
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Others
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145 Chs

Return Of A Legend

Chojusen returned to the battlefield in his regular form and used Yin Rebirth to quickly gather his energy. Now everyone was looking at him with even more fear and respect than before. What did they just watch? This certainly wasn't something ninjas could do, so Chojusen and Pain had to be gods.

That Planetary Devastation technique almost completely drained Pain of his energy, and Chojusen didn't look too beat up. It was a trump card that could wipe out nations, not villages, and it still wasn't enough. At this point, most reasonable people would give up or maybe even run away. But Nagato was borderline insane, so he chose a third option.

Pain looked at Chojusen while breathing heavily and said "You know, you're a tough nut to crack… This is my last attack. Prepare yourself." As Konan saw what Pain was doing, she left the battlefield faster than most people could react.

Chojusen saw the space law principles of gravity burn the brightest he had thus far in Pain's eyes. When suddenly, Pain said "Almighty Push!!!"

"NO!!!" Chojusen realized what he was going to do, and did his best to move as fast as possible. Pain was using a large scale gravity attack to level everything to nothingness for kilometers. Chojusen couldn't cancel this attack as it wasn't directed at him and even then his space mastery wasn't at the level to stop this monstrosity of an attack.

His Fiendgod Eyes that were close to making a breakthrough to stage three, got the push they needed from this pressure and Chojusen unconsciously used all three of his eyes' abilities. Now, in addition to the neon red ghost trail he gained from stage two, the sclera of his eyes became a fiendish grey color.

At first, he thought that he was perceiving time much faster than normal; it was a reasonable guess as moving a stage couldn't be compared to increasing the proficiency within a stage. However, everything was moving too slow. This realization didn't set in until he collected everyone he cared about into his personal dimension.

At that point, he realized that Pain's attack hadn't moved much, so he checked to see if his eyes had the unbelievable ability he thought they had. The system beat him to it, with a prompt.

[Host has evolved Fiendgod Eyes to Stage 3

Fiendgod Eyes (Stage 3 | 0/100): Special eyes that grant the user multiple spacetime abilities. These eyes can be used outside of Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode. Current Effect: (Stage 1) Allows the user to perceive time ten times as fast. (Stage 2) Allows the user to stop spacetime from effecting his body for one hour, but can only be used four times a day. (Stage 3) The user slows local time down in a ratio of 1:10 for ten seconds, but can only be used once a day.]

Chojusen still had a couple more seconds, so he did his best to rescue all the ninjas he could; even the enemy ninjas that stopped attacking. It's amazing what 900 plus clones could accomplish in a couple seconds with all of Chojusen's abilities, as he got every single person in attendance aside from Pain into his personal dimension. He still had another two seconds, so he smacked Pain as hard as he could with a staff he created from his Armament Creation skill and waited to see the results.

When time returned to normal speed, Pain's attack had already been unleashed; there was no going back. But his body was beyond repairable after taking a direct critical hit with no defense the way it did by Chojusen. Chojusen watched as Pain's gravity attack flattened everything within several kilometers to the ground in the shape of a sphere, with his original position being the epicenter.

The attack even managed to reach a part of the Hidden Leaf Village. Luckily, no one was caught in the attack, as all the citizens and non-ninjas were moved to shelter long ago.

Back where Nagato's real body was, Nagato coughed a pint of blood from the severe backlash of taking Chojusen's attack so suddenly. His already crippled and malnourished body shivered for a couple seconds, before he decided to bring about the end. He knew that the remaining paths would be effortlessly taken out by Chojusen, so he went with his absolute final resort.

Nagato looked at Konan for one last time, a hint of care could be detected, but it was extinguished as he said "Rinne Rebirth!"

Just outside his hideout, a monstrous demon-like gate opened its mouth and a single soul escaped into the world. The soul flew into a corpse that was in coffin next to Nagato's true body. Then a man with fair skin, long black hair, and a traditional red armor opened his eyes. This man smirked as he knew that his goal of reviving was complete and said "It feels good to be back..."

The man ignored the grieving Konan, and walked up to the corpse that just sacrificed himself to revived him. With not a hint of mercy, the man shoved his fingers into Nagato's face and dug out his eyes. There was not lack of remorse for desecrating the dead, no gratitude for the sacrifice Nagato had to for him, no emotion in the newly revived man's eyes.

