
Greedy Time Limited Duchess

I am a road side dirty bastard thief from the day I was born and abondoned by my mother at the age of three. I did nothing but stealing. Now I am thirteen years old and still with same situation. But suddenly a scary old man with mix pink and white hair and same green eyes as me appeared out of nowhere telling me that I belong to a richest and dignified family of rose empire. Being dragged by the old man roughly. I was throwed into the carriage. "I am Edward Blanchester your grandfather and I came here to bring you back to home. I have been looking for you for 12 years." Alex,"Do you think you can stay here? " Viola,"Trash should be in dustbin." Rio,Ray,Rin,"We will never welcome you as our family go die wench." I am being hated from the moment I stepped into the mansion. Is there something else is remaining to surprise me. How I will survive in this mansion with such five evil kids and scary old man. I am in deep trouble someone please take my place. ' I came here in thought of living luxuriously but why am I living here as a stress out bag.'

Choco_Muffin · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 4

'You're useless!'

'Why can't you do anything properly?'

'Why do you even exist?'

'Why did I even give birth to you?'

'Why don't you just disappear?'

'Ah! It's again that dream. It's been a long time I had a dream of my past life.'

'Yes! It's not my first life. Actually it's third one. First one was in this timeline. I was alive till the age of seventeen. Every day, I was beaten to the pulp by master for not getting any money. At the end I was being sold to some vulgar people's. Since I was a weak, I couldn't do a thing except running and got shot directly in my heart.'

'I wished at the moment of my death. If I could be born again. I did like to be in a wealthy family but when I opened my eyes. I was in a different dimension and a totally different world. Everything was advanced, and I got no clue about anything, to make matters worse. I was born in a very poor and greedy family.'

'Everyone was there selfish my parents, my siblings. Since I was a middle child. Everything was thrown on me. If I had a fight with the older one. I was forced to shut up since the other one is older. I should show respect and when I had fight with younger one. Likewise, once again was forced to shut up since the other one is younger and I should show mercy. No one cared how I feel or, how am I doing? Everyone was only taking out their frustrations on me. I was just a stress bag.'

'But I was grateful for one thing that I don't have to starve or being sold that's what I thought until I reached the age of 18 and was forced to marry an old man. When I refused, they beat the shit out of me and broke both of my hands. I become totally useless after losing both of my hands. The old men backed off after finding out. They threw harsh words at me that I keep hearing in my dreams.'

'At the end of the day I was strangled to death by the hands of my father, While he was strangling me, I thought about lots of things. While tears keep coming from my eyes.'

'Why can't I ever live the way I want too? Do they even know, How much I suffered and worked hard to understand the world that they live in? They probably had no idea of, How I was insecure about myself. Going to school, Girls making fun of your appearance and makes you so uncomfortable that you stop eating in front of others. While fearing how people will look at you. Slowly, You stop liking the things that you used to like.'

'The friends that you have only done friendship with you to make themselves looks better. Its human nature to stay with weak and ugly people's to make themselves look better.'

'I honestly hate this all. I asked God to grant me a life with full of money. In every timeline I met my end all because of money. This is why I promised to myself that I will put money before everything. If I get the chance to live again. I will only live for money, no matter what it cost? And then again when I opened my eyes. I found myself in this shitty place again.'


"Miss are you awake now?"

"Yes! I am...."

"Then let's help you with Bath and changing clothes. Since everyone is waiting for you at the breakfast table."

'Waiting for me? At the breakfast table?'

"Seriously! You don't need to make me comfortable."

"But I'm saying the truth only miss. We need to hurry before other maids are sent here on the order of the duke."

"Well, Whatever! Let's go…"

"Woah! I never had such an amazing bath. Every cell of my body is screaming with happiness. How much relaxed I'm feeling"

As I was drowning myself in such a warm bath water full of red roses. Suddenly A voice came, and it belongs to other maid.

"Miss, If your bath is taking time, let us help you with it. Since duke ordered to bring you in 5 minutes."

'I haven't even over my exhaustion from yesterday and these people's keep coming between my comfortable bath. What's with this old ass? Can't he wait a little?'

"Got it! I'm coming out and I'm done with my bath."

