
Greedy Time Limited Duchess

I am a road side dirty bastard thief from the day I was born and abondoned by my mother at the age of three. I did nothing but stealing. Now I am thirteen years old and still with same situation. But suddenly a scary old man with mix pink and white hair and same green eyes as me appeared out of nowhere telling me that I belong to a richest and dignified family of rose empire. Being dragged by the old man roughly. I was throwed into the carriage. "I am Edward Blanchester your grandfather and I came here to bring you back to home. I have been looking for you for 12 years." Alex,"Do you think you can stay here? " Viola,"Trash should be in dustbin." Rio,Ray,Rin,"We will never welcome you as our family go die wench." I am being hated from the moment I stepped into the mansion. Is there something else is remaining to surprise me. How I will survive in this mansion with such five evil kids and scary old man. I am in deep trouble someone please take my place. ' I came here in thought of living luxuriously but why am I living here as a stress out bag.'

Choco_Muffin · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 8

Alex freezes after witnessing the cold eyes and the arrogance expression on Fena face.

'I entered in my room and collapsed on my bed. Today was really tiring. Somehow my heart feels heavy. I don't want to think about anything. I need to make sure the lid won't open that I closed on my feelings.'

While thinking about such things fena falls asleep and sun rise up....

Miss get up please it's morning already and your tutors are also arrived. Duke will get mad at you. If you don't want that to happen leave the bed in 10 seconds.

"Ann! You are so loyal to duke and working here for years right! Can't you handle the duke for me? I'm still tired from yesterday training. My whole body is in pain. I can't do anything today."

Fena was busy in convincing Ann to handle the duke and cancel all other activities for today, But duke opened the door and dragged fena as usual.

"You said your whole body hurts right! Hmm! Let's cancel today training and do other activities."

"You old geezer I thought you would take pity on me after knowing how much I'm in pain instead you are trying to throw other things on me."

Duke looks at fena and then flicks her on forehead, "You are totally fine! Now go and attend every class. If you do that I would give you 5 diamonds every single day but only if you attend all classes diligently."

Fena couldn't control her hunger for diamonds and start pulling duke's hand.

"Are you for real old man? If that's true I will attend every class."

"Yeah for real. I see! That's good, And I'm leaving for royal Palace. I will see you in evening."

"Isn't royal Palace is far from here. Is that important for you to go there? Aren't you famous for doing things in your own way and not following council members decision?"

"You seem to be knows about a lot of things. I'm going to meet there my best friend former emperor."

Fena gets amazed at the fact of duke being good friends with the former emperor.

"Are you for real?"

Duke already lefts the corridor.....

"Tsk! He totally ignored me."

Like that I attended all classes. First class was etiquette and I spend a lot of time with the tutor. She was totally looking down on me during the whole class time.

Second was dancing class sure it was harder than I thought. The tutor wouldn't order to stop. Thanks to that my feet is swollen now. Third was education class, And it was easy for me.

Like that my whole day again ended up tiring me out. I thought of going to garden to lay down and on my way I found them.

"Hmm! What's with you three little shits standing in my way?"

"Brother Ray and Rio Start."

"Huh! What start?"

Fena never thought that these little ones would try such a thing on her.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head only then I realize they used a stick from behind. They sure smacked hard on my head.

When I raised my hand and rubbed my head. I saw blood on my hand," Ah! It's again like that these disgusting feelings keep trying to come out."

"My eyes are closing in and out. It seems I'm losing my consciousness soon. Something inside my body is burning as if it's on fire. I feel something's going to release. It's a dangerous feeling."

'I can barely say out loud anything. My Head and Body is in a lot of pain.'

"Get... Get... Get out of here....you…all"

Rin, Ray, Rio stands there confused at fena reaction. Gets scared of her and starts running other way....

They go in search of Jean and Ann. They found Ann and Jean and told them the whole story. Ann and Jean starts running towards the garden. There they found fena collapsed on the ground while her surroundings with fire. Everything in the garden burns to ashes. They took fena to room and starts throwing waters at the fire.

I will go bring the doctor and sends the letter to duke about this situation immediately, And you look after my lady till then.

