
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Others
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145 Chs

Could It Be? A Worthwhile Fight?

Chojusen put the jinchurikis back in his personal dimension and sat down lazily while watching the spectacle before him play out.

After Madara had the Gedo Statue absorb enough energy from the jinchurikis, the statue almost came alive. The outer layer of the statue broke down, making the statue looked like it was about to be crumbled. However, beams of light started escaping from the statue, from the smallest of rays to the brightest beam once the whole statue broke off its old outer layer.

What remained was a large ten tailed abomination with a single eye. Since Chojusen did nothing to stop Madara from completing his plan, the sealing process didn't take too long. Madara shouted "Six Paths Ten-Tails Coffin Seal." It was quite the amusing sight, watching a tailed beast taller than skyscrapers get absorbed into one human body.

When Madara completely sealed the Ten-tails into himself, his appearance took a drastic change. His fair skin turned pale and his black hair became white. Horns appeared to have grown out of his temples and a coat of natural yin-yang energy covered him, instead of his red armor. He now held a staff, and several black orbs hovered behind him.

Chojusen sat up from the floor waiting for another Bonus mission. He was expecting another challenge, but none came. Regrettably he wouldn't be able to scam the system out of more shop points. Oh well, at least he'll try to have a good fight.

"Follow me." Chojusen wasn't about to start a fight of this magnitude right next to the Hidden Leaf Village. Even if it was partially destroyed by Pain's last attack, the damage from the upcoming battle might actually spread to those who took shelter earlier.

Madara already thought he won, he didn't mind following Chojusen for a little while. When they traveled a couple thousand kilometers away from the Hidden Leaf Village and arrived in a flatland area that spanned over the horizon, the two stopped to have their fight.

"All right you can go first..." Chojusen was a bit scared. His attitude had taken a nosedive after evaluating Madara's strength as the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Madara in his current form was the strongest thing Chojusen had ever seen. But he was a bit scared and hesitant to fight Madara, not because he thought he might lose, but because he thought, he might win too easily; the ease with which he won made all his previous fights was boring in his eyes.

Madara started the fight with melee combat; not a wise choice. With a Truth Seeking Orb turned staff, Madara fought against Chojusen's staff. To Madara's surprise his staff didn't damage Chojusen's staff at all; he was completely blocked. Since Chojusen's staff was on par with the Truth Seeking Orb, Marada used his remaining orbs to assault Chojusen as he fought with his staff CQC style.

Chojusen started to overpower Madara when he started fueling his muscles with his energy through the ability of his ninth Hidden Gate. Madara snorted at this unbelievable moment, and called his Susano.

He directly went into the complete form of Susanoo, which would have made him much larger and stronger than Chojusen, if not for Chojusen's Multisize skill. Chojusen matched Madara's perfect Susanoo and height, but that wasn't enough to matched the Tengu's power, so he exacerbated his already high energy consumption, by using Density Duplication and Multisize at the same time.

Feeling overpowered yet again, Madara abandoned melee combat all together, opting to launch ninjutsu techniques instead. He clasped his hands and shouted "Shattered Heaven Quaking Star!" and a couple meteors fell from the sky.

The meteors this time were a bit smaller than the one Pain created with a black hole. However, there were several meteors. Chojusen and Madara were in a wide open field with no bystanders Chojusen needed to care about; meaning there would be no problems for Chojusen to ignore the meteors. Thus, Chojusen teleported out of harm's way and watched the aftermath.

Chojusen looked at Madara like he was an idiot and said "What exactly was your plan there? You and I can both evade that even if I didn't teleport."

Madara cursed him "You!"

Chojusen cut him off. He created a supernova in his hand and launched it at Madara. When Madara saw the supernova his Rinnegan screamed at him to get as far from the attack as possible. Chojusen saw Madara start to retreat so he used his gravity skill to preemptively activate the supernova.

Madara managed to leave ground zero before it was too late, but he was still caught in the aftermath that ruined an area of 50 kilometers. He didn't appear to be hurt as he used his Truth Seeking Orbs as a barrier; though he knew that getting caught in the fire storm in the center of the detonation would destroy even his Truth Seeking Orbs.

In this time where the dust was settling, after that ridiculous attack by Chojusen, Madara tried to catch his enemy of guard with Limbo Clones. Chojusen couldn't see through the Limbo dimension, but with his sharp senses he detected odd movements in the world. That didn't do much to stop him from getting smacked across the burning battlefield as he could only defend himself so much from an attack he couldn't see coming.

Chojusen rose from the ground his slightly scraped skin healed by the time he was on his feet. Madara didn't let Chojusen take a break, he shouted "Sage Art: Storm Release Lightning Fang" and a beam of lightning moving at the speed of light pierced Chojusen's chest after he managed to regain his footing.

Chojusen wasn't capable of completely dodging an attack that travelled at the speed of light, and he wasn't able to teleport away from the lightning beam, but with his Fiendgod Eyes working double time, he managed to slightly shift his body so as to not let the attack hit any vital organs.

Chojusen smiled as he entered Elemental Sage Mode. Now, his power have been multiplied by 11 and he took on the properties of lightning. The black markings that took over his body in Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode became purple while using Lightning Sage Mode and his hair pointed towards the sky in defiance of gravity.

With a Yin Rebirth and Yang Rebirth eleven times as potent as they were in his base form, Chojusen completely restored his condition to peak performance before Madara could attempt another sneak attack.

Chojusen used Density Duplication to the max and made his way over to Madara's side. His speed had been augmented so drastically that it looked like he teleported. Before Madara could react, Chojusen stomped off one of his legs and kicked him through a couple mountains before his body came to a halt.

Now Madara's pride had been crushed and he would get revenge no matter the consequence. One of his eye reverted from the Rinnegan to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and he started spamming his eyes' space and time abilities.

Yes, I know, the chapter was short. BUT, It comes with a double release and the chapters together have 3000+ words so its about average~

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