
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Doomsday's Doom

Nion flew down and landed beside her. "We can't hit it too much… The next energy blast will reach the city… We should restrain it. There is a spear that can kill it but I don't know where it is at the moment…"

Wonder Woman nodded.

"I see, I can restrain it with my lasso."

Just as she finished, Nion heard a sonic boom and saw superman come toward them from the sky.

"Nion, where is the spear?"

"Somewhere on the island…"

Superman frowned. Nion heard a sound and turned to see Batman jumping out of his aircraft.

"I know where the spear is, I tracked its radiation, I will get it. We have to Restrain it till then…" Batman said as he walked to stand beside them

Superman said, "This thing is from another world. My world.".

Wonder Woman drew her sword, "I have killed things from other worlds before.".

Superman looked at Batman with a quizzical look, "Is she with you?".

Batman replied, "I thought she was with you?".

They both turned to look at Nion who shook his head.

Nion increased his altitude a little and clenched his fists tightly. Superman also began floating while batman took out a big gun and pointed it at Doomsday.

The monster slowly walked out of the smoke that had been created due to its energy blast and looked at them.

Batman shot first, the projectile hit doomsday in the chest and green gas engulfed it.

Superman's eyes glowed red as two beams from his eyes were fired at Doomsday. Nion charged with Wonder woman.

Batman retreated to look for the spear.

The battle began…

Nion didn't punch or kick it. He gripped from the spikes on Doomsday's back and held it in place while using Ki to make himself as immovable as possible.

Doomsday used its eyebeams to counter Superman's but due to the Kryptonite gas, it was weaker. However, it held on.

Wonder Woman used her Lasso and tied it around Doomsday's arm. The lasso glowed with a golden color and managed to restrain the arms.

Doomsday was neutralized. It couldn't move its arms because of Wonder Woman's lasso. It couldn't jump because Nion was constantly applying force from its shoulders, pushing him t the ground and forcing it to kneel. It also couldn't use its eyes to laser them since superman countered it.

Just as everything seemed to go fine, the Kryptonite gas faded, and Doomsday's power returned to full.

Doomsday suddenly spun with all its power, wonder woman was lifted from the ground and circled the monster, and hit a nearby wall. The lasso fell and Doomsday's arms were free again.

It brought its hands to grab Nion but Superman grabbed them first and headbutted it.

Its eyes flared red and so did Superman's as the beams hit each other again. This time, however, Doomsday won and superman was blown away with the beam pushing him.

It reached and Grabbed Nion and tried to get him off its back.

Doomsday was unsuccessful as Nion used, even more, Ki and the force grew greater. The monster cried out as the ground beneath it cracked forcing its legs in their kneeling position to go into the ground, all the way, until it was waist-deep in.

The rocks and rubble around began slowly floating and levitating due to the intensity of Nion using Ki to hold Doomsday. His body faintly glowed and the surroundings vibrated immensely. His face was focused.

The more Ki he used, the more chaotic the Ki and thus the less control he had so this phenomenon happened due to his Ki leaking from his body in big amounts.

Doomsday let out a roar and began shining… It absorbed the Ki that flowed from Nion to the surroundings due to his bad control over it and was using it to create another energy blast.

Nion realized it and immediately moved away. It was just in time since Superman tackled Doomsday and they both flew away toward the distance. Booms echoed as the two exchanged blows.

Nion flew after them a moment later.

He saw Doomsday being thrown at him by Superman's punch. He kicked it in the back and Doomsday was blown away toward Superman, his kick broke many of the spikes on its back.

'I am much stronger than when I fought Zod but Doomsday is way beyond Zod. It is especially dangerous because it heals and releases Energy Blasts while growing stronger when absorbing energy so I can't use all my physical power or any Ki attack. It's a very tricky opponent. If I didn't have to worry about the people of the cities and went all out without a care about the energy blasts… He would be annihilated by my current power. But, this is also exciting since tricky opponents are fun…'

He thought with excitement, his heart rapidly pumped blood in his veins as he was feeling warm all over and in a state of rapid rush in the heat of battle. It was an intoxicating feeling that only Saiyans would understand. It was why they liked to fight strong opponents and Nion experienced it. He was astonished…

He was much stronger than Doomsday but he could not blast it or one punch it simply because he did not know if it would reform and release an energy blast that would wipe out the continent…

He saw Superman being kicked to the ground into a small crater. He chased after the falling Doomsday and grabbed its head. He then moved at the max speed he could in the air near the ground and dragged Doomsday behind him like a rag doll.

Doomsday's face was pressed into the ground as Nion moved at supersonic speeds dragging him.

Nion felt excited as he moved at such speeds and dragged the helpless doomsday behind while pressing its face on the ground, creating a long trail behind.

Suddenly the monster grabbed his hand and spun around while dragging his body and thew him.

They both crashed into the ground, loud booms echoed on the island as two new craters were made.

Nion coughed as he dusted off the ash on his outfit and saw Doomsday almost releasing another Energy Blast.

'How long is this gonna go on?!'

Just then he saw Batman return with the spear in hand. He also saw Wonder woman using her Amazonian bracelets and interrupting Doomsday then tying him with her lasso. She managed to barely hold him back with all her might.

He appeared so fast in front of Batman that it seemed like he had teleported. "Give me!"

Batman tossed him the Spear and he held It firmly.

Superman suddenly crashed on top of Doomsday and held him in place, "FAST!".

Doomsday roared with all its remaining power and broke out of the Lasso only to be pinned down by Superman.

Nion didn't hesitate, he flew with immense speed in front of Doomsday and pierced its chest with the Spear.

Superman retreated immediately since it was made of Kryptonite which would weaken and even kill him.

The creature's baleful eyes stared at Nion's faintly glowing ones as it raised one of its hands as a last act of defiance and pierced his chest with the spike on it.

"NOO!" shouted Superman as he moved toward them but it was too late.

Nion of course wasn't concerned.

The creature and Nion were engulfed in bright light and then, Doomsday died.

Nion fell on the ground, the spike still in his chest. He slowly removed it and stood up. He coughed a little blood. It was extremely painful but bearable…

Superman, Batman, and wonder woman watched in shock as his chest closed in several seconds and he was back to normal. His perfect abs showing since his outfit was damaged.

He looked at Superman first, "If you don't do something about that ship... I am going to blow it up.". Clark nodded with a frown as he looked at its direction.

"Well, that was one long fight; I am tired so how about we go eat something...?" Nion said suddenly out of the blue. His body felt warm and comfortable. He was satisfied with the battle and wanted a good meal.

"Sure…" Wonder woman was unsure what to say...

"Great!" Nion said with a smile.

"Really? Now?" Said Clark, a little exasperated.

Nion couldn't help but reply, "Why not? What better opportunity?".

Batman sighed…

For those wondering why Diana didn't try the lasso and why Bruce adapted so fast. Diana had seen his power against Zod and this battle showed first hand how strong he was, this made her cautious. Bruce realized he could find no weakness and this made him decide to monitor and step out of his way for the moment. (For the moment!)

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