At the Royal Palace

"It's been a long time Edward you came to meet me. Shouldn't you be visiting me often? You know I can't go outside to meet you on my own because of my health and my position."

"It's not like that your majesty! I-"

"Let's not be formal when we are alone. Call me by my name and by the way I have heard about your eldest granddaughter. You have finally found her, Or I say you finally found the fire spirit user."

As while saying this the former emperor raises his one eyebrow to show the impression to the duke as if he guessed it right.

Reading the expression of former emperor duke's agrees and starts talking about Fena.

"I tried to search for her a lot and finally found her it's been weeks I have Brought her home. At first, I brought her because of the fire spirit that she have her inside while using the excuse of my pathetic dead son. But now I don't know. She is quite a messed up child. Her eyes are full of greed for money. She is selfish and greedy to the core."

"She seems interesting child. She might get along well with my grand children's. Ha, ha, ha..."

Duke's smiles while occupied with his own thoughts, When he looks at the former emperor.

Lucifer was looking at him with a tender smile.

"What is it you are smiling for Lucifer?"

"I should be the one asking you this? What made you smile like this or what kind of thoughts made you smile like this?"

"You never change. Do you? Your Majesty! Always playing with words and saying things in a round bout way."

"Isn't it sad calling your granddaughter greedy and selfish. Aren't grandpa's supposed to take their side always still it's me who can see what you mean by that all when you say. You shouldn't say these kinds of things in front of someone else."

Former Emperor starts playing chess with the duke.

Say! Edward," What would you do if Marquis asks for Fena to look after her? Did you think of this happening? After all he is her uncle and the news of her being found has already spread around the whole empire."

"It's a given there is no way he is gonna keep quite after founding out. But I'm not surprised at the fact that he haven't come to me yet. Since I believe you made sure to hide the news from him. But it won't take long because he will definitely take her. After all he hates Franz to the point that he would kill him over and over."

"It can't be helped because your son was the worse man of this empire. No matter how much you hide or make him look good for the children's sake it all will come down to vain when fena will regain her lost memories. You of all people knows this well. As a friend I advise you to think before you try to make a move because she too is your granddaughter and have the right to resent you all blanchester family."


"What is it?"

"Your Majesty! It's a letter for duke from blanchester Estate. Something happened there they asked for duke's urgent return."

"I think you should leave. It seems pretty much serious thing happened…"

"I extremely apologize to leave in the middle. I hope we will continue our game next time."

"I will be holding you for this game. Remember this make sure to come back and complete it."

Duke's leaves royal castle and arrives at night to Estate....

Upon hearing fena condition duke visits fena. He sees how baldy she is injured and feels bad for hers. That night duke stayed with Fena till morning.

In afternoon duke was informed about the situation and duke's punishes the younger one's and the maid who gave the idea to them.

Fena was out for whole 3 days. After 3 days she regained consciousness.

I slowly opened my eyes because my eyes were heavy on me. I couldn't open them in a blink. I had the view of everything blurry. As I tried to get up from my bed. I fall down, My head started to spinning around. Ann helped me to get up and told me to rest up.

As I was lying down on my bed. Suddenly I heard duke voice calling out to me.

"How are you feeling now? Are you still in pain? If it's yes then I would call the doctor."

"No! I'm fine, And it's just my head and eyes are heavy on me that's all to there is. No need to call doctor."

Duke's stares at fena for a long time and tries to say something, But he stops in middle, Only Pat's her head and leaves for something else.

"Fena stares at the duke's back with a confused expression on her face."

"What was that? What was he going to say? Well! Whatever, I'm hungry. I should ask Ann for meal."

Day passes by and week later fena gets better and gets back on her training sessions and other classes.

Dion meets fena on his way to the training ground and asks her about her health and keeps getting worried about her.

"My lady I was so worried. When I get to know about your condition from my parents. I couldn't eat a thing. Even now I can't eat a single thing"

Fena looks at Dion with the eyes of full of disbelief and hands him over an apple.

Dion takes the apple and starts eating right away.

"You said you can't eat a single thing. That much you were worried about me."