needed. They co-signed his loans and paid a certain amount of his tuition fees. They got his back. But that was his luck. He couldn't talk to them about my situation because he didn't want to be seen as a beggar. So, who was I to force him to? It was his luck, not mine. I was going through my own trials and tribulations.

I began my social work classes in August. The business office had awarded me another $2000 because I was among the top 10 best students at the university. It was that which enabled me to register for classes. But my mental state was declining rapidly. During class, I sat at the back and only listened. I never cooperated unless it was a group discussion. I could've been healed but I guess it was a bit late for me. Depression had already overcome me. 

Ruby had noticed my offness and she tried talking to my half-brother about it, but he and I were going through a rough patch. He knew of my struggles and one day he exploded at me. He worked at the university's library. I had no laptop. There was an assignment I was to do, and I needed his help. I arrived at the library and called his phone, but he didn't answer. I had no choice but to leave.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", he asked, angrily.

I had gone to his dorm to ask for his help again.

"I came to the library and called your phone, but you didn't answer.", I answered, containing my frustrations in the palm of my hands.

"So, when I didn't answer, you just left?",

"What did you expect me to do?",

"Don't you know where my office is?",

"I know where your office is, but I can't just come there!",

Of course, I couldn't. It was the 'Employees only' section. So, unless he came to get me, I couldn't cross. It wasn't allowed.

"You never change!", he yelled at me, "You never try to see things in a different light. All you do is lock yourself in your room, avoiding people. No wonder nothing works out for you. It's all your fault. You don't know how to grab opportunities!",


My blood was turning volcanic. My only family in the United States of America, and he says that to me. So, technically, nobody was on my side, right? I remember saying nothing after that. I left his room, tears streaming down my cheeks. Sound was muffled. I think I heard him calling my name, but I didn't bother turning back. He had said enough. I've heard enough. So, I was alone. Great.

So, even after Ruby went to him with me in the agenda, he had nothing to say because deep down he knew that he was among the reasons that shut me off.