Konan was justifiably mad, she said "Madara! You!"

"Shut up!" Madara, took Konan by her throat. He said "I've already given him my eyes for long enough. Now that I want them back, who are you to stop me?" He released his grip on her through and spoke as he transplanted his eyes back in their rightful place "You should be glad. I'm already honoring him by not killing you for being so impetuous!"

Madara took a second to regain his vision after the eye transplant. With Hashirama's cells, what would otherwise take days or weeks of natural healing could be done in mere moments. Madara savored this feeling of power for a while before he directed his attention to the view outside Nagato and Konan's hideout.

Nagato needed his hideout to be close to the six paths of pains' bodies as he controlled them with chakra and chakra receivers. The effects of his last attack where visible even from his hideout, so Madara had no problems knowing where to go. Even if he did, he could just use his Rinnegan to search for the special energy that could only come from a Rinnegan to find the battlefield.

Madara didn't even use Body Flicker, his running speed alone, allowed him to cross the distance to face Chojusen in a matter of seconds. Chojusen was wary of this newcomer, he also had a Rinnegan, but this time that wasn't what bothered him; it was his energy. Unlike Pain, Madara actually earned his Rinnegan to right way. He evolved it from the basic Sharingan all the way to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and then using Hashirama's cells, he mastered Sage Mode.

Madara was in his base form — without even bringing the Rinnegan into the conversation — was capable of giving Chojusen a run for his money; if Chojusen also stayed in his base form. Madara looked at Chojusen with a bit of amusement in his eyes and said "Boy! You are the one who pushed my little pawn, into summoning me back from the dead?"

"Is that any way to talk about the guy that revived you?" Chojusen was put off by Madara's inconsiderate comments.

"Way to talk? What are we, a couple of children? Get real. This is the real world young man. Everyone has a goal they want to realize and will do anything to get."


"Anyways, now that I'm back, I want to have a grand old time fighting before I create a world, void of losers."

"Another psychopath wants to save the world? Are you going to do it though threats like your "pawn"?"

"No, no. However, I will still need the Jinchurikis to realize my plan." Madara didn't appear too bothered when Chojusen labeled him a psychopath.

"Well, I gue..."

[Uh, oh. Did somebody call for a Spicy Mission~

Chain Mission

Stop the allied army. Rewards: 50,000 shop points✔

Stop the new enemies. Rewards: 100,000 shop points✔

Defeat Pain. Rewards: 250,000 shop points✔

Defeat Madara. Rewards: 1,000,000 + Bonus (Depends on how many steps host completes.)]]

[Super Spicy Bonus Mission Incoming!

Bonus Mission D): Beat Madara after he becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Reward: Will improve the Bonus after the Chain Mission Ends.]

"Quick question. Do you by chance plan on becoming the jinchuriki of whatever superweapon comes out of the nine tailed beasts' fusion?"

"Oh? How did you know?" Madara raised an eyebrow. He almost couldn't believe that Chojusen found out his plan. But then again he beat someone with a Rinnegan, so anything was possible; at least that was Madara's train of thought.

"Mhmm. Alright, fine let's do it..."

"Wait, you're just going to let me take Jinchurikis and go through with my plan?" Now he really couldn't believe Chojusen. Did this kid hit his head and think he became invincible after beating Nagato? Madara started to laugh in an over-the-top and obviously evil manner. His laughing became even more ridiculous when he saw Chojusen pull out Naruto, Gaara, Killer B, Yugito, and the Fourth Mizukage out from his personal dimension.

Through his laughing fit, Madara summoned the Gedo Statue and quickly stole, just enough chakra from the jinchurikis to awaken the Ten-Tails. He didn't want to take his chances with Chojusen potentially changing his mind, so he acted as ruthlessly as possible.

DID SOMEBODY SAY DOUBLE RELEASE? I know its late, but I had to write a research paper in between my novel scribbling marathon.

I admit, I might have gone a bit overboard with the spicy missions, but hey! They are needed, for the plot of course...

And no, Chojusen isn't underestimating Madara. He barely showed the limits of his strength during his fight with Pain...

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