
Great Power and Great Responsibility

Someone else gets bitten by the Spider meant to bite Gwen Stacy in Earth 65. The webs of fate weave another story for a character who was never meant to exist. Meet Ace Jameson. Grandson of the J. Jonah Jameson. Also, a dude who's not actually from this universe at all. He's not quite a fan of this mantle he has. Same name, the ones who post it are me, just under a different username. Edited by Ludwig_The_Mad/Wolfenstein/Leffyet.

TheBlackSkull · Movies
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Chapter 11: Ace Tries To Ask A Girl Out

After going through the rest of my classes, I went home and patrolled for a bit, but there weren't any crimes in the general area besides some teens loitering. Checking my phone, my police scanner was just as silent. So I headed back home early to sleep. I'd need a good night's worth of rest for what I intended to do tomorrow. You might be asking yourselves, why Ace you beautiful stud of a human being, what are you gonna do?

Well, it's simple, voices in my head. I will be asking out the girl of my dreams, aka Felicia 'Cat Burglar' Hardy. Sure, there was like a… 99% chance she was actually a thief who robbed rich people and would emotionally manipulate me but I mean, she was super hot. As if you wouldn't sell out your morals to date a hot blonde.

Anyways, I was so nervous that I actually only managed to sleep 3 hours later. I was so nervous that when my alarm clock went off I smashed my fist down on it, sending pieces of it everywhere. Alright, so I might not have the best luck with the ladies but I mean I'm a Spider-Man? Boy? Point is, I have powers!

A girl should be no trouble when I'm Spider-Man! I literally swing from rooftops and beat up criminals! A girl is nothing compared to being beaten to near death by supervillains. Not that I've ever been beaten by a supervillain… But like there's a real chance of that happening. 

Like I'm 100% sure I'll have to fight a supervillain one day. 

I just hope Hanz doesn't turn out to be my Green Goblin or Doc Ock. If he does start talking about us ruling New York, I am shoving him in a metal container and taking him to a licensed therapist. That or I just shoot him. But that's a last resort. Sort of like using the XXS condoms when you run out. You don't wanna use it but you either risk a pregnancy or use it.

I probably shouldn't compare murdering my friend to sex. But eh, too late now. I was pretty nervous still, to the point I didn't bother to eat and just sped off to school. I ran so fast that I got there in under 10 minutes. I could probably enter any sport competitively and make serious cash. Though that would raise the risk if they took a blood test, they'd end up discovering my powers.

So, becoming the number one superathlete was out of the question. Guess I'll have to lay those dreams of mine to rest. Anyway, now wasn't the time to think about my future career options! Now was the time to go ask out a girl! And as though blessed by the very god of spiders, I found Felicia Hardy at her locker on her phone surrounded by some of her clique.

I walked over to her suavely and grinned as charmingly as possible, "Hey Felicia. Uh…" And then my brain blanked on me. I had nothing in my head besides some annoying thought to spit it out. So that's what I did. I said it all really fast though, "Willyougotothepromwithme?!" I was completely disappointed in myself.

I was ready to crawl into a pit and die until Felicia turned to look at me with those beautiful emerald green eyes of hers and spoke those magic words, "No." Before walking off. I will admit it took me a bit to process that before I kinda sorta just got back up.

As they say, you always need options. So I was gonna ask out the next best person I knew. That's right voices in my head, I was gonna ask out a cheerleader. 

What? You thought I'd ask out Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy? As if! I am a man of refined tastes! And those two also have way too many issues for me. And who's the one hot cheerleader that was in Spectacular Spider-Man? That's right, Liz Allan! I had resolved my mind to ask her out after gym class.

The rest of my classes passed by well enough though I was kind of weighed down by my rejection. At least nobody made fun of me for it. I was smart enough to avoid going for some loud dramatic confession. As I stepped out I nearly bowled over Felicia in the mad dash to leave.

"Oof." I grunted as she smashed into me with the full force of her body. She wasn't that heavy but my brain just says oof whenever I bump into anything. The human body is crazy. Actually why do so many aliens look similar to humans? Or is it vice versa? Wait fuck why was I rambling?! Felicia was saying something and I only caught the tail-end of her sentence.

"-Which is why I'm sorry and-" She sighed before continuing again. "And is why we should go to prom together." I'm not gonna lie voices in my head, if you actually heard what she said before could you repeat it for me? No? Well fuck you guys too.

Now listen I'm not the most eloquent of people but I'm reasonably sure you'd also react as I did in this situation, which was saying, "Mmnh." Nodding my head and then walking away while screaming at myself about what the fuck I just did. But I committed to my actions, turning around would mean I'd look even dumber and I wasn't willing to look even more like a fool. Also was Felicia bipolar or something? Who rejects a guy earlier and then asks him out later?

My body walked to the cafeteria, got a tray of food and sat next to Flash and Peter for a bit before it finally clicked for me that I was in fact around other people. I need to stop spacing out. I wasn't really listening to what Peter was saying as I watched Hanz and Gwen talk for a bit before she said something and he left with a frown on his face. I wonder if she told him his science project was dumb or something.

Then Peter got up and with a flourish presented a rose to Gwen before getting down on one leg and squeaking, "Gwen Stacy, will you do me the honors of accompanying me to prom?" Now I said I'm not a bully before and let me reiterate this again, I'm not a bully. But Peter's confession was too funny. Flash was literally pounding the table and holding his laughs in.

Then Gwen smiles kindly and I'm pretty sure everyone leans forward to hear what she says, "Peter, I like you but… more as a brother or as a friend. Besides, Harry kind of already… asked me out.. And I said yes." Harry's just standing in the crowd looking kind of awkward and sympathetic to Peter's plight with a wry smile on his face.

Peter just kind of… wilts at this? Like not physically but his spirit was definitely broken by this rejection. Like you can feel his soul leaving his body like a tortured ghost. I hope we don't get some School Shooter Peter arc because of this. Peter just walks out of the cafeteria with his head held low as people start gossiping.

"Should we go… comfort him?" I ask Flash feeling pretty concerned because like half the villains in Marvel happens because of petty stuff like this. Well actually a lot of them happen from weird science accidents but still! Flash clears his throat, "Well if I got friendzoned like that… I'd probably wanna be left alone for a bit. I say we give him a few days. Don't worry, Pete's a tough guy, he's bounced back from worse."

I nod as my concern abates a little. Yeah that makes sense. I mean so many Peter's have been tortured, brutalized and stuff but they don't go insane because of it. This version should be fine too. Hopefully. I still couldn't suppress that slight niggling feeling in the back of my mind. I was forgetting something important. I was just hoping it wasn't something big.