As I entered the hall. I felt pressure on my surroundings and when I looked at the breakfast table. Everyone was looking at me with an arrogant look in their eyes except the old man.

As I pulled the chair for myself and sat on it. I felt that something is different from my breakfast plate than others. As I was trying to figure out what could it be?

"Fena! When you are done with breakfast, meet me in the study room."

"Yes! You old ass."

"Hmm! What's with this silence and glares at me? Have I done anything?"

Alex starts talking....

"You sure are illiterate? Don't you have etiquette? Like seriously what am I expecting from a trash bastard? How can you even have etiquette? When you spent your whole damn life in a street?"

Fena were standing there quietly while listening to Alex and the butler was worried about fena. In case if fena left right now. The duke will get very upset with Alex. Little does the butler know that the duke is watching from above.

Fena gets up from her seat and walks towards Alex. While reaching her hand out towards Alex plate.

Alex with a confused face says, "What? What are you trying to do?"

Fena stops for a moment and makes eyes contact with Alex," Hmm! What you say? I'm taking your food. Since it looks normal, Well I must say you sure have a harsh tongue. But nothing new to me. I mean use some new insults too."

Fena takes Alex plate and sits on her seat and starts eating her breakfast.

Everybody stares at fena in surprise and starts leaving....

As everyone was leaving suddenly a heavy laugh voice came. Everyone stopped where they were standing.

"You thought, I wouldn't notice what you did to my meal. I just Want to have some nice meal that's all."

After saying that I left for the study room and had no idea what happened afterwards?

As I stood in front of the study room the butler called out to me....

"Miss! Please! Use the term "your grace" for the duke. Children's really love and respect the duke that's why Alex got mad. When you called out your grace in another way."

"Shouldn't they call him grandpa instead of your grace? Well, Whatever I just have to call him your grace right."

"Your grace! May I enter?"

"Yes! You can..."

"I called you here to tell you something. You might have also guessed too."

"Can't you say directly instead of wasting time by beating around the bush. I don't need to guess. Since Your were obvious. I only haven't idea about your intentions but that too now I can tell."

"You're So rude! First I need to teach you a lot of things and then only I can expect things from you. You little shit," You sure are my granddaughter with that foul mouth of yours."

"Then are you going to give me tutor's for each and everything like are you for real? I am going to be honest. I'm not here to learn things. Furthermore, I am here for a comfortable life. Where I don't need to work hard."

"Duke looks at fena with a dumb founded face and says, "You sure can say such things without betting an eye. Did you forget for a moment you are standing in front of Edward blanchester the duke of the rose empire."

"What's with you old man? Out of nowhere you started bragging about yourself. So what? If you are...."

Fena glares at duke for few seconds and turns her face to the window side and looks outside at the pink roses in the garden. While watching roses she says....

"It's not like you have a soft side for me, or you think of me as your family. I knew from the start why you desperately Brought me here. Isn't it for these children's?"

"It's true! At first, I thought of leaving it behind. But later I got news about you and watched you for many days and at last I made decision to bring you here."

"The other reason you brought me here is that you think I have the fire spirit power same as you. Isn't it? But you are wrong I don't have any power because if I had."

'I would have done something to save my life in my previous lives. If only I had such a power.'

"Fena, I..."

"You know duke I'm a 12-year child. Who knows nothing about such things as fire spirit power or taking care of other children's."

Duke comes forwards to fena and looks at her for a while....

"I know you are having a serious moment but can you keep your hands with yourself instead of taking gold items from study room and hiding in your pockets."

'What? When did he notice? I was trying to look emotional while getting all the gold I can. I can't stop my hands or my lust for shiny things. Why can't I keep my stupids hands in my pocket for a while.'

Oops," You caught me! Ha ha ha...."

"I thought of giving you my half of estate after you fulfil the conditions, But it's a pity since you said no."

Extra Story

In the duke's study room after duke's gone, Fena visited the study room…

Fena : Everything here is made of gold and diamond. This antique looks cool, I will just take this one.

As she was about to take it. The duke entered the study room...

That day whole night she spends sitting under the study table in the study room.

She couldn't get any antique in the end. Since duke send them away for new one's.

Ends Of Extra Story

Note : This story is my own idea and I apologize for my weak English English grammar!Please Do no repost anywhere without my permission-