
Greedy Demon Evolution

After a life full of regret and unfulfilled ambition, Leon, a 25-year-old, passes away and hovers inside a mysterious void. After finally what seemed to be an infinite paradox, he awakens in a strange fantasy world, replete with tantalizing possibilities, new skills to acquire, and an array of unpredictable dangers lurking at every turn as he levels up. Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Halflings, Bastards. Dragons, Pheonixes, Gods. You name it.. There’s everything… Regressors. Overpowered skills. Overpowered Items. Lost Kings. Legacies. Overpowered individuals. Mythological Creatures. New and Old. All kinds of craziness build in one single crazy world. Reborn as a demon, Leon sets his sights on the apex of the food chain and will stop at nothing to claim his rightful place. With an unwavering ambition that drives him, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. Will his thirst for power lead to the downfall of this enigmatic realm, or will he prove to be its saving grace? The answer to this question lies in the journey that lies ahead!

Lordroyal · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Signs of Greed

After I was done, I left the inn and headed to map shop. Unexpectedly, map shops are regular in this world. Due to its huge size, one needs one for directions

And that's what I exactly needed. I might as well start heading off to Mayr.

It was an ordinary looking shop, I entered and a bell chimed. Immediately waking up the person who was sleeping in his chair.

"A-ah, sorry, what can I get you?" He asked me with an apologetic smile.

"A map." I shortly replied.

"There are all kinds of maps here, you need to choose."

"What kind?" I didn't know maps had kinds to choose from, was it the material?

He looked at me perplexed and coughed.

"Eem, there are city maps, road maps, Village maps, Kingdom maps, and more."

So that's what he meant. "I'll take a kingdom map, also a continental and world map if you have it."

"Of course."

He took out several maps of different sizes and pit them on the wooden table.

"1 silver for the Kingdom map, 3 silvers for the continental map and 10 silvers for the world map"

I took out the coins and gave it to him. I left the shop and headed towards the inn.

It was already night. It truly has been a long day for me.

The night passed by and the morning came. All of my injuries were already completely healed.

Today was also the day I decided to leave. I didn't know where I would be going, but I set my goal to Mayr Kingdom.

I left the room and went saw the old lady cleaning the hallway.

"Today is the last day, you can unbook the room."

"Ah, I see, then I'll return your share"

"There is no need, keep it."

I left the inn. I went to the guild once more to say goodbye to the others, they are usually there at this time of day.

I walked inside the guild, and as expected, they were there.

They also saw me and came towards me.

"Leoo, I heard what you did the other day, nice catch."

"You did a good job."

They both said at me. But then I heard another voice.

"Loosing 30 lives over just one big lizard, was it worth it?"

I looked towards the familiar voice. It was Tina.

"Tell me Tina, do you think that I care?" I smiled.

The three of them were quite shocked.

"You don't mean this Leo."

I sighed. "Whether I mean it or not doesn't matter, if the [ Dragon-Blood Lizard ] went through, everyone in the city would be burned to death, so your question should be is sacrificing 30 lives for hundreds of thousands worth it? I would say yes, but that wasn't the reason at all, after all I am no hero."

Silence met the entire guild. Some people looked at us.

Brandon, Claus and Tina didn't know what to say.

Brandon managed to find the first words.

"I see, if It's you who is saying this, then it must be true, if ..even were wounded against that lizard then I don't know who could beat that thing. In my book, you are our Hero."

Then Claus said, "but damn, if you had also saved the adventurers, you would have been called the hero of Silesia, every girl would have thrown their cherry at you then."

Tina just stayed serious.

A hero? What a joke. I grinned as I spoke.

"I am no hero and I'll never be. I have my ambitions, I have no need to save others and I'll never do it if I get nothing in return. Heroes are ready to die to protect, while I'm willing to kill to get what I want. These are totally different concepts."

Another deathly wave of silence met the room. The others were now looking at me in disgust, while my so called friends were looking at me in shock from my words.

I calmed down and took something out of my [ Dimensional Storage ].

"Here, keep them." I gave them three bottles of sauce. "Also Tina, I don't know how much do you know about this, but there is another guild who is trying overthrow you."

I took a piece of paper and wrote on it.

I gave her the piece of paper. She looked at it and narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't care if you don't believe me, but that's the truth. Those things were my last gifts, to my temporary friends, if we ever meet again, I'll treat you guys. Goodbye." I said and left behind a shocked trio. I opened the door of the guild and left. The trio probably got out of their stupor and yelled "Wait" "Where are you going"

"Leoo" They followed me behind. But they probably can't see me anymore. I looked at them from the roof of a house as they yelled my name from the entrance of the guild.

Suddenly me eyes felt ichy.

*Huh? *

"Am I …Crying?" I looked at the sky and saw the blazing sun.

"Yeah, the sun is very strong today.." I wiped the tears that were caused by the sun.

Right now I didn't know what was going on with me, but I didn't have time to waste, I need to get stronger.

After so many battles, I looked at my status.


[Name - Leonidas]

[Race - Crowic Ice Demon]

Subspecies - [Crionic Devil] - Lv. 31

[Strength - 70]

[Agility - 70]

[Stamina - 70]

[Intelligence - 85]

[Vitality - 75]

[Stat Points available - 185]

[Race Skills]

Language Comprehension - Lv. 3

Ice Crow Magic Lv. 1

Crow Summon

Crow Transformation Lv. 1

Feather Materialization Lv. 1

[Universal Skills]

Food Resistance Lv.4

Identify - Lv. 2

Mana Manipulation - Lv .2

Mana Shot - Lv. 7

Magic Missile - Lv. 7

Mana Claw - Lv. 6

Mana Coat -Lv.9

Magic Intent - Lv. 2


Night Vision - Lv. 1

Enhance - Lv. 4

Thread Creation - Lv. 3

Meditate - Lv. 6

Instant Ice Mana Lv. 3

Fireball - Lv .1

Lesser Gluttonous Regeneration - Lv. 1

[Skill points available - 156]

[Title - The Chosen Crow ]

Some of my skills had slightly leveled up since last time. I also had a huge amount amount of available points.

Now I felt stupid, because I didn't spend points when I fought against the lizard. It would have been far easier. But I guess that just reminds you that one should never save the points, after all I almost died.

I put 20 in strength, 20 in agility, 20 in Vitality, 20 in stamina and 40 in Intelligence.

I felt my body change slightly as it glowed for a second. But I felt weird.

I moved around the roof tops. And … I couldn't exactly feel my self. I felt as if my control was a bit loose, because I raised my intelligence a lot more, my mana started to flow freely around my body more loosely.

I went like this for around thirty minutes until my control was back.

That felt terrifying. Was that a side-effect, because I put too many points at once or was it because of something else. I couldn't exactly tell, but that was definitely something I wouldn't want to experience once more. It was like being a prisoner of ones body. Frustrating to another degree.

I looked at the entire city all around me and smiled.

The restaurant <Barndo's>. The inn <Lucid Dreams>. The guild <Crimson Star>. I guess it was a bit …fun

I opened the continent map. I was currently at the sun kingdom, in the east was the Moon kingdom, south was Penesca, west was Caio and north was the [ Calm Sea ]. While the Mayr Kingdom, the place I wanted to go was just behind Caio and Penesca. Meaning that I will have to travel through almost two kingdoms.

Quite the pain, but I'll have to do it anyways. The only good thing was that my location was already the farthest city of the west side.

The maps didn't exactly tell the how big the continent are, but judging by the amount of cities like the size of Silesia, which was as big as New York in the past by more than two times. The kingdoms are huge. Silesia was also considered as a place small city. It was the farthest in the west. Rarely has any danger because of the Night Forest.

I might have to start from this minute to travel. I had already said my goodbyes and nothing was holding me back. I knew I hadn't grown much attached. It was because it was the first city I saw since coming to this world that I felt like I liked it.

I sighed and threw the city another look. And departed to west. That side was only a flat land. One could see through the distance ahead of them selves and shake their hope of walking it from their soul.

I put my hands inside my pockets and started walking lazily. It feels so nice not to have such long nails. I cut them with a sharpened Ice blade. One of my toughest moments in life.

Talk about pathetic…

Various thoughts entered me just as I started my journey. I already felt sick of my bland thoughts. I've been mostly alone in my incredibly long life, I've though about most of the things one could even imagine. Everything…

Yet I feel like I am failing when I'm put to test in this second life. I've only focused on my strength, so much that I didn't think of even trying to save the old man, neither be nicer to people who consider my friend.

I noticed something about myself…

"Just… what have I been doing?, this baseless greed… is it something I want to fulfill